查找服务机构 在澳大利亚的任何地方,查找离你最近的性健康中心或检测服务机构来做HIV和性传播感染检测。使用你的语言与服务机构联系,查询其是否提供此项服务。 Mpox (monkeypox) vaccination: Use the map filters below to find locations. More vaccine info here. 就近查找 搜索 There was a problem finding your location. You can try again, or try searching instead. 10 km HIV self test kit stockist HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 76 Prince Medical 76 Prince Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6362 5055 https://www.76prince.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 a[TEST] Newtown 404 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 https://endinghiv.org.au/test-often/book-a-test/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 a[TEST] Oxford Street 167 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 atest@acon.org.au http://www.atest.org.au HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 a[TEST] Surry Hills ACON, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 atest@acon.org.au http://www.atest.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 Aboriginal Health Service 56 Patrick Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6234 0777 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Access Health – The Salvation Army St Kilda 31 Grey St, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9536 7780 https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/locations/victoria/v237/access-health/ Mpox vaccination Access Health and Community 238 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9810 3000 https://accesshc.org.au/contact/richmond/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Ace Pharmacy Kedron Shop 2/232 Gympie Road, Kedron QLD 4031Get Directions (07) 3857 0200 contact@acepharmacy.com.au https://acepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist ACON Hunter Office 129 Maitland Rd, Islington NSW 2296Get Directions (02) 4962 7700 hunter@acon.org.au HIV和STI检测 ACU Medical Centre Melbourne 8-14 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9953 3762 https://www.acu.edu.au/student-life/student-services/medical-centres/acu-medical-centre-melbourne Mpox vaccination Adelaide Sexual Health Centre 260 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7117 2800 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/primary+and+specialised+services/sexual+health+services/adelaide+sexual+health+centre/adelaide+sexual+health+centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Advantage Pharmacy Bedford 11/215 Grand Promenade, Bedford WA 6052Get Directions (08) 9271 2725 info@bedfordpharmacy.com.au https://www.bedfordpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Advantage Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 1037, Westfield Bondi Junction, 500 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9369 1350 https://www.westfield.com.au/bondijunction/store/4L6pAogyJLOGNFimV5h48z/advantagepharmacy HIV self test kit stockist AIM Health Melbourne Student Medical Centre Level 1, 253 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9005 2118 https://www.aimhealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Ainslie House – Royal Perth Hospital Sexual Health Level 4, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9224 2178 https://rph.health.wa.gov.au/Services/Sexual-Health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Albert Park Medical Centre 51-55 Dundas Pl, Albert Park VIC 3206Get Directions (03) 9699 8044 https://qualitashealth.com.au/our-practices/albert-park-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Albury Sexual Health Service – Clinic 72 596 Smollett Street, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6058 1831 https://www.awh.org.au/services-departments/community-health-allied-health-dental-rehabilitation/community-health/albury-sexual-health-service-clinic-72 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Alexander Heights Family Practice 44 Greenpark Rd, Alexander Heights WA 6064Get Directions (08) 9247 2533 https://www.alexanderheightsfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Alexander Street Medical Clinic – Goloub Boris 322 Inkerman Street, St Kilda East 3183Get Directions (03) 9527 9545 Mpox vaccination ALFA Medical and Skin Clinic 330 Sheridan St, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4243 6868 http://www.alfamedical.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Alfred Hospital – Victorian HIV Service & I.D. Clinic The Alfred Hospital, 55 Commercial Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9276 6081 specailistimmunisationservice@alfred.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Ali Medical Centre Shop 15, 276-278 Maude Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5895 0170 manager@alimedical.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/shepparton-3630-vic/ali-medical-centre/gp-general-practice/c6c974b6-7ec3-f4e2-30c2-9b357288b304 Mpox vaccination Alice Springs Pharmacy Shop 46, Yeperenye Shopping Centre, 36-38 Hartley Street, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8952 1554 alicesp@unitedps.net.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/alice-springs-0870-nt/alice-springs-pharmacy/pharmacy/4fb9bded-ebbf-5b3f-be90-d8d6f70488b4 HIV self test kit stockist Alpha Medical Centre – Cobram 30 William St, Cobram VIC 3644Get Directions (03) 5871 2366 reception@alphamcc.com.au https://www.alphamcc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Altona North Medical Group 6/230 Blackshaws Rd, Altona North VIC 3025Get Directions (03) 9393 3900 admin@anmg.com.au https://www.anmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Amcal Burwood Highway Pharmacy 140 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125Get Directions (03) 8319 5745 contact@burwoodpharmacy.com https://www.burwoodpharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Amcal Pharmacity 717 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9322 6921 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/wa/amcal-pharmacy-perth-pharmacity HIV self test kit stockist Amcal+ Compounding Pharmacy – Balmain 298 Darling Street, Balmain NSW 2041Get Directions (02) 9818 5822 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/amcal-compounding-pharmacy-balmain HIV self test kit stockist Andrew Place Clinic Bundoora 1 Andrew Place, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9467 1444 https://www.andrewplaceclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Andrew Place Clinic Mill Park 30A Oleander Drive , Mill Park VIC 3082Get Directions (03) 9466 7211 https://www.andrewplaceclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Anglesea Medical 3 McMillan Street, Anglesea VIC 3230Get Directions (03) 4215 6700 reception@angleseamedical.com.au http://angleseamedical.com.au HIV和STI检测 ANU Medical Centre The Australian National University, Building 18, North Road, Acton ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6125 3598 http://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/health-service HIV和STI检测 Anyinginyi Aboriginal Corporation – Health Centre 71 Schmidt St, Tennant Creek NT 0860Get Directions (08) 8962 2385 https://www.anyinginyi.org.au/services1#HealthServices HIV和STI检测 Arch Medical Centre 1607A Sturt St, Alfredton VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5334 1919 https://southerncrossgp.com.au/alfredton/ Mpox vaccination Armadale Family Clinic Ground Floor, 1002-1004 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143Get Directions (03) 9509 1811 https://familyclinics.net/location/armadale/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Armidale Community Health Centre Clair House, Corner Butler and Rusden Streets, Armidale NSW 2350Get Directions (02) 6776 9600 HIV和STI检测 Ascot Family Practice 153a Racecourse Road, Ascot QLD 4007Get Directions (07) 3268 2318 reception@ascotfamilypractice.com.au https://ascotfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Ascot Vale Pharmacy 67-69 Union Rd, Ascot Vale VIC 3032Get Directions (03) 9370 4146 scripts@ascotvalepharmacy.com.au https://www.ascotvalepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Ashford Avenue Family Practice 3/126 Ashford Ave, Milperra NSW 2214Get Directions (02) 9774 3388 https://www.ashfordavenue.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Aspire Medical Centre 53B Watson Street, Bundaberg South QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4151 2255 http://aspiremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Austin Health — Infectious Diseases Clinic Level 7, Harold Stokes Building, 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, Heidelberg VIC 3084Get Directions (03) 9496 6676 Mpox vaccination Bagga’s Pharmacy 178 Hunter St Mall, Newcastle NSW 2300Get Directions (02) 4929 1758 info@baggas.com.au https://www.baggas.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Balance! Edmonton Family Practice 5 Walker Rd, Edmonton QLD 4869Get Directions (07) 4055 4400 https://balancehealthclinic.com.au/edmonton/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Balga Plaza Pharmacy 108 Princess Road, Balga WA 6061Get Directions (08) 9349 6334 dainguyen@westnet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/balga-6061-wa/balga-plaza-pharmacy/pharmacy/d45483e1-ea19-a67c-a004-55c6bd9681f7 HIV self test kit stockist Balgo Aboriginal Health Centre 1 Tanami Road, Balgo via Halls Creek WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9168 8953 https://kams.org.au/remote/balgo-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Ballarat Community Health Centre – Lucas 12 Lilburne Street, Lucas VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5338 4541 https://bchc.org.au/locations/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Ballarat Community Health Centre – Sebastopol 260 Vickers Street, Sebastopol VIC 3356Get Directions (03) 5338 4500 https://bchc.org.au/locations/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ballarat Health Services – Base Hospital 1 Drummond Street , North Ballarat VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5320 4000 https://www.bhs.org.au/ Mpox vaccination Balwyn Central Medical 427 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn VIC 3103Get Directions (03) 9830 2300 https://icohealth.com.au/balwyn/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Banora Shopping Village Medical Centre Cnr Darlington and Leisure Drives, Banora Point NSW 2486Get Directions (07) 5590 5875 https://banorashoppingvillagemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Barrier Reef Medical Centre 356 McLeod Street, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4051 6299 http://www.brmc.com.au HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Barwon Health StaffCare University 288-299 Ryrie St, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 4215 3220 staffcare@barwonhealth.org.au https://www.barwonhealth.org.au/services-departments/item/staffcare Mpox vaccination Barwon Health Vaccination Centre Reynolds Road, Belmont VIC 3216Get Directions https://bswphu.org.au/public-health-priorities/mpox/#vaccination-in-the-barwon-south-west Mpox vaccination Barwon Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinic – Geelong Clinic 4, Bellarine Centre, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 5226 7802 https://www.barwonhealth.org.au/services-departments/item/sexual-health-information-screening HIV和STI检测 Batemans Bay Sexual Health Service 7 Pacific Drive, Batemans Bay NSW 2536Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Bauhinia Health 36 First Street, Katherine NT 0850Get Directions (08) 7903 2100 admin@bauhinia.com.au https://bauhinia.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Baxter Medical Centre 57 Baxter-Tooradin Rd, Baxter VIC 3911Get Directions (03) 5971 1110 baxtermedicalanddental@gmail.com https://baxtermedicalanddental.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Beagle Bay Aboriginal Health Centre Lot 53 Beagle Bay Road, Beagle Bay WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4914 http://kams.org.au/remote/beagle-bay-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Beenleigh Mall Medical Centre Shop 24A, Level 1, 40-68 Main St, Beenleigh QLD 4207Get Directions (07) 3287 2224 http://www.bmmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Bega Sexual Health Service South East Regional Hospital, Virginia Drive, Bega NSW 2550Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Belconnen Mall Medical Centre Shop 168, Level 3, Westfield Belconnen, Belconnen ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6253 3123 http://belconnenmmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Bendigo Community Health Services – Eaglehawk 75 Mitchell Street, Bendigo VIC 3552Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 bchs@bchs.com.au https://www.bchs.com.au/contact/eaglehawk Mpox vaccination Bendigo Community Health Services – Kangaroo Flat 19 Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 bchs@bchs.com.au https://www.bchs.com.au/contact/kangaroo-flat Mpox vaccination Bendigo Health 100 Barnard St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/GettingHere/Maps/ Mpox vaccination Bendigo Primary Care Centre 123 Arnold Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5441 8622 https://bendigoprimarycarecentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Bendigo Salvation Army 65-71 Mundy Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Bendigo Sexual Health Clinic 165-171 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 https://www.bchs.com.au/sexual-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Bendigo UFS Pharmacies – Hargreaves Street 379 Hargreaves St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5443 6430 hargreaves@bendigoufs.com.au https://www.bendigoufs.com.au/locate-us-hargreaves-street/ Mpox vaccination Berwick Healthcare 76 Clyde Road, Berwick VIC 3806Get Directions (03) 9796 1500 reception@berwickhealthcare.com.au https://www.berwickhealthcare.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Better Access Medical Clinic 1 Hamilton Place, Bowen Hills QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3620 8111 medical@quihn.org https://betteraccessmedical.org/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Better Value Pharmacy Box Hill 1 Main St, Box Hill VIC 3128Get Directions (03) 9890 3182 bvpboxhill@gmail.com https://www.bettervaluepharmacyboxhill.com/ Mpox vaccination Bidyadanga Aboriginal Health Clinic Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community, Lot 86, Wankaja Road, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4952 http://kams.org.au/remote/bidyadanga-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Bill Warner Chemist 334 Victoria St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9331 4766 billwarnerchemist@gmail.com https://www.billwarnerchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Billiluna Aboriginal Health Centre Tanami Road, Kirurrungka (Billiluna) Community WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 8144 https://kams.org.au/remote/billiluna-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Blackbutt Doctors Surgery Level 1, 58 Orchardtown Road, New Lambton NSW 2305Get Directions (02) 4950 9733 https://www.blackbuttdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Blakes Pharmacy 18 Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point 2011 NSWGet Directions (02) 9358 6712 info@blakespharmacy.com.au http://www.blakespharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Blood Borne Virus & Sexual Health 92 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700Get Directions (07) 4932 5440 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Bloomfield Medical Group Level 2, 1521 Forest Road, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 5335 6666 https://bloomfieldmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Blooms The Chemist Baldivis Shop 43, Stockland Centre, 26 Safety Bay Road, Baldivis WA 6171Get Directions (08) 9523 0006 baldivis@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-baldivis HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Baldivis Stockland Shop 17, Stockland Centre, 20 Settler Avenue, Baldivis WA 6171Get Directions (08) 9524 3803 baldivisstockland@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-baldivis-stockland HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Bathurst Chase Shop 25B, Bathurst Chase Shopping Centre, 39-41 William Street, Bathurst NSW 2795Get Directions (02) 6331 2599 bathurstchase@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bathurst-chase HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Belmont Citi Shop 25 Belmont Citi Centre, Macquarie Street, Belmont NSW 2280Get Directions (02) 4945 8878 belmontciti@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-belmont-citi HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Bull Creek Shop 7, Stockland Bull Creek Shopping Centre, South Street, Bull Creek WA 6149Get Directions (08) 9332 3777 bullcreek@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bull-creek HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Bundaberg Shop 406, Sugarland Plaza, 115 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4152 5088 bundaberg@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bundaberg HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Burwood Shop 46-47 Burwood Plaza, 46 Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 2134Get Directions (02) 9744 9508 burwood@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-burwood HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Casey Central Shop 132-134 Casey Central Shopping Centre,, 400 Narre Warren Cranbourne Road, Narre Warren South VIC 3805Get Directions (03) 9704 8166 casey@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-casey-central HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Castle Plaza Shop 4-7 Castle Plaza Shopping Centre, 992 South Road, Edwardstown SA 5039Get Directions (08) 8277 1511 castleplaza@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-castle-plaza HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Cranbourne Shop 123 Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre, High Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5996 2254 cranbourne@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-cranbourne HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Crows Nest 99 Willoughby Road, Crows Nest NSW 2065Get Directions (02) 9439 1504 crowsnest@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-crows-nest HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Dubbo Shop 15-16a, Dubbo Square, 177 Macquarie Street, Dubbo NSW 2830Get Directions (02) 6882 4853 dubbo@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-dubbo HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Essendon 1049 Mt Alexander Rd, Essendon VIC 3040Get Directions (03) 9379 2158 essendon@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/essendon HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Geraldton Fountains 114 Marine Terrace, Geraldton WA 6530Get Directions (08) 9921 1755 geraldton@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-geraldton-fountains HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Glenelg 95 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 82957466 glenelg@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-glenelg HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Glenorchy Shop 14 & 15, Glenorchy Shopping Centre, Eady St, Glenorchy TAS 7010Get Directions (03) 6272 4313 glenorchy@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-glenorchy HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Gordon 765 Pacific Hwy, Gordon NSW 2072Get Directions (02) 9498 2587 gordon@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-gordon HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Hobart 71 Bathurst Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions 1800 252 436 hobart@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-hobart HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Kenmore Shop 9-10, Kenmore Plaza Shopping Centre, 841 Moggill Rd, Kenmore QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3378 5769 kenmore@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-kenmore HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Miller Shops 46-48 Miller Central, 90 Cartwright Ave, Miller NSW 2168Get Directions (02) 9607 7204 miller@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-miller HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Mount Ommaney Shop 1, Mt Ommaney Centre, 171 Dandenong Road, Mt Ommaney QLD 4074Get Directions (07) 3376 8788 mtommaney@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-mt-ommaney HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist North Perth 372 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth WA 6006Get Directions (08) 9328 5762 northperth@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-north-perth HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Northbridge Shop 13, Northbridge Plaza, 79/113 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063Get Directions (02) 9958 8646 northbridge@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-northbridge HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Orange Shop 19, Orange Metro Plaza Centre, 227 Summer Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6362 1267 orange@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-orange HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Padstow 57-59 Padstow Parade, Padstow NSW 2211Get Directions (02) 9773 9427 padstow@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-padstow HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Penrith High Street Shop 3, 535 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750Get Directions (02) 4724 2050 penrith@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-penrith-high-street HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Rochedale Shop 5B, Rochedale Village, 329 Gardner Road, Rochedale QLD 4123Get Directions (07) 3423 2953 rochedale@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-rochedale HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Stud Park Stud Park Shopping Centre, Corner Stud & Fulham Rd, Rowville VIC 3178Get Directions (03) 9764 2933 studpark@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-stud-park HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist The Pines The Pines Shopping Centre, 22 K P McGrath Dr & Guineas Creek Rd, Elanora QLD 4221Get Directions (07) 5598 1415 thepines@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-the-pines HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Toorak Floor G, Tok H Centre, 459 Toorak Rd, Toorak VIC 3142Get Directions (03) 9826 1524 toorak@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-toorak HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Tweed City Central Shop 115, Tweed City Shopping Centre (opposite Woolworths), 54 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486Get Directions (07) 5524 4974 tweedcitycentral@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-tweed-city-central HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Wareemba 278 Great North Road, Wareemba NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9713 8629 wareemba@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-wareemba HIV self test kit stockist Blooms The Chemist Wyong 74 Pacific Hwy, Wyong NSW 2259Get Directions (02) 4352 1025 wyong@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-wyong HIV self test kit stockist Blue Mountains Sexual Health/HIV Clinic Blue Mountains Hospital, Great Western Highway, Katoomba NSW 2780Get Directions (02) 4784 6560 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Bluff Road Medical 328 Bluff Road, Sandringham VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9598 6244 https://www.bluffroadmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Bondi Beach Chemist 14 Campbell Parade, Bondi Beach NSW 2026Get Directions (02) 9130 5270 bondibeach.chemist@nunet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/bondi-beach-2026-nsw/bondi-beach-chemist/pharmacy/89d671c5-de1b-a529-f62d-25a948776a3d HIV self test kit stockist Bondi Road Doctors 27 Bondi Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 5811 reception@bondiroaddoctors.com.au https://www.bondiroaddoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Boondall Family Practice Shop 6, 2281 Sandgate Road, Boondall QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3265 7740 reception.boondallfamily@gmail.com https://www.boondallfamilypractice.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Border General Practice 425 David Street, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6062 3166 https://www.bordergeneralpractice.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Bourke Sexual Health Service Community Health Centre, 26 Tarcoon Street, Bourke NSW 2840Get Directions (02) 6870 2701 HIV和STI检测 Brecken Health 12-16 Vasse St, South Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9791 8133 https://breckenbunbury.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Brendale Medical Centre 249B Leitchs Road, Brendale QLD 4500Get Directions (07) 3881 0365 https://www.brenmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Bridging Healthcare Capital Chemist, 12 Sangster Place, Wanniassa ACT 2903Get Directions 0407 472 472 https://www.bridginghealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Brighton Medical Clinic 24-26 Carpenter Street, Brighton VIC 3186Get Directions (03) 9592 0222 https://www.brightonmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Brighton Regional Doctors 174 Brighton Road, Brighton TAS 7030Get Directions (03) 6144 6550 https://www.brightonregionaldoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Brisbane ATSICHS Youth Service (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service) 55 Annerley Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3240 8900 https://atsichsbrisbane.org.au/contact-us/locations/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Brisbane Harm Reduction Centre Biala Community Health Centre - Ground Floor, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3837 5600 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Brisbane Metro South Sexual Health Service – Logan Hospital Loganlea Rd, Meadowbrook QLD 4131Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Brisbane Metro South Sexual Health Service – Princess Alexandra Hospital 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Brisbane North Sexual Health Service – COH Pine Rivers Community Health Centre, 568 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500Get Directions (07) 3492 1800 BNSHS@Health.qld.gov.au https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/community/healthcare-services/brisbane-north-sexual-health HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Brisbane Sexual Health and HIV Service Level 1, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3837 5611 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Broome Community Health Service 67 Dakas Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9194 2340 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080163/broome-community-health-service/services/broome-6725-67-dakas-street HIV和STI检测 Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS) Corner of Dora and Anne Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 1338 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20055363/broome-regional-aboriginal-medical-service-brams/services/broome-6725--corner-dora-and-anne-street HIV和STI检测 Buckley Street Pharmacy 357 Buckley Street, Aberfeldie VIC 3040Get Directions (03) 9331 0000 contact@buckleystreetpharmacy.com https://www.buckleystreetpharmacy.com/ Mpox vaccination Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation – Grafton Clinic 131 Bacon St, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions 1800 571 117 info@bnmac.com.au https://bnmac.com.au/clinics/grafton-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Bulleen Plaza Medical Centre 103 Manningham Road, Bulleen VIC 3105Get Directions (03) 9852 2234 bulleenplazamedical@gmail.com https://bulleenpmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Bungendore Medical Centre 36 Ellendon Street, Bungendore NSW 2621Get Directions (02) 6238 1417 https://bungendoremedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Burleigh Heads Medical Centre 45-47 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220Get Directions (07) 5535 1844 info@bhmc.net.au https://www.bhmc.net.au/ Mpox vaccination Buronga Health One (Outreach service) 3 Pitman Avenue, Buronga NSW 2739Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 (option 0 for clinic 9) https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/fwlhd/facilities/buronga-healthone HIV和STI检测 Byron Bay Outreach Clinic Byron District Hospital (enter through ED), 10 Shirley Street, Byron Bay NSW 2481Get Directions (02) 6620 2980 HIV和STI检测 Caboolture Sexual Health & HIV Service King Street Community Health Centre, Caboolture Square, Level 5, 60-78 King Street, Caboolture QLD 4510Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Cairns Doctors 192 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4041 7099 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Cairns Hospital Emergency Department 165-171 Esplanade, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Cairns Sexual Health Service Cairns North Community Health, Facility 1st Floor, 381 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4226 4769 cairnsshs@health.qld.gov.au https://cairns-hinterland.health.qld.gov.au/healthcare-services/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Camden Day & Night Pharmacy 148 Argyle St, Camden NSW 2570Get Directions (02) 4655 9370 camden@daynightpharmacies.com.au https://www.daynightpharmacies.com.au/stores/camden-previously-blooms/ HIV self test kit stockist Campaspe Family Practice Kyneton Hospital, 7-25 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton VIC 3444Get Directions (03) 5422 9900 https://www.campaspefp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Campbelltown Mall Medical Centre L08 Campbelltown Mall, Queen Street, Campbelltown NSW 2560Get Directions (02) 4605 9999 http://www.nexushealthcare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Campbelltown Sexual Health Clinic Rosemeadow Community Health Centre, 5 Thomas Rose Dr, Rosemeadow NSW 2560Get Directions (02) 4633 4100 HIV和STI检测 Canberra Sexual Health Centre (CSHC) Building 8, Level 4, Canberra Hospital, Hospital Rd, Garran ACT 2605Get Directions (02) 5124 2184 https://www.canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au/services-and-clinics/services/canberra-sexual-health-centre-cshc HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Caneland Medical Centre Shop 2126, 2 Mangrove Rd, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4953 4333 https://canelandmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Capital Chemist Dickson 2/6 Dickson Place, Dickson ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7684 https://capitalchemist.com.au/dickson HIV self test kit stockist Capital Chemist O’Connor 9 Sargood Street, O'Connor ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7050 https://www.capitalchemistoconnor.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Capital Chemist Wanniassa Wanniassa Shopping Centre, 12 Sangster Place, Wanniassa ACT 2903Get Directions (02) 6231 6446 https://www.capitalchemist.com.au/wanniassa HIV self test kit stockist Capsule Pharmacy 747 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008Get Directions (03) 9614 5745 https://www.capsulepharmacy.online/ Mpox vaccination Carbal Medical Services – Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) 125 Russell Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions 1300 379 558 admin@carbal.com.au https://carbal.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Cardinia Casey Community Health Service – Cranbourne 140-154 Sladen Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5990 6789 HIV和STI检测 Caremore Bain & Co Pharmacy 77 Fitzroy St, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5757 https://caremore.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Carina Medical and Specialist Centre 396 Stanley Road, Carina QLD 4152Get Directions (07) 3398 8188 reception@carinamedical.com.au https://carinamedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Carlton Family Medical 88 Rathdowne Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 8330 3900 https://carltonfamilymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Carnegie & Malvern Medical Centre 1036 Dandenong Rd, Carnegie VIC 3163Get Directions (03) 9572 2211 https://www.cmmc1036.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Carseldine Family Clinic Shop ST6A/735 Beams Rd, Carseldine QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3263 4500 https://www.carseldinefamilyclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Casey Medical Centre Cranbourne 197 High Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5991 1222 https://www.caseymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Casey Superclinic 50 Kangan Drive, Berwick VIC 3806Get Directions (03) 9707 4777 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/vic-berwick-casey-superclinic/home/ HIV和STI检测 CBD Doctors Melbourne Level 10/53 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9077 9912 https://www.cbddoctorsmelbourne.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Central City Medical Centre Shop 14, 378 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9225 1188 https://www.ccmc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Services Cnr Buckley and Collins Street, Morwell VIC 3840Get Directions (03) 5136 5128 https://www.ramahyuck.org/clinic/clinic-morwell/ HIV和STI检测 Chapel Hill Family Doctors 2 Kirkdale Road, Chapel Hill QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3172 9910 https://www.chapelhillfamilydoctors.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Chapman Family Medical Practice Chapman Shopping Centre, 10/58 Perry Drive, Chapman ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6288 5000 https://www.chapmansurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Charleville Health Clinic 67 Edward Street, Charleville QLD 4470Get Directions (07) 4621 2100 https://www.southwest.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/charleville-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Charters Towers Health Service 137 - 139 Gill Street, Charters Towers QLD 4820Get Directions (07) 4787 0333 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/charters-towers/charters-towers-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Chelsea Arcade Medical Shop 10 & 11, 426 Nepean Hwy, Chelsea VIC 3196Get Directions (03) 9772 9878 https://icohealth.com.au/chelsea/ HIV和STI检测 Chemist Discount Centre Glenroy 796G Pascoe Vale Rd, Glenroy VIC 3046Get Directions 1300 901 903 info@cdcpharmacy.com.au https://www.chemistdiscountcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Hub Panania Pharmacy 72 Anderson Ave, Panania NSW 2213Get Directions (02) 9773 9801 pananiapharmacy@chemisthub.au https://www.chemisthub.au/store-locator/panania-pharmacy HIV self test kit stockist Chemist Warehouse Balwyn 252 to 254 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn VIC 3103Get Directions (03) 9830 1254 balwyn@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Brandon Park Shopping Centre MM100 Brandon Park Shopping Centre, 580 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill VIC 3150Get Directions (03) 9561 8855 brandonpark@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Chirnside Park Shop L01 Chirnside Park Shopping Centre, 239 to 241 Maroondah Highway, Chirnside Park VIC 3116Get Directions (03) 9726 4188 chirnsidepark@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Corio Central Shop G021 Corio Central , Corio VIC 3214Get Directions (03) 5275 2121 coriocentral@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/aboutus/store-locator Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Craigieburn Junction Building F Craigieburn Junction, 420 to 440 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn VIC 3064Get Directions (03) 8527 1771 craigieburnjunction@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Eltham Village SC Shop 10 11 12 and part 13 in Eltham Village SC, Eltham VIC 3095Get Directions (03) 9439 6085 elthamvillage@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Forest Hill Brentford Square 502 to 504 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill VIC 3131Get Directions (03) 9874 3288 brentfordsquare@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Kalkallo Shop 20 Kallo Town Centre, 44 Toyon Road, Kalkallo VIC 3064Get Directions (03) 8527 1749 kalkallo@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Lilydale Shops 7 8 & 9 Lilydale Marketplace, 33 to 45 Hutchinson Street, Lilydale VIC 3140Get Directions (03) 9735 2511 lilydale@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Mornington Central Shop SP010 Mornington Central, 78 Barkly Street, Mornington VIC 3931Get Directions (03) 8527 1766 morningtoncentral@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Mount Waverley 33 Hamilton Place, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03) 9807 1663 mountwaverley@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Newmarket Shop 3 5 & 6 338 to 390 Racecourse Rd, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9376 7228 newmarket@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Northcote 381 - 385 High St, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 9482 3099 northcote@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Preston 475 High St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9470 6626 preston@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Preston – Home Co. DC Tenancy T08 85 Chifley Drive, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9470 2656 prestonhomeco@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Templestowe 21A to 23 Anderson Street, Templestowe VIC 3106Get Directions (03) 9113 4429 templestowe@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemist Warehouse Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre SP041 Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre, 620 Victoria Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 3600 victoriagardenssc@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Chemistworks Broadway Shop G20A, 1 Bay Street, Broadway NSW 2007Get Directions (02) 9212 4377 dispensarybw@chemistworks.com.au https://www.chemistworks.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Chermside Medical Centre 2/956 Gympie Rd, Chermside QLD 4032Get Directions (07) 3917 4200 http://partneredhealthmedicalcentres.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Chisholm Medical Centre 26 Benham St, Chisholm ACT 2905Get Directions (02) 5112 2248 reception@chisholmmedicalcentre.com.au https://chisholmmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Church Street Medical Centre 300 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 4888 reception@churchmedical.com.au http://churchmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Cincotta Discount Chemist Blacktown (Compounding Chemist) 67 Main Street, Blacktown NSW 2148Get Directions (02) 9622 1937 d.blacktown@cincottadc.com.au https://www.cincottachemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist City Medical Ground level, 200 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9098 7480 https://www.citymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination City Medical Practice 10 Marine Terrace, Burnie TAS 7320Get Directions (03) 6431 6511 S100 HIV治疗 Clarendon Medical Centre 4 Neill St, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5461 0100 https://www.clarendonmed.com/ Mpox vaccination Clarity Medical 338 Dandenong Road, St Kilda East VIC 3183Get Directions (03) 9828 7570 https://claritymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Cleveland Family Practice 76C/90 Middle St, Cleveland QLD 4163Get Directions (07) 3488 2862 nurse@clevelandfp.com.au https://www.clevelandfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Clifford Gardens Medical Centre Shop 86, Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre, 100-124 Anzac Avenue, Newtown QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4589 0027 info@cliffordgardensmedical.com.au https://cliffordgardensmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Clifton Hill Medical Group 248 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9489 8355 https://chmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 145 — Tweed Valley Sexual Health Service Level 1, 145 Wharf Street, Tweed Heads NSW 2485Get Directions (02) 5506 6850 https://nnswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services/HIV-and-related-programs/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 16 – Royal North Shore Hospital Level 5, 2C Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065Get Directions (02) 9462 9500 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 229 Grafton Base Hospital, Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions (02) 6640 2229 HIV和STI检测 Clinic 23 – Devonport (Outreach service) 23 Steele Street, Devonport TASGet Directions (03) 6777 1371 https://www.health.tas.gov.au/service-finder/clinic-23 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 33 — Coffs Harbour Health Campus 345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6656 7865 https://mnclhd.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/sexual-health-hiv-and-hepatitis/hiv-services/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 33 — Grafton Base Hospital 174 Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions (02) 6641 8712 https://mnclhd.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/sexual-health-hiv-and-hepatitis/sexual-health-services/ HIV和STI检测 Clinic 33 — Kempsey Community Health 119 River Street, West Kempsey NSW 2440Get Directions (02) 6561 2790 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/west-kempsey-2440-nsw/clinic-33-kempsey/sexual-health-clinic/bba048a7-6029-ae19-e7b7-83df3292d22a HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 33 — Port Macquarie Community Health Centre Morton Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions (02) 6589 2145 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/port-macquarie-2444-nsw/clinic-33-port-macquarie/sexual-health-clinic/9661d8f2-109f-b769-b918-cb40cb114633 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 – Launceston 34 Howick Street, Launceston TAS 7250Get Directions (03) 6777 1371 mail@tascahrd.org.au https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/sexual-and-reproductive-health/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 — Alice Springs Ground floor, Eurilpa House, 25 Todd st, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8951 7549 https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 — Darwin Nightingale Road Red Wing, Building 4, Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) campus, Tiwi NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8999 2678 https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/sexual-health-services/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 — Katherine Katherine Hospital, Gorge Road, Katherine NT 850Get Directions (08) 8973 9049 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 — Nhulunbuy Corner Mathew Flinders Way and Chesterfield Court, Nhulunbuy NT 880Get Directions (08) 8987 0357 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 34 — Tennant Creek Tennant Creek Hospital, Corner Windly and Schmidt Streets, Tennant Creek NT 860Get Directions (08) 8962 4259 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 35 – Wangaratta 45-47 Mackay Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5723 2000 https://www.gatewayhealth.org.au/services/gp-clinics/sexual-and-reproductive-health-clinic-35/ HIV和STI检测 Clinic 35 – Wodonga (Gateway Health) 155 High Street, Wodonga VIC 3690Get Directions (02) 6022 8888 https://www.gatewayhealth.org.au/services/gp-clinics/sexual-and-reproductive-health-clinic-35/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 468 468 Peel Street, Tamworth NSW 2340Get Directions (02) 6764 8080 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/tamworth HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 60 – Hobart 60 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6166 2672 mail@tascahrd.org.au https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/sexual-and-reproductive-health/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 66 31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067Get Directions (02) 9411 3411 info@clinic66.com.au https://www.clinic66.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Clinic 9 — Broken Hill Sexual Health Clinic 2-4 Sulphide Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Cobar Health Service (Outreach service) 33 Woodiwiss Avenue, Cobar NSW 2835Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/cobar-health-service HIV和STI检测 Coburg Family Medical Centre 497 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058Get Directions (03) 9354 4042 voicemail.cfmc@gmail.com https://coburgfmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Coffs Central Medical Centre 113 West High Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 8699 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/nsw-coffs-harbour-coffs-central-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 cohealth Fitzroy 75 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9448 5531 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/fitzroy/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 cohealth Footscray (Paisley Street) 78 Paisley Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9448 5502 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/footscray/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 cohealth Kensington 12 Gower Street, Kensington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9448 5537 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/kensington/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Collie River Valley Medical Centre — Dr Peter Wutchak 24 Harvey Street, Collie WA 6225Get Directions (08) 9734 4111 http://crvmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Collingwood Medical 51 Langridge Street, Collingwood VIC 3066Get Directions (03) 9069 5840 https://collingwoodmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Collins Street Medical Centre (Dr Forgan-Smith) Level 7, 267 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 8575 6900 https://collinsstmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Commercial Road Pharmacy Shop 1, 212 Commercial Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9510 5074 info@commercialroadpharmacy.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/prahran-3181-vic/commercial-road-pharmacy/pharmacy/595df55b-40c1-0c2e-870d-ded9e5f9a812 HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Community Health @ GV Health 121-135 Corio St , Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions https://www.gvhealth.org.au/our-services/community-health/sexual-health-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Community Health Centre 96 Kite Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6392 8600 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Concept Medical SA Office 3, 6-14 Metro Parade, Mawson Lakes SA 5095Get Directions (08) 7123 6424 http://www.conceptmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Congress Gap Clinic 25 Gap Road, The Gap NT 0870Get Directions 1800 142 900 https://www.caac.org.au/clinic/gap-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Cooktown Multipurpose Health Service 48 Hope Street, Cooktown QLD 4895Get Directions (07) 4043 0100 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/cooktown-multipurpose-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Coolangatta Medical Centre 91 Griffith Street, Coolangatta QLD 4225Get Directions (07) 5599 1400 office@coolmedical.com.au https://www.coolangattamedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Cooleman Court Pharmacy Shop 15 Cooleman Crt, Brierly Street, Weston Creek ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6288 1867 https://lifepharmacygroup.com.au/cooleman-court-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist Coonabarabran Health Service (Outreach service) 98/92 Cassilis Street, Coonabarabran NSW 2357Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/coonabarabran-health-service HIV和STI检测 Corangamite Clinic 12 - 14 Miller Street, Colac VIC 3250Get Directions (03) 5231 5866 https://www.corangamiteclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Corryong Medical Clinic 20 Kiell St, Corryong VIC 3707Get Directions (02) 6076 3200 https://www.corryonghealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Cowra Health Service (Outreach service) 64 Liverpool Street, Cowra NSW 2794Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/cowra-health-service HIV和STI检测 Cranbourne West Medical Centre Cranbourne West Shopping Centre Shop S15, 19 Strathlea Drive, Cranbourne West VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 7017 5932 https://www.cranbournewestmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Craven’s Pharmacy 2/553 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9325 4375 pharmacycravens@gmail.com https://perthpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Crown St Medical Centre 351 Crown St, Lower Ground, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 3338 https://crownstmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Croydon Hills Pharmacy 6-10 McAdam Square , Croydon Hills VIC 3136Get Directions (03) 9725 6653 croydonhillsretailpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.croydonhillspharmacy.com.au Mpox vaccination Cue Health Centre 7 Victoria Street, Cue WA 6640Get Directions (08) 9963 0100 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/cue-6640-wa/cue-health-centre/gp-general-practice/9191fbf7-dc7b-48b0-ab0f-69d86be43e5e HIV和STI检测 Curtin University Health Service Level 1, Building 109, Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102Get Directions (08) 9266 7345 https://www.curtin.edu.au/students/personal-support/health/medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 CutPrice Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 4&6, 175-181 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions info@cutpricepharmacy.com.au https://www.cutpricepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Danila Dilba – Bagot Clinic 133 Bagot Road, Ludmilla NT 0820Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/bagot-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Darwin City 32-34 Knuckey St, Darwin City NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/darwin-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Humpty Doo Clinic Shop 2, 3 Skewes Street, Humpty Doo NT 0836Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/humpty-doo-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Malak Clinic Shop 3, 1 Malak Place, Malak NT 0812Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/malak-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Mens Clinic Suite 3, 9 Keith Lane, Fannie Bay NT 0820Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/mens-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Palmerston Clinic Unit 1/7 Rolyat St, Palmerston NT 0831Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/palmerston-clinic HIV和STI检测 Danila Dilba – Rapid Creek Clinic Rapid Creek Business Village, Shop 35, 48 Trower Rd, Millner NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/rapid-creek-clinic HIV和STI检测 Darebin Immunisation Service 270 Gower St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 8470 8562 https://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/immunisation Mpox vaccination Darlinghurst Chemist 213-219 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9357 6950 https://darlinghurstchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Darlinghurst Medical Centre 213-219 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 8302 1111 https://www.darlinghurstmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Davoren Park (Pending closure February 2019) 43 Peachey Road, Davoren Park SA 5113Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.shinesa.org.au/find-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Day & Night Chemist Ashfield 1 Hercules St (Opposite Ashfield train station), Ashfield NSW 2131Get Directions (02) 9797 8589 dnca1@bigpond.com https://www.dayandnightchemistashfield.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Deakin Medical Centre – Burwood 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC 3125Get Directions (03) 9244 5577 askanurse@deakin.edu.au https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/student-life-and-services/health-wellbeing-and-safety/hwb/dmc Mpox vaccination Deakin University Medical Centre 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216Get Directions (03) 5227 2333 https://www.deakin.edu.au/about-deakin/locations/campuses/geelong-waurn-ponds Mpox vaccination Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service East Perth 156-172 Wittenoom Street, East Perth WA 6004Get Directions (08) 9421 3888 http://www.dyhs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Maddington Binley Place, Maddington WA 6109Get Directions 1300 420 272 https://www.dyhs.org.au/clinics/maddington/ HIV和STI检测 Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Mirrabooka 22 Chesterfield Rd, Mirrabooka WA 6061Get Directions 1300 420 272 https://www.dyhs.org.au/clinics/mirrabooka/ HIV和STI检测 Derby Aboriginal Health Service (DAHS) 1 Stanley Street, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9158 4200 http://www.derbyaboriginalhealthservice.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Derby Community Health Service Corner of Neville and Clarendon Street, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9193 3263 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080166/derby-community-health-service/services/derby-6728-corner-loch-and-hardman#outpatients HIV和STI检测 Dhelkaya Health (Castlemaine campus) 142 Cornish Street, Castlemaine VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Dingee Memorial Hall (the supper room) 26 Mack Street, Dingee VIC 3571Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Brimbank (Deer Park) 28/72 Neale St, Deer Park VIC 3023Get Directions (03) 8372 6774 brimbank@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/brimbank/ Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Cobblebank Shop 6, Cobblebank Village, 201 Ferris Road, Cobblebank VIC 3338Get Directions (03) 8000 3600 cobblebank@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/cobblebank/ Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Lalor 338-340 Station Street, Lalor VIC 3075Get Directions (03) 9465 3749 lalor@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/lalor/ Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Maffra 110 Johnson Street, Maffra VIC 3860Get Directions (03) 5147 1504 maffra@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/maffra/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Northcote Shop Gx06&07, 25 Separation St, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 9489 8991 northcote@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/northcote/ Mpox vaccination Direct Chemist Outlet Oakleigh South 1146-1148 North Road, Oakleigh South VIC 3167Get Directions (03) 9570 6278 Oakleigh@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/south%20oakleigh/ Mpox vaccination Doc’s Megasave Chemist Shop G-09 Marketown Shopping Centre, 23 Steel Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302Get Directions (02) 4926 3300 office@docspharmacy.net https://www.docsmegasavechemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Doctor Foster & Associates — Dr Justin Marshall Usher Medical Centre, 124 Parade Road, Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9795 2555 https://fostersmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Doctors @ Teneriffe 3/29 Florence St, Teneriffe QLD 4005Get Directions (07) 3257 0841 admin@doctorsteneriffe.com.au https://www.doctorsteneriffe.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Doctors at Newmarket 76 Enoggera Road, Newmarket QLD 4051Get Directions (07) 3356 3300 https://doctorsatnewmarket.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Doctors of South Melbourne 145 Cecil Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205Get Directions (03) 8579 6838 manager@dosm.com.au https://www.doctorsofsouthmelbourne.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Don Medical Clinic Shop 7 / 48-54 Oldaker Street, Devonport TAS 7310Get Directions (03) 6441 5299 S100 HIV治疗 Dove Medical Centre 309 High Street, Echuca VIC 3564Get Directions (03) 4411 7855 admin@dovemedicalcentre.com.au https://www.dovemedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Doveton Street UFS Medical 1/202 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5364 9100 phu@bhs.org.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination DPV Health Broadmeadows Medical Centre 42/48 Coleraine St, Broadmeadows VIC 3047Get Directions 1300 234 263 https://www.dpvhealth.org.au/coronavirus-vaccination/vaccination-services/ Mpox vaccination DPV Health Mill Park Medical Centre 20 Civic Centre Drive, Mill Park VIC 3082Get Directions 1300 234 263 https://www.dpvhealth.org.au/coronavirus-vaccination/vaccination-services/ Mpox vaccination Dr Reddy’s Surgery 587 Robinson Road, Aspley QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3263 1177 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/aspley-4034-qld/dr-reddy-s-surgery/gp-general-practice/dd8beb91-62b1-8b4e-aa8d-5e269bf7f46c HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Dubbo Sexual Health 203 Brisbane Street, Dubbo NSW 2830Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Dunsborough Medical Centre Suite 4, 54 Dunn Bay Road, Dunsborough WA 6281Get Directions (08) 9746 3300 https://dunsboroughmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Eaglehawk sexual health clinic 3 Seymoure Street, Eaglehawk VIC 3556Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 https://www.bchs.com.au/sexual-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 East Canberra General Practice 25-31 Mustang Avenue, Majura Park ACT 2609Get Directions (02) 6248 2600 info@ecgp.com.au https://www.eastcanberragp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 East Grampians Health Service 5 Girdlestone St, Ararat VIC 3377Get Directions (03) 5352 9300 phu@bhs.org.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination East Sydney Doctors 102 Burton Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9332 2531 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Eastern Shore Doctors 48 Cambridge Road, Bellerive TAS 7018Get Directions (03) 6282 1399 S100 HIV治疗 Eastwood Medical Centre Shop 21A, Level 1, Eastwood Village Square, 1 Lakeside Road, Eastwood NSW 2122Get Directions (02) 9858 5833 http://www.eastwoodmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Eaton Medical Centre — Dr. Hein Gildenhuys Eaton Medical Centre, 13 Albatross Crescent, Eaton WA 6232Get Directions (08) 9724 3311 https://www.eatonmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Eden Sexual Health Service Bass Street, Eden NSW 2552Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Eleanor Clinic 20 Eleanor Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9318 4666 https://eleanorclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Envisage Pharmacy Townsville Shop 1, Clinical Practice Building, 1 James Cook Drive, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Get Directions (07) 4775 4741 townsville@envisagepharmacy.com.au https://www.envisagepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Epping Plaza Medical & Dental Centre Shop 216 Epping Plaza Regional Centre, 571-583 High Street, Epping VIC 3076Get Directions (03) 9422 2222 https://www.eppingplazamedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Epworth Men’s Health Clinic Grey Street Building, Level 1, 124 Grey Street, East Melbourne 3002Get Directions (03) 9418 8162 https://www.epworth.org.au/who-we-are/our-services/mens-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Equinox Gender Diverse Health Service 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9865 6700 https://thorneharbour.org/lgbti-health/trans-and-gender-diverse-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination ERA Health Level 9, 460 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9944 6200 https://www.erahealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Evandale Practice Suite 2, Level 1, 142 Bundall Road, Bundall QLD 4217Get Directions (07) 5510 3122 https://www.evandalepracticegc.com/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Evatt Pharmacy Shop 1, 21 Heydon Place, Evatt ACT 2617Get Directions 02 6259 9200 evatt.pharmacy@nunet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/evatt-2617-act/evatt-pharmacy/pharmacy/cc2996ef-8eef-1529-8aec-ac03bf8fd93f HIV self test kit stockist Evercare Clayfield 256 Junction Road, Clayfield, QLD 4011Get Directions (07) 3608 1400 https://evercare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Fairfield Family Clinic Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, 180 Fairfield Road, Fairfield QLD 4103Get Directions (07) 3844 1100 practice.manager@fairfieldfamilyclinic.com.au https://www.fairfieldfamilyclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Family Clinics Caulfield South 478 Kooyong Rd, Caulfield South VIC 3162Get Directions (03) 9967 2662 https://familyclinics.com.au/location/caulfield-south/ Mpox vaccination Family Medical Centre – Shepparton 174 Nixon St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5821 2533 Mpox vaccination Family Planning NT Unit 2 The Clock Tower, Coconut Grove NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8948 0144 http://www.fpwnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Family Planning Tasmania – Burnie 1 Pine Avenue, Upper Burnie TAS 7320Get Directions (03) 6431 7692 HIV和STI检测 Family Planning Tasmania – Hobart (Glenorchy) 421 Main Road, Glenorchy TAS 7010Get Directions (03) 6273 9117 HIV和STI检测 Family Planning Tasmania – Launceston 269 Wellington St, South Launceston TAS 7249Get Directions (03) 6343 4566 HIV和STI检测 Family Plus Medical Practice Shop 16/815 Zillmere Rd, Aspley QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3622 6486 admin@familyplusmedical.com.au https://familyplusmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Family Practice Plus Dakabin Dakabin Shopping Centre Shop T09, 1 Alma Rd, Dakabin QLD 4503Get Directions (07) 3060 1800 https://www.familypracticemedicalcentres.com.au/dakabin-doctors Mpox vaccination Federation Uni Australia – Mount Helen Chancellor Dr, Mount Helen VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5327 9470 https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/health/mt-helen-student-health Mpox vaccination First Light Healthcare – Byron Bay Level 1, 6 Marvell Street, Byron Bay 2481 NSWGet Directions (02) 6685 6326 https://www.flhealthcare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 First Peoples Health And Wellbeing – Frankston 7A Station Street, Frankston VIC 3199Get Directions (03) 9070 8181 info@fphw.org.au https://www.firstpeopleshealthandwellbeing.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测 First Peoples Health And Wellbeing – Thomastown 258 Settlement Road, Thomastown VIC 3074Get Directions (03) 9070 8181 info@fphw.org.au https://www.firstpeopleshealthandwellbeing.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测 Fitzroy Crossing Community Health Fallon Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765Get Directions (08) 9166 1727 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080167/fitzroy-crossing-community-health/services/fitzroy-crossing-6765-fallon#sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Flagstaff Hill Medical Centre 1 Ridgway Dr, Flagstaff Hill SA 5159Get Directions (08) 8270 1194 https://flagstaffhillmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Flemington Medical Centre 9 Princes Street, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9376 6884 admin@fmac.com.au https://fmac.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Flinders Medical Centre – Infectious Disease Clinic Level 2 (Clinic M), Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA 5042Get Directions (08) 8204 8953 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/hospitals/flinders+medical+centre/services+and+clinics+at+flinders+medical+centre/outpatient+clinics+at+flinders+medical+centre/infectious+disease+clinic+at+flinders+medical+centre HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Forbes Community Health Centre 5 Elgin Street, Forbes NSW 2871Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/forbes-lachlan-health-service HIV和STI检测 Ford’s Pharmacy 247 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042Get Directions (02) 9557 1712 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/newtown-2042-nsw/fords-pharmacy-newtown/pharmacy/17e750d2-3db5-a2fb-d1d5-5ba84569e545 HIV self test kit stockist Forest Lake Local Doctors 2 Rawle Street, Camira QLD 4300Get Directions (07) 2111 9111 https://forestlakelocaldoctors.com.au Mpox vaccination Fountain Street General Practice L1, 21 Fountain Street, Alexandria NSW 2015Get Directions (02) 8303 2900 https://fountaingp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Fresh Therapeutics Broadway M102 Broadway Shopping Centre, 1 Bay Street, Broadway NSW 2007Get Directions (02) 9281 6816 https://www.freshtherapeutics.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service 7-11 Central Avenue, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4194 5554 info@primaryhealth.org.au https://primaryhealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Gannawarra Shire Council 47 Victoria St, Kerang VIC 3579Get Directions (03) 5450 9333 council@gsc.vic.gov.au https://www.gannawarra.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Community-Health/Immunisation Mpox vaccination Garden City Family Doctors Shop 1108, Westfield Garden City Shopping Centre, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122Get Directions (07) 3343 9966 https://gardencityfamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Gardens Medical Group 3/470 Wodonga Place, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6021 3555 https://www.thegardensmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Garozzo TerryWhite Chemmart Mitchelton Blackwood Street 34, Mitchelton QLD 4053Get Directions (07) 3355 2828 garozzomitchelton@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/garozzo-terrywhite-chemmart-mitchelton HIV self test kit stockist Gasworks Medical Practice Gasworks Plaza a3, 76 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3852 4299 admin@gasworksmedical.com.au https://gasworksmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Gateway Health Wodonga 155 High Street , Wodonga VIC 3690Get Directions (02) 6022 8888 info@gatewayhealth.org.au https://gatewayhealth.org.au/contact-us/wodonga/ Mpox vaccination Geelong City Medical Clinic 255 Ryrie Street, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 5222 1666 geelongcitymedical@gmail.com https://www.geelongcitymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 George Street Medical Centre Lower Ground 333, George Street, (Access is on Wynyard Lane via the escalators to the lower ground level), Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9231 3211 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/nsw-sydney-george-street-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Geraldton Community Health Centre 51-85 Shenton St, Geraldton WA 6530Get Directions (08) 9956 1958 HIV和STI检测 Gidgee Healing – Normanton 32 Brown Street, Normanton QLD 4890Get Directions 1800 443 433 https://www.gidgeehealing.com/normanton/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ginninderra Medical & Dental Centre Cnr Nettlefold Street & Coulter Drive, Belconnen ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6112 7111 http://www.ginninderramedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Gippsland Lakes Complete Health – Clinic 281 281 Main Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875Get Directions (03) 5168 9639 clinic281@glch.org.au https://glch.org.au/medical-and-nursing/clinic-281/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Gippsland Lakes Complete Health – Lakes Entrance 18/28 Jemmeson St, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909Get Directions (03) 5155 8300 hello@glch.org.au https://glch.org.au/contact-us/lake-entrance-location/ Mpox vaccination Gladstone Road Medical Centre 38 Gladstone Road, Highgate Hill QLD 4101Get Directions (07) 3844 9599 https://www.grmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Glen Iris Medical Group 177 Burke Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146Get Directions (03) 9509 7633 reception@glenirismg.com.au https://glenirismg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Glenelg 7 Day Pharmacy 92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 8295 4171 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/glenelg-5045-sa/glenelg-7-day-pharmacy/pharmacy/3e112df0-1025-c4fd-77e1-9ca4aa315011 HIV self test kit stockist Glover Chemist RG31 The Galleries (Entrance opposite 250 Pitt St), 500 George Street, Syndey NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9267 0233 glovchem@bigpond.net.au https://www.gloverchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Gold Coast Sexual Health Service 16-30 High St, Southport QLD 4215Get Directions (07) 5687 9200 SexualhealthGC@health.qld.gov.au https://www.goldcoast.health.qld.gov.au/our-services/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Gold Cross Medical Centre 1A Grose Street, North Parramatta NSW 2151Get Directions (02) 9683 3111 info@goldcrossmedicalcentre.com.au https://goldcrossmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Golden City Medical Clinic 41 Eaglehawk Road, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5441 4554 https://www.goldencitymedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Goldfields Population Health Sexual Health Clinic 36-42 Ware Street, Kalgoorlie WA 6432Get Directions (08) 9080 8200 https://waamh.org.au/Organisation/Details/26?IsExternal=true HIV和STI检测 Goodprice Pharmacy Armidale Armidale Plaza Shop 33-34, Corner Beardy and Dangar Street, Armidale NSW 2350Get Directions (02) 6772 3331 https://www.goodpricepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Goulburn Community Health Centre Sexual Health Service 130 Goldsmith Street, Goulburn NSW 2580Get Directions 0427 893 247 SNSWLHD-SexualHealthService@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 GP on Beaufort 691 Beaufort Street, Mt. Lawley WA 6050Get Directions (08) 9262 8600 http://www.gponbeaufort.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 GPs on Bayview 20 Bayview Terrace, Claremont WA 6010Get Directions (08) 9217 6000 https://gpsonbayview.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 GPs On Curzon Medici Medical Centre, Suite 7, Ground Floor, 15 Scott Street, East Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions https://gpsoncurzon.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Grand Health Medical Centre 156a Grand Junction Road, Rosewater SA 5013Get Directions (08) 8241 2121 admin@grandhealthcentre.com.au https://grandhealthcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Grandview Family Clinic 3 Grandview Grove, Cowes VIC 3922Get Directions (03) 5951 1860 https://familydoctor.com.au/grandviewfamilyclinic/ Mpox vaccination Grange Road Medical 92 Grange Road, Eastern Heights QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3281 9133 https://grmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Great Southern Population Health – Albany Public Health Clinic 61 Serpentine Road, Albany WA 6332Get Directions (08) 9842 7525 HIV和STI检测 Green Square Health 4/965 Bourke Street, Waterloo NSW 2017Get Directions (02) 9699 8111 https://gshealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Green Square Medical Practice Unit 2/3 Defries Ave, Zetland NSW 2017Get Directions (02) 8310 2004 https://greensquaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Greenslopes Family Practice 7 Plimsoll St, Greenslopes QLD 4120Get Directions (07) 3397 1875 https://www.gfpgreenslopes.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Griffith Community Health Centre 39 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680Get Directions (02) 6966 9900 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/mlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Growlife Medical Fairfield Shop 33/180 Fairfield Rd, Fairfield QLD 4103Get Directions (07) 3844 1100 fairfield@growmedical.com.au https://www.growmedical.com.au/doctors-in-fairfield HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Guardian Medical Centre Flemington Shop 1, Showgrounds Village Shopping Centre, 320 Epsom Rd, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9372 3600 https://www.guardianmedical.com.au/flemington/ HIV和STI检测 Gympie Hospital Clinic (Outreach Clinic) Specialist Outpatient Services, level 1 Dunstan Building, Gympie Hospital, 12 Henry Street, Gympie QLD 4570Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 HIV和STI检测 Halls Creek Community Health Service 70 Roberta Avenue, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 9210 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091074/halls-creek-community-health-service/services/halls-creek-6770-roberta#further-description---community-health-care HIV和STI检测 Hamilton Family Practice 130 Lonsdale St,, Hamilton VIC 3300Get Directions (03) 5571 9277 https://www.hamiltonfamilypractice.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Hampshire Pharmacy 314 Hampshire Road, Sunshine VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9311 1417 hampshire_pchy@bigpond.com https://www.hampshirepharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Headspace Albany (ages 25 and under) St Emilie Way, Albany WA 6330Get Directions (08) 9842 9871 info@headspacealbany.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/albany/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Alice Springs (ages 25 and under) 5/74 Todd St, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8958 4544 headspace.reception@caac.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/alice-springs/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Armadale (ages 25 and under) 40 Fourth Road, Armadale WA 6112Get Directions (08) 9393 0300 reception@headspacearmadale.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/armadale/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Broome (ages 25 and under) Shop A, 38 Frederick Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9194 4500 https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/broome/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Dandenong 211 Thomas Street, Dandenong VIC 3175Get Directions 1800 367 968 enquiries@headspacedandenong.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/dandenong/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Katherine (ages 25 and under) Randazzo Centre, 1/16 Katherine Terrace, Katherine NT 0850Get Directions (08) 8912 4000 headspace.katherine@anglicare-nt.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/katherine/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Narre Warren (ages 25 and under) Suite 1, 66 Victor Crescent, Narre Warren VIC 3805Get Directions 1800 367 968 headspaceDNWenquiries@each.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/narre-warren/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Palmerston (ages 25 and under) 11 Palmerston Circuit, Palmerston City NT 0830Get Directions (08) 8931 5900 headspacePalmerston@anglicare-nt.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/palmerston/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Rockingham (ages 25 and under) Unit 3, 18 Goddard Street, Rockingham WA 6168Get Directions (08) 6595 8888 hello@headspacerock.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/rockingham/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Shepparton (ages 25 and under) 129 High Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5823 8800 https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/shepparton/ HIV和STI检测 Headspace Warrnambool (ages 25 and under) Level 1 - 210 Timor Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions 1300 276 749 hswarrnambool@brophy.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/warrnambool/ HIV和STI检测 Health HQ Queen Street Village, 127 Queen Street, Southport QLD 4215Get Directions (07) 5526 4444 Nickym@healthhq.com.au https://www.healthhq.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Health on Central 26 Central Drive, Andergrove QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4955 0555 practice@healthoncentral.com.au https://healthoncentral.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Healthcare on Collins 4/250 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 4284 https://healthcareoncollins.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Healthline Pharmacy Coburg 63 Waterfield St, Coburg VIC 3058Get Directions (03) 9354 1966 Mpox vaccination Healthline Pharmacy Oak Park 126 Snell Grove, Oak Park VIC 3046Get Directions (03) 9306 8047 hpoakpark@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/oak-park-3046-vic/healthline-pharmacy-oak-park/electronic-prescribing/5659ee4d-af66-1eb9-b4ea-6669572778e4 Mpox vaccination Healthlink Family Medical Centre 533 Ross River Road, Cranbrook QLD 4814Get Directions (07) 4773 3933 https://healthlink.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination healthSAVE Old Toongabbie Pharmacy Shop 2, 58-62 Fitzwilliam Road, Old Toongabbie NSW 2146Get Directions (02) 9631 3177 oldtoongabbie@healthsave.com.au https://www.healthsave.com.au/stores/healthsave-old-toongabbie-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist healthSAVE Penrith 24 Hour Pharmacy 438 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750Get Directions (02) 4721 5527 mail@penrith24hourpharmacy.com.au http://www.healthsave.com.au/stores/healthsave-penrith-24-hour-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist HealthSmart Pharmacy – University of Melbourne University of Melbourne DM-1 Building, 168 Grattan Street, Parkville VIC 3052Get Directions (03) 8317 1040 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/healthsmart-pharmacy-university-of-melbourne/ HIV self test kit stockist HealthSmart Pharmacy Alfred Shop 1, The Alfred, Commercial Road, Melbourne VIC 3004Get Directions (03) 9521 2233 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/healthsmart-pharmacy-alfred HIV self test kit stockist HealthSmart Pharmacy VCCC 311 Grattan Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9045 9777 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/vccc HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Hedland Health Campus Sexual Health Service Hedland Health Campus, Colebatch Way, South Hedland WA 6722Get Directions (08) 9174 1660 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20094975/pilbara-public-health-unit/services/south-hedland-6722-colebatch HIV和STI检测 HepatitisWA – The Deen Clinic 134 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 9805 https://www.hepatitiswa.com.au/the-deen-clinic HIV和STI检测 Hervey Bay Doctors 13/200 Boat Harbour Drive, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4125 2422 https://www.herveybaydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre 22 Charles St, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 https://quac.org.au/sexual-health/sti-testing/#where-to-test HIV和STI检测 Heyfield Medical Centre 19 Tyson Rd, Heyfield VIC 3858Get Directions (03) 5148 2201 https://www.heyfieldmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Heywood Rural Health 21 Barclay St, Heywood VIC 3304Get Directions (03) 5527 0555 info@heywoodruralhealth.vic.gov.au HIV和STI检测 High Street Medical Clinic – Prahran 139 High Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9510 5500 reception@hsmc.com.au https://hsmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Hobsons Bay Medical and Skin Centre 51-53 Point Cook Road, Seabrook VIC 3028Get Directions (03) 8595 0966 https://hobsonsbaymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Holden Street Clinic 69 Holden Street, Gosford NSW 2250Get Directions (02) 4320 2114 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Holdsworth House Medical Brisbane 116 Robertson Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3894 0794 https://www.holdsworthhouse.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Holdsworth House Medical Practice Level 3, 26 College Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9331 7228 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Holland Park Family Medical Practice 1000 Logan Road, Holland Park QLD 4121Get Directions (07) 3324 1677 https://hollandparkmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Honeysuckle Medicine Unit B9, 161 Strickland Cres, Deakin ACT 2600Get Directions 0409 937 038 office@honeysucklemedicine.com.au https://honeysucklemedicine.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Hope Island Medical Centre Marina Shopping Centre, 10 Santa Barbara Road, Hope Island QLD 4212Get Directions (07) 5510 8199 https://www.himc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Hoppers Lane General Practice 242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8731 6500 nurse@hopperslanegp.com.au https://hopperslanegp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Hume City Pharmacy 510 Barry Road, Coolaroo VIC 3048Get Directions (03) 9302 3344 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/coolaroo-3048-vic/hume-city-pharmacy/pharmacy/28cd5a4a-75b4-b55f-7ad2-1d4f55d74bbb Mpox vaccination Hunt Club Discount Drug Store Shop 17, 1a Linsell Blvd, Cranbourne East VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5915 9400 huntclub@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/2/vic/discount-drug-store-hunt-club/ Mpox vaccination Hunter Connect Compounding Pharmacy Shop 2, 109 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 0406 hunterconnect1@gmail.com https://www.huntercompounding.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Huntly Memorial Hall 633 Midland Highway, Huntly VIC 3551Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Hyperdome Medical Centre G-076 Hyperdome Shopping Centre (near the Post Office), Anketell St and Reed St, Tuggeranong ACT 2900Get Directions (02) 6293 3233 http://hyperdomemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Illawarra Family Medical Centre Level 1, 338-340 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500Get Directions (02) 4252 5200 https://www.ifmc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Illawarra Sexual Health Service (Port Kembla) Cowper St, Warrawong NSW 2502Get Directions (02) 4223 8457 https://www.islhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/sexual-health-port-kembla HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Immunology and Ambulatory Care Clinic (IBAC) — St Vincents Hospital Level 4, Xavier Building, 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 8382 2090 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Inala Primary Care 64 Wirraway Parade, Inala QLD 4077Get Directions (07) 3275 5444 reception@inalapc.org.au https://inalaprimarycare.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Inclusive Health and Wellness Hub Shop 2/15 Hope Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101Get Directions (07) 3013 6050 admin@inclusivehealth.org.au https://inclusivehealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Infinity Pharmacy Torquay 418 Charlton Esplanade, Torquay QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4125 2733 torquay@theinfinitygroup.net.au https://www.infinitypharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Ingham Family Medical Practice 22 Heard Street, Ingham QLD 4850Get Directions (07) 4776 2101 officemanager@inghammedical.com.au https://www.inghammedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Ingham Health Service 2-16 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD 4850Get Directions (07) 4720 3000 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/ingham-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ingleburn Village Medical Centre Shop 23/24, 100 Macquarie Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2565Get Directions (02) 9114 6655 https://www.ingleburnvillagemc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Inner North Medical Clinic 260 Lygon St, Brunswick East VIC 3057Get Directions (03) 9988 2015 clinic@innernorthmedical.com.au https://www.innernorthmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 InnerCare Family Health Clinic Level 1, 3/28 Adelphi Bvd, Point Cook VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8323 6900 https://www.innercare.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Interchange Health Co-operative Suite 5, Level 1, 210-230 Anketell Street (Southpoint Shopping Centre), Greenway ACT 2900Get Directions (02) 6247 5742 https://www.ihco.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination IPC Health Wyndham Vale GP Super Clinic 510 Ballan Road, Wyndham Vale VIC 3024Get Directions 1300 472 432 https://www.ipchealth.com.au/locations/wyndham-vale/ Mpox vaccination Ipswich Health Plaza 21 Bell Street, Ipswich QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3817 2444 https://www.westmoreton.health.qld.gov.au/location/ipswich-health-plaza HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ipswich Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (BBV) Service Ground Floor, Ipswich Health Plaza, 21 Bell Street, Ipswich QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3817 2428 IPSH@health.qld.gov.au https://www.westmoreton.health.qld.gov.au/services-and-care/ipswich-sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Irymple Pharmacy 2109/2111 Fifteenth St, Irymple VIC 3498Get Directions (03) 5024 6000 Mpox vaccination Ivanhoe Family Doctors Unit 2s/120 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe VIC 3079Get Directions (03) 8327 2283 reception@ivanhoefamilydoctors.com.au https://ivanhoefamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination JCU Health General Practice Cpb Building - James Cook Building Level 1, 1 James Cook Dr, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Get Directions (07) 4781 4495 https://www.jcuhealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Jetty Village Pharmacy Jetty Village Shopping Centre, 24/361 Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 3087 https://jettyvillagepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist John Silverii’s Pharmacy 333 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9481 0671 https://www.johnsilveriispharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist John Street Medical Centre 5 John Street, Kingston TAS 7050Get Directions (03) 6229 1987 https://johnstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Junction Place Medical Centre 58 Harold Street, Hawthorn East VIC 3123Get Directions (03) 9813 1088 http://www.junctionplacemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Kalumburu Aboriginal Health Clinic 138 Kalumburu Boulevard, Kalumburu WA 6740Get Directions (08) 9161 4335 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080219/kalumburu-remote-area-health-service-reporting-to-kimberley-remote-area-health-east/services/kalumburu-6740-kalumburu HIV和STI检测 Karama Medical Centre Suite 21 / Kalymnos Drive, Karama NT 0812Get Directions (08) 8945 9554 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/nt/karama/karama-medical-centre/s6198 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Kardinia Health 2-18 Colac Road, Belmont VIC 3216Get Directions (03) 5202 9333 https://kardiniahealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Karratha Sexual Health Service Dampier Highway (next to Nickol Bay Hospital), Karratha WA 6714Get Directions (08) 9143 2221 HIV和STI检测 Kelso Community Hub (Outreach service) 24 Bonner Street, Kelso NSW 2795Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/community/facilities/kelso-community-hub.html HIV和STI检测 Kensington Hill Medical Centre 2 Kensington Road, Leopold VIC 3224Get Directions (03) 5250 1208 https://khmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Kialla Medical Clinic 8025 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla VIC 363Get Directions (03) 5823 5446 https://kiallamedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Kildare Road Medical Centre 36 Kildare Road, Blacktown NSW 2148Get Directions (02) 8822 3000 admin@kildaremedical.com.au https://www.kildaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Kings Medical Center 149 Kings Road, Kings Park VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9078 1558 admin@kingsmedicalcenter.com https://www.kingsmedicalcenter.com/ Mpox vaccination Kings Park Medical Centre – Hillside 40 Gourlay Road, Hillside VIC 3037Get Directions (03) 9217 9400 https://kingsparkmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Kippax Medical Centre 41 Hardwick Crescent, Holt ACT 2615Get Directions (02) 5114 2676 https://www.kippaxmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Kirketon Road Centre Above Darlinghurst Fire Station, Victoria Street, Kings Cross NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 2766 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Kirketon Road Centre – Kellett Street 12 Kellett St, Potts Point NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 2766 https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/directory/kirketon-road-centre-a-health-care-service-provides-free-and-anonymous-care-to-people-who-experience-barriers-to-accessing-health-care HIV和STI检测 Kununurra Aboriginal Community Health Service 96 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra WA 6743Get Directions (08) 9166 4321 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080303/kununurra-community-health-service/services/kununurra-6743-coolibah#health-information/referral HIV和STI检测 Kyabram Community & Learning Centre 21-25 Lake Road, Kyabram VIC 3620Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination La Trobe Street Medical Shop 152, Level 1, 211 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 0023 https://www.melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au/doctor-appointments.html Mpox vaccination La Trobe University Medical Centre Carpark 1, Level 1, Health Sciences 1 Building, La Trobe University, 1 Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9473 8885 https://www.latrobe.edu.au/melbourne/about/facilities/medical-centre Mpox vaccination Latrobe Community Health Service – Morwell 81-87 Buckley Street, Morwell VIC 3840Get Directions 1800 242 696 https://www.lchs.com.au/locations/morwell/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Latrobe Community Health Service – Traralgon Corner Princes Highway and Seymour Street, Traralgon VIC 3844Get Directions (03) 5171 1400 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Leeton Medical Centre 11 Wade Avenue, Leeton NSW 2705Get Directions (02) 6953 2699 http://www.leetonmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Leichhardt Chemist 30-38 Short Street (Inside Leichhardt Medical & Dental Centre), Leichhardt NSW 2040Get Directions (02) 9560 3636 info@leichhardtchemist.com.au https://leichhardtchemist.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Leichhardt GP 210 Norton Street, Leichhardt NSW 2040Get Directions (02) 9561 0300 https://www.leichhardtgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Leschenault Medical Centre 7/12 Leisure Dr, Australind WA 6233Get Directions (08) 9725 8471 https://leschenaultmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Li’s Pharmacy 37 Carrington Road, Box Hill VIC 3128 Get Directions (03) 9898 3632 pharmacyboxhill@gmail.com https://www.pharmacyboxhill.com/about-us Mpox vaccination Lightning Ridge Sexual Health Service 25 Pandora Street, Lightning Ridge NSW 2834Get Directions (02) 6820 5700 HIV和STI检测 Lismore Sexual Health Service Tara House, 4 Shepherd Lane, Lismore NSW 2480Get Directions (02) 6620 2980 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Lister House Medical Clinic 146 Baillie St, Horsham VIC 3400Get Directions (03) 5382 0011 reception@listerhouseclinic.com.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination LiveLife Pharmacy Port Douglas 21 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas QLD 4877Get Directions (07) 4099 5651 portdouglas@livelifepharmacy.com https://livelifepharmacy.com/pharmacies/chemcoast-pharmacy-port-douglas/ HIV self test kit stockist Liverpool Hospital – Department of Immunology, Allergy and HIV Burnside Dr, Liverpool NSW 2170Get Directions (02) 8738 8271 https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/liverpool/immunology/default.html HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Liverpool Sexual Health Clinic 13 Elizabeth Street, Liverpool NSW 2170Get Directions (02) 9827 8022 https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/communityhealth/sexualhealth/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Lockington and District Bush Nursing Centre 31 Pannoo Road, Lockington VIC 3563Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Lockridge Medical Centre Level 1, 64 Aussat Drive, Kiara WA 6054Get Directions (08) 6278 2555 https://www.lockridgegp.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Lombadina Aboriginal Community Health Service Lot 404, Lombadina Road, Dampier Peninsula WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4935 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091082/lombadina-community-health-service/services/dampier-peninsula-6725-lombadina#aboriginal-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 LongWarry Medical Centre 6 Flinders Rd, Longwarry VIC 3816Get Directions (03) 5629 9200 reception@longwarrymedicalcentre.com.au https://longwarrymedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Looma Aboriginal Community Health Centre Looma Community Via Derby, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9191 4764 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091084/looma-aboriginal-community/services/derby-6728-looma-community-via-derby#aboriginal-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Lutwyche Family Practice Shop 4, Level 1, Market Central, 543 Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche QLD 4030Get Directions (07) 3857 5060 https://lutwychefamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Lygon Everyday Chemist 473-475 Lygon Street, Brunswick East VIC 3057Get Directions (03) 5821 2596 https://www.lygoneverydaychemist.com.au/ Mpox vaccination M Clinic 20 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005Get Directions (08) 9482 0000 mclinic@waac.com.au https://www.mclinic.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 M Clinic’s Sauna Clinic at Perth Steam Works Perth Steamworks (entrance Forbes Road), 369 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 0734 https://www.mclinic.org.au/services/sauna HIV和STI检测 Mackay Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Service 12 – 14 Nelson Street, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4968 3919 https://www.mackay.health.qld.gov.au/your-hospitals/mackay-base-hospital/sexual-health-assault-service/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Mackie Road Clinic 82 Mackie Road, Bentleigh East VIC 3165Get Directions (03) 9579 3866 https://www.mrclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Macleay Street Medical Practice 48 Macleay Street, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9358 5511 reception@macleaystmedical.com.au http://www.macleaystmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Magenta Sex Worker Support Project 170 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9328 1387 https://magenta.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Magill Family Practice 537 Magill Road, Magill SA 5072Get Directions (08) 8331 9061 https://www.magillfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Magnetic Island Health Service Centre 76 Sooning Street, Nelly Bay QLD 4819Get Directions (07) 4778 5107 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/magnetic-island-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Maiden Gully Medical Practice 745 Calder Highway , Maiden Gully VIC 3551Get Directions reception@maidengullymedicalpractice.com.au https://www.maidengullymedicalpractice.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Main Street Medical Centre 71 Main St, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4128 3644 https://www.mainstreetmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Maldon Community Centre 6 Francis Street, Maldon VIC 3463Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Mall Medical Centre 1/73 Hartley Street, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8952 2744 https://www.mallmedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mallee District Aboriginal Services – Mildura 120 Madden Ave, Mildura VIC 3500Get Directions (03) 5018 4100 https://mdas.org.au/ Mpox vaccination Margaret River Surgery — Dr. John Collis Margaret River Surgery, 1 Station Road, Margaret River WA 6285Get Directions (08) 9757 2766 https://margaretriversurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Maria Clinic 143 Canterbury St, Casino NSW 2470Get Directions (02) 6662 1811 https://www.mariaclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Marketplace Medical Centre Gungahlin Shop 53, Marketplace Shopping Centre, 33 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912Get Directions (02) 5100 8788 https://www.marketplacemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Maryborough District Health Service 75-87 Clarendon Street, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5461 0333 https://mdhs.vic.gov.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Maylands Medical Centre Suite 1, 50-54 Eighth Ave, Maylands WA 6051Get Directions (08) 9473 5888 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/wa-maylands-maylands-medical-centre/our-services/ HIV和STI检测 McIntyre Medical Centre 33 McIntyre Road, Para Hills West SA 5096Get Directions (08) 8465 1700 https://mcintyremedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 McKenzie Davey Pharmacy 195 Barker St, Castlemaine VIC 3450Get Directions (03) 5472 1019 mckenziedavey@amcal.net.au https://www.amcal.com.au/store/3671/vic/amcal-pharmacy-castlemaine-mckenzie-davey/ Mpox vaccination Med1 Clinic Unit 1/10 Macedon Rd, Templestowe Lower VIC 3107Get Directions (03) 9191 6454 admin@med1clinic.com.au https://med1clinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Medclinic – Pitt Street 92 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 0099 https://medclinic.net.au/pitt-street/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Medical Centre 291 291 Princes Highway, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 9742 7988 reception@medicalcentre291.com.au https://www.medicalcentre291.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Medical HQ Maitland 69 Robert St, Maitland SA 5573Get Directions (08) 8832 2185 maitlandreception@medicalhq.com.au https://medicalhq.com.au/locations/maitland HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Medical Hub @ RMIT RMIT University Building 8, Level 3, 368-374 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9999 2778 https://www.medicalhubrmit.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Medical One – Elwood 61 Brighton Road, Elwood VIC 3184Get Directions 03 9531 9811 https://www.medicalone.com.au/centre/medical-one-elwood HIV和STI检测 Medical One – QV Level 3, 23 QV Terrace, 292 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 8663 7000 https://www.medicalone.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Medical One – Sydney 31 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 4444 https://www.medicalone.com.au/medical-one-sydney-cbd HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Medical One – Victoria Gardens Richmond Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre, Level 1, 620 Victoria Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9427 4000 https://www.medicalone.com.au/centre/medical-one-victoria-gardens-richmond HIV和STI检测 Mediclinic Clayton Unit 25, 14-16 Audsley Street, Clayton South VIC 3168Get Directions (03) 9544 1555 https://www.mediclinicclayton.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Medicross Hendra 1 Zillman Road, Hendra QLD 4011Get Directions (07) 2111 9103 hendrapm@medicross.com.au https://medicross.com.au/hendra/ HIV和STI检测 Medsafe Pharmacy 104-106 Miller St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9484 1576 info@medsafepharmacy.com.au http://medsafepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Medsana Medical Clinic Ground Floor, Suite 103, Building 10, Freeway Office Park, 2728 Logan Rd, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113Get Directions (07) 3852 4878 https://www.medsana.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Melbourne Sexual Health Centre 580 Swanston Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 9341 6200 https://www.mshc.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Meridian Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Ave, Turner ACT 2612Get Directions (02) 6257 2855 https://www.meridianact.org.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Merri-bek Family Doctors 223 Melville Rd, Brunswick West VIC 3055Get Directions (03) 9383 2493 reception@mwmedicalcentre.com.au https://merri-bekfamilydoctors.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Merthyr Medical Centre 900 Brunswick Street, New Farm QLD 4005Get Directions (07) 3254 1400 admin@merthyrmedical.com https://www.merthyrmedical.com/ Mpox vaccination Metro North Sexual Health & HIV Service 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4001Get Directions (07) 3837 5611 shhs@health.qld.gov.au https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Metropolitan Youth Health – Angle Park Parks Community Centre, Building 5 Trafford Street, Angle Park SA 5010Get Directions (08) 8243 5637 HIV和STI检测 Metropolitan Youth Health – Christies Beach 50A Beach Rd, Christies Beach SA 5165Get Directions (08) 8326 6053 HIV和STI检测 Metropolitan Youth Health – Elizabeth 6 Gillingham Rd, Elizabeth SA 5112Get Directions (08) 8255 3477 HIV和STI检测 Middle Island Medical Clinic 43 Fairy Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 4504 4800 admin@middleislandmedical.com.au https://www.middleislandmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Miller Medical & Dental Centre 1 & 1A Miller Central, 90 Cartwright Avenue, Miller NSW 2168Get Directions (02) 9933 5300 https://mmadc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Mittagong Day & Night Pharmacy Shop 9/130 Main St, Mittagong NSW 2575Get Directions (02) 4871 1818 mittagong@daynightpharmacies.com.au https://www.daynightpharmacies.com.au/stores/mittagong-previously-blooms/ HIV self test kit stockist Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation – Nhulunbuy Lot 1424 Arnhem Rd, Nhulunbuy NT 0880Get Directions (08) 8939 1999 https://www.miwatj.com.au/project/nhulunbuy/ HIV和STI检测 Modern Medical Caroline Springs Suite C3A, 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs VIC 3023Get Directions (03) 8358 0100 https://qualitashealth.com.au/our-practices/modern-medical-caroline-springs/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Monaghan’s Pharmacy 140 Fairy Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 5562 9555 https://www.facebook.com/MonaghansPharmacy/ Mpox vaccination Monash Health Immunisation Suite 1, Jessie Macpherson, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton VIC 3168Get Directions (03) 9594 6320 immunisation@monashhealth.org https://sephu.org/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination Monash University Health Services Room G65 (Located in Campus Centre), 21 Chancellors Walk, Clayton VIC 3168Get Directions https://sephu.org/monkeypox/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Monash University Health Services – Peninsula 39 Bloom Street, Frankston VIC 3199Get Directions (03) 9904 4615 https://www.monash.edu/students/support/health/medical/appointments Mpox vaccination Monash University Health Services – Caulfield Building B, Level 1, Room 146A, 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East VIC 3145Get Directions (03) 9903 1177 https://www.monash.edu/students/support/health/medical/appointments Mpox vaccination Montrose Medical Practice 20 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037Get Directions (02) 9660 6788 https://www.montrosemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Moonee Ponds Pharmacy & Lotto 22 Pratt Street, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039Get Directions (03) 9375 1000 mooneeponds.pharmacy@nunet.com.au https://www.mooneepondspharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Morningside General Practice Clinic Shop 7-10, 38 Junction Road, Morningside QLD 4170Get Directions (07) 3399 4685 https://www.mgpc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Moruya Sexual Health Service 2 River Street, Moruya NSW 2537Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Mossman Medical Centre Shop 9, 63 Front Street, Mossman QLD 4873Get Directions (07) 4098 1248 https://www.portdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Mount Druitt Sexual Health Clinic Mt Druitt Community Health Centre, Kelly Close, Mt. Druitt NSW 2770Get Directions (02) 9881 1206 https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre/home/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Mount Isa – Doreen Street Clinic Mount Isa Base Hospital, Doreen Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4744 4805 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080005/mount-isa-sexual-health-clinic/services/mount-isa-4825-doreen#66a6017b-996f-cf03-8e2f-f0ee6e9c01ad HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Mount Isa Sexual Health Service 1 Barkly Highway, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4764 0200 https://www.northwest.health.qld.gov.au/community-services/sexual-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Mount Martha Village Clinic 205 Dunns Road, Mornington VIC 3931Get Directions (03) 5975 6211 https://www.mmvc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Mount Waverley Medical Centre 262 Stephensons Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03)9238 1710 https://www.mtwaverleymedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mt Isa Emergency Department Mount Isa Hospital, 30 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4744 4444 快速HIV检测 Mudgee Medical Centre 145 Church Street, Mudgee NSW 2850Get Directions (02) 6372 8100 https://www.mudgeemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Mulan Clinic Mulan Community, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 8133 http://kams.org.au/remote/mulan-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测 Munjuwa Queanbeyan Aboriginal Corporation 28 Rutledge St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6297 3578 HIV和STI检测 My Family Doctors 52-54 Great North Road, Five Dock NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9051 2885 info@myfamilydoctors.com.au https://myfamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 My GP Gungahlin Opposite Main Entrance, Coles Gungahlin Village Complex, Shop 113, 43 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912Get Directions (02) 6255 6000 https://mygpgungahlin.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 My HealthCity – Hope Island 4/8 Halcyon Way,, Hope Island QLD 4212Get Directions (07) 5514 1616 admin@myhealthcity.com.au https://myhealthcity.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination My HealthCity – Pimpama 5/5 Attenborough Boulevard, Pimpama QLD 4209Get Directions (07) 5514 1616 admin@myhealthcity.com.au https://myhealthcity.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination My Medical Practice Charnwood 7/7 Charnwood Place, Charnwood ACT 2615Get Directions (02) 6258 0006 https://mymedicalpracticecharnwood.weebly.com/ HIV和STI检测 MyClinic Balaclava 161-163 Carlisle St, (inside Priceline Pharmacy), Balaclava VIC 3183Get Directions (03) 9531 8383 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-balaclava/ HIV和STI检测 MyClinic Melbourne 91 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9620 5299 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-melbourne/ HIV和STI检测 MyClinic Prahran 191-193 Commercial Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9826 2699 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-prahran/ HIV和STI检测 MyHealth Benowa Village Shop 10, 1 Ross St, Benowa QLD 4217Get Directions (07) 5618 8616 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/benowa-village-skin-and-medical/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Myhealth Carlton Level 1, Lygon Court Shopping Centre, 380 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 9347 7711 https://myhealth.net.au/carlton/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Myhealth Doncaster Suite 1001 Westfield Doncaster, 619 Doncaster Road, Doncaster VIC 3108Get Directions (03) 8080 1208 https://myhealth.net.au/doncaster/ Mpox vaccination Myhealth Fortitude Valley Shop T20, Valley Metro, 230 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3852 2030 https://myhealth.net.au/fortitude-valley/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Myhealth Kable Street Medical Centre 2 Kable Street, Windsor NSW 2756Get Directions (02) 4577 5622 https://myhealth.net.au/kable-street/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 MyHealth Medical Centre Chermside Westfield Chermside, Shop 2658, Level 2, 395 Hamilton Rd, Chermside QLD 4032Get Directions (07) 3668 0770 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/chermside/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Myhealth Medical Centre Parramatta Shop 1110, Level 1 Westfield Parramatta, 159-175 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 8624 6977 https://www.myhealthmedical.com.au/locations/parramatta-westfield-lvl1/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 MyHealth Treetops Shop 2, Treetops Plaza Shopping Centre, 2/7 Classic Way, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220Get Directions (07) 5593 7955 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/treetops/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Narooma Sexual Health Service Corner Field and Graham St, Narooma NSW 2546Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Neal Street Medical Clinic – Woodend 5 Neal St, Gisborne VIC 3437Get Directions (03) 5483 3333 reception@nealstmc.com.au https://www.nealstmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Nepean Sexual Health & HIV Clinic The Court Building, Nepean Hospital, Derby Street Entrance, Kingswood NSW 2747Get Directions (02) 4734 2507 https://www.nbmlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 New Town Health Hub 127C New Town Road, New Town TAS 7008Get Directions (03) 6146 0490 reception1@newtownhealthhub.com.au https://newtownhealthhub.com/ HIV和STI检测 Newdegate Street Health Centre 107 Newdegate Street, West Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6231 4109 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/tas/west-hobart/newdegate-street-health-centre/s15189 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Newman Sexual Health Service Newman Population Health, 54 Mindarra Drive, Newman WA 6753Get Directions (08) 9175 8380 http://www.eastpilbara.wa.gov.au/Our-Community/Town-facilities/Hospital-and-medical-facilities HIV和STI检测 Next Practice Deakin – Medical Centre 4 Makin Place, Deakin ACT 2600Get Directions (02) 6185 5555 deakin@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/act-deakin HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Next Practice Prahran – Medical Centre 100 Greville St, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9067 7400 prahran@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/vic-prahran HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Next Practice Sydney CBD – Medical Centre 20 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 8311 3580 sydney@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/nsw-sydney HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ngangganawili Aboriginal Health Service (NAHS) 44 Scotia St, Wiluna WA 6646Get Directions (08) 9981 8600 http://www.nahs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Night Owl Pharmacy 743a Gilbert Road, Reservoir VIC 3073Get Directions (03) 9478 4722 https://medadvisor.com.au/network/nightowlpharmacy Mpox vaccination Nightingale Clinic 6 Neill St, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5460 4466 https://nightingaleclinic.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Nindilingarri Cultural Health Service 52 Fallon Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765Get Directions 08 9193 0093 https://www.nindilingarri.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Nintirri Centre Central Rd, Tom Price WA 6751Get Directions 0447 151 031 officemanager@nintirri.org.au https://www.nintirri.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic GP Plus Super Clinic Noarlunga, Level 1, 20 Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre SA 5168Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/primary+and+specialised+services/gp+plus+health+care+services+and+centres/noarlunga+gp+plus+super+clinic HIV和STI检测 Noosa Community Centre Clinic (Outreach Clinic) 14-16 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa QLD 4567Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 North Clinic 34 Howick Street, Launceston TAS 7250Get Directions (03) 6777 1371 https://www.redthread.org.au/clinic/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 North Melbourne Pharmacy 344 Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051Get Directions (03) 9326 5318 northmelbournepharmacy@hotmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/north-melbourne-3051-vic/north-melbourne-pharmacy/pharmacy/6b7768c2-02f8-7ffa-09c8-c564eeab9b05 HIV self test kit stockist North Richmond Community Health 23 Lennox Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9418 9800 https://nrch.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Northern Beaches Hospital 105 Frenchs Forest Road West, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086Get Directions (02) 9105 5000 https://northernbeacheshospital.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Northside Clinic 370 St Georges Road, North Fitzroy VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9485 7700 http://northsideclinic.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Northside Health Suite 3, 14 Edgar Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 5322 https://familydoctor.com.au/northsidehealth/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Northside Health NT The Clock Tower, 4/1 Caryota Court (corner of Dick Ward Drive), Coconut Grove NT 0810Get Directions (08) 7999 7448 admin@northsidehealthnt.com.au https://www.northsidehealthnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Nunawading Station Medical Centre 193-195 Springvale Road, Nunawading VIC 3131Get Directions (03) 9989 0606 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/nunawading/nunawading-station-medical-centre/s81498 Mpox vaccination Nundah Village Family Practice 1270 Sandgate Rd, Nundah QLD 4012Get Directions (07) 3266 6622 manager@nvfp.com.au https://www.nvfp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 O’Brien Street General Practice 17 O'Brien Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8231 4026 http://www.obrienstreetpractice.com.au/index.php/services/hiv-services HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Oakhill Clinic 43 Edwardes St, Reservoir VIC 3073Get Directions (03) 9460 2288 http://www.oakhillclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Ocean Health Clinic (Palm Cove Doctor) Unit 1/123 Williams Esplanade,, Palm Cove QLD 4879Get Directions 0457 200 476 https://oceanhealthclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Ochre Medical Centre Bruce Building 28, University of Canberra, Allawoona St & Ginninderra Dr, Bruce ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6180 8500 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-bruce/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Ochre Medical Centre Creswick 58 Albert St , Creswick VIC 3363Get Directions (03) 5345 8090 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-creswick/ Mpox vaccination Ochre Medical Centre Hobart Level 1, 242 Liverpool Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6223 1055 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-hobart/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Omnicare Medical Clinic 157 Clarendon St, Southbank VIC 3006Get Directions (03) 9699 9121 info@omnicaremedical.com.au https://omnicaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination On Point Family Practice – Buddina 1/1 Burns St, Buddina QLD 4575Get Directions (07) 5211 0206 https://www.onpointfamilypractice.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination On Point Family Practice – Buderim 139 King St, Buderim QLD 4556Get Directions (07) 5211 0206 nurse@onpointfamilypractice.com.au https://www.onpointfamilypractice.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination One Arm Point Aboriginal Community Health One Arm Point Community, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4929 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091132/one-arm-point-community-health/services/broome-6725-one-arm-point-community#nurse-led-clinic/s HIV和STI检测 One Care Medical Centre 1 Addison Road, Pennington SA 5013Get Directions (08) 8341 1011 reception@onecaremc.com.au https://www.onecaremc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 One Family Clinic / Dr Doong’s Surgery 26 King St, Enfield NSW 2136Get Directions (02) 9745 5800 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/enfield-2136-nsw/dr-doong-s-surgery/covid-19-vaccine-clinic/aa7d885b-44ce-4d61-937e-b7034d877db8 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 One Point Medical 3/328 Malvern Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9533 2800 https://www.onepointmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Orange Sexual Health Clinic Kite Street Community Health Centre, 96 Kite Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Orbit Medical Norlane 29 Princes Highway , Norlane VIC 3214Get Directions (03) 5248 6700 pm@orbitmedical.com.au https://orbitmedical.com.au/norlane-/ Mpox vaccination Orbit Medical Torquay 69 Geelong Road , Torquay VIC 3228Get Directions (03) 5222 4899 pm@orbitmedical.com.au https://orbitmedical.com.au/torquay-home/ Mpox vaccination Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service 1125 Ironwood Drive, Kununurra WA 6743Get Directions 1800 839 697 adminreception@ovahs.org.au https://www.ovahs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Our Medical Williams Landing 111 Overton Rd, Williams Landing VIC 3027Get Directions (03) 9008 4222 https://www.ourmedicalhome.com.au/medical-centres/williams-landing Mpox vaccination Outreach Clinic at Caboolture Community Health Centre McKean Street, Caboolture QLD 4510Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Oxford Street Medical Centre Level 1, 200 Oxford Street, Bulimba QLD 4171Get Directions (07) 3902 0099 https://www.oxfordstmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Pacific Clinic — Newcastle Sexual Health Level 2, 670 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW 2300Get Directions (02) 4016 4536 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/index.php/newcastle HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Palm Springs Medical Centre 3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro WA 6169Get Directions (08) 9523 7300 https://palmspringsmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Pambula Sexual Health Service 1 Merimbola Street, Pambula NSW 2549Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Pandanus Medical NT T21 Jape Homemaker Village, 356-366 Bagot Road, Millner NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8945 2488 reception@pandanusmedicalnt.com.au https://www.pandanusmedicalnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Park Family Practice – Bondi Junction Shop 188, 2A Hollywood Avenue, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 5988 https://www.parkfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Peel Youth Medical Service (PYMS) (ages 25 and under) Peel Health Hub, 91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah WA 6210Get Directions (08) 9583 5435 office@peelyouthmedicalservice.com.au https://gpdownsouth.com.au/peel-youth-medical-service-pyms HIV和STI检测 Peer Based Harm Reduction WA Suite 21 & 22, 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9325 8387 info@harmreductionwa.org http://harmreductionwa.org/ HIV和STI检测 Pemberton Medical Centre — Dr. Lukas Vesely 27 Brockman St, Pemberton WA 6260Get Directions (08) 9776 1101 HIV和STI检测 Pepin’s Pharmacy – West Footscray 575 Barkly Street, West Footscray VIC 3012Get Directions (03) 9687 3239 epharmacy3012@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/west-footscray-3012-vic/pepins-pharmacy-west-footscray/pharmacy/cdae79bc-e778-0445-0fb7-4e986e46c758 Mpox vaccination Peregian Springs Doctors Shop 1 Ridgeview Drive, Peregian Springs QLD 4573Get Directions (07) 5471 2600 psd@lookingafteryourhealth.com.au https://www.lookingafteryourhealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Perth Medical Centre 713 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9481 4342 http://www.perthmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Pharmaceutical Support Service – Fortitude Valley 1/257 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3257 0255 https://pharmaceutical-support-service-fortitude-valley.business.site/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 4 Less Ashfield Shop 5, Level 3 Ashfield Mall, 260A Liverpool Road, Ashfield NSW 2131Get Directions (02) 9716 0066 https://pharmacy4less.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 4 Less Five Dock Parramatta Rd 213-235 Parramatta Rd, Five Dock NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9745 6375 https://pharmacy4less.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Applecross 777 Canning Hwy, Applecross WA 6153Get Directions (08) 9364 8777 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/applecross HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Bridgetown 127 Hampton St, Bridgetown WA 6255Get Directions (08) 9761 1004 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/bridgetown HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 East Victoria Park 968B Albany Highway, East Victoria Park WA 6101Get Directions (08) 6110 0579 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/East-Victoria-Park HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Glengarry 1/57 Arnisdale Road, Duncraig WA 6023Get Directions (08) 9447 4482 glengarry@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/glengarry HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Mandurah Unit 4, 10 Dower St, Mandurah WA 6210Get Directions (08) 9534 9000 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/Mandurah HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Midland Shop 17, Centrepoint Shopping Centre, Great Eastern Hwy, Midland WA 6056Get Directions (08) 9274 7767 midland@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/midland HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Nollamara Nollamara Shopping Centre, 84 Hillsborough Drv, Nollamara WA 6061Get Directions (08) 9349 1570 nollamara@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/nollamara HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Perth City Lot 3, Gledden Building, 731 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9321 6411 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/perth-city HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Port Hedland Shop 9, Port Hedland Boulevard Shopping Centre, 150 Anderson St, Port Hedland WA 6721Get Directions (08) 9173 1350 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/port-hedland HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Shoalwater Shop 13, Shoalwater Shopping Centre, 117 Safety Bay Road, Shoalwater WA 6169Get Directions (08) 9528 7755 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/shoalwater HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy 777 Yanchep Shops T16/18, Yanchep Central Shopping Centre, 1 & 2 Peony Blvd, Yanchep WA 6035Get Directions (08) 6244 8517 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/yanchep HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy Junction Parramatta shop 5020/159-175 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 9633 2238 sales@pharmacyjunction.com.au https://pharmacyjunction.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy Online Alexandria (Warehouse) Unit 3/33, Maddox St, Alexandria NSW 2015Get Directions (02) 9550 1555 https://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy Online Bondi Junction 99 Spring St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 0202 https://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Pharmacy@UNSW Quadrangle Building (E15), UNSW, Shop/G039 College Rd, Kensington NSW 2052Get Directions (02) 9663 0883 phcyunsw@gmail.com https://www.estate.unsw.edu.au/food-retail/explore/pharmacyunsw HIV self test kit stockist Pioneer Health Albany 2 Pioneer Road, Albany WA 6330Get Directions (08) 9842 2822 http://www.pioneerhealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Plaza Medical Centre Shop 60, Park Beach Plaza, 253 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions https://plazamc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Plenty Rd Medical Centre 105 Plenty Road, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9467 5433 https://www.plentyrdmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Port GPs 38 Clifton Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions (02) 6584 4544 https://www.portgps.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Port Macquarie Medical & Dental Centre 1 Park St, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions https://www.portmacquariemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Port Melbourne Medical 1/405 Bay Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207Get Directions (03) 8686 0500 https://portmelbournemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Pound Road Medical Centre 370 - 372 Pound Road, Narre Warren South VIC 3805Get Directions (03) 8796 6300 https://www.poundroadmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Prahran Central Pharmacy 229 Commercial Road, (Corner Chapel St & Commercial Rd), South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9827 7942 prahrancentralpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.prahrancentralpharmacy.com/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Prahran Family Clinic 138 Wiliams Road, Prahran VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9509 1811 nurses@familyclinics.net https://familyclinics.net/location/prahran/ Mpox vaccination Prahran Market Clinic Pran Central - Mezzanine Level, 325 Chapel Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9514 0888 hello@prahranmarketclinic.com https://www.prahranmarketclinic.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Prahran Wholelife Pharmacy & Healthfoods Shop 26-31 Pran Central Shopping Centre, 325 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9069 0338 https://wholelife.com.au/locations/prahran/ HIV self test kit stockist Premium Care Medical Centre – Sunshine North 12 Northumberland Road, Sunshine North VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9352 4337 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/sunshine-north/premium-care-medical-centre-sunshine-north/s89974 Mpox vaccination Premium Care Medical Centre – St Albans 161 Main Road, St Albans VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9364 6946 premiumcaremc@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/st-albans-3021-vic/premium-care-medical-centre/gp-general-practice/d24e57da-612b-61c5-43a6-faa515797b2d Mpox vaccination PrEP Me Clinic (Specialist Medicare Ineligible Clinic) The Alfred Hospital, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004Get Directions (03) 9076 2940 https://www.alfredhealth.org.au/services/victorian-prep-service HIV和STI检测 Preston Family Medical 232 Plenty Road, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9480 0844 https://www.prestonfamilymedical.com/ HIV和STI检测 Priceline Pharmacy Arkaba Shop 7, Arkaba Shopping Centre, 150 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063Get Directions (08) 8379 5115 arkabapharm@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0564 HIV self test kit stockist Priceline Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 1, 183 - 193 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9387 7663 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0800 HIV self test kit stockist Priceline Pharmacy Bourke Street Mall Centrepoint Building, Shop 108-125, 283 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9654 2034 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/melbourne-3000-vic/priceline-pharmacy-bourke-street-mall/pharmacy/f2f072a2-00a0-11c1-f299-c72cc93d9a81 Mpox vaccination Priceline Pharmacy Bourke Street West 376 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9642 7998 bourkestpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/melbourne-3000-vic/priceline-pharmacy-bourke-street-west/pharmacy/450be626-07ad-4311-a3e8-7f4003a4dfb9 Mpox vaccination Priceline Pharmacy Footscray Plaza Shop 1, Footscray Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr Albert & Paisley Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9687 1601 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0748 HIV self test kit stockist Priceline Pharmacy Knox 425 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South VIC 3152Get Directions (03) 9801 5560 pricelinepharmacist.knox@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0118 Mpox vaccination Priceline Pharmacy Moree Armidale Plaza, Shop 33-34, 2/215 Balo St, Moree NSW 2400Get Directions (02) 6751 1425 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0915 HIV self test kit stockist Priceline Pharmacy Pinewood Shop 49-51, 439 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03) 9887 9044 priceline@pinewoodpharmacy.com.au https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0729 Mpox vaccination Priceline Pharmacy Richmond Traders Shop T2, 271 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 6953 richmondpriceline@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0952 Mpox vaccination Priceline Pharmacy The Glen Shop 102, The Glen Shopping Centre, 235 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150Get Directions (03) 9803 2003 plglen@yahoo.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0730 Mpox vaccination Priceline Sale 37-39 Cunninghame St, Sale VIC 3850Get Directions Mpox vaccination Princess Alexandra Sexual Health (Meadowbrook) Logan Hospital, Corner Loganlea and Armstrong Roads, Meadowbrook QLD 4131Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Princess Alexandra Sexual Health (PASH) Princess Alexandra Hospital, 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Princess Park Clinic 172 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5821 9655 reception@ppclinic.com.au https://www.princessparkclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Pro Health Care Walkerville 3/70 Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville SA 5081Get Directions (08) 8269 2622 walkerville@prohealthcare.com.au https://prohealthcare.com.au/medical/doctors-in-walkerville/ HIV和STI检测 PRONTO! 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9416 2889 https://thorneharbour.org/services/pronto/ HIV self test kit stockist HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 Pulse Medical Algester 8/168 Algester Road, Algester QLD 4115Get Directions (07) 3272 8543 https://www.pulsemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall 30-32 Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill VIC 3575Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Q Clinic Wide Bay Sexual Health Service 312 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg West QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4150 2754 BBH-QClinic@health.qld.gov.au https://www.health.qld.gov.au/widebay/our-services-and-facilities/q-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 QCGP+ 2 Winn St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 https://www.qc.org.au/qcgp HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 QuAC Clinic Hervey Bay 22 Charles Street, Hervey Bay QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Quay Pharmacy Shop E2-E3 Alfred Street Sydney, Circular Quay NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9241 3566 quaypharmacy@hotmail.com https://www.quaypharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Queanbeyan Community Health Centre Sexual Health Service Cnr Collett & Erin Streets, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions 0427 893 247 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Queanbeyan GP Super Clinic 150 Crawford St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6297 3311 http://www.qgpsc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Queen Street Medical Centre Level 6, 141 Queen St, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3229 9355 admin@queenstmed.com.au https://queenstreetmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Queen Street Medical Centre 49 Queen Street, Moruya NSW 2537Get Directions (02) 4474 2222 https://queenstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Queensland Council for LGBTI Health Central Brunswick, 421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 qcgp@qc.org.au https://www.qc.org.au/qcgp HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 QUT Medical Centre – Gardens Point Level 4, X Block, 2 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3138 3161 healthservices@qut.edu.au https://www.medical-centre.qut.edu.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination QUT Medical Centre – Kelvin Grove Level 2, 44 Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3138 3161 healthservices@qut.edu.au https://www.medical-centre.qut.edu.au/ Mpox vaccination QV Medical Centre Level 7, 1 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9662 2256 info@qvmedical.com.au https://www.qvmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Rainbow Care Clinic 71 Bathurst Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions 1800 252 436 https://www.rainbowcareclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ramsay Pharmacy Melbourne CBD Shop 2-G07 Southern Cross Building, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 4265 https://www.ramsaypharmacy.com.au/Store-Finder/10017/Ramsay-Pharmacy-Melbourne-CBD Mpox vaccination RAPID – Brisbane 2 Winn Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 RAPID at Number 29 29 McLachlan Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/clubs-and-saunas HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 RAPID at Wet Spa & Sauna 22 Jeays Street, Bowen Hills QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/clubs-and-saunas HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 Rapido! SAMESH, 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7099 5300 https://www.samesh.org.au/rapido-rapid-hiv-testing.html HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 ReCreation Medical Centre 1232 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143Get Directions (03) 9509 5922 info@recmedical.com https://www.recmedical.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Red Hill Day & Night Pharmacy 152 Musgrave Road, Red Hill QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3369 4344 redhill_dispensary@pinnaclepharmacy.com.au https://www.redhillpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Red Hill Doctors Surgery 11 Windsor Road, Red Hill QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3369 2444 reception@redhilldoctors.com.au https://redhilldoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Redcliffe Sexual Health Redcliffe Community Health Centre, 181 Anzac Ave, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Refugee Health Service 21 Market Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8237 3900 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/health+services+for/refugee+health+service/refugee+health+service HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Resolve Medical Centre Melton 35a Unitt St , Melton VIC 3337Get Directions (03) 8560 4999 https://automedsystems.com.au/ams/clinics/5577/resolve-medical-melton-melton-3337/doctors/ Mpox vaccination Reynella Family Care 216 Old South Rd, Old Reynella SA 5161Get Directions (08) 8321 9099 https://reynellafamilycare.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Richmond Hill Medical Centre 2 Royal Place, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9428 4148 https://richmondhillmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Richmond Medical 9/53 Coppin St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9429 8822 https://richmondmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Riga Medical Bluebird House, 2/137 Russell Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4602 0118 https://rigamedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Ripley Discount Drug Store 20 Main St, Ripley QLD 4306Get Directions (07) 3472 2969 ripley@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/4517/qld/discount-drug-stores-ripley/ HIV self test kit stockist Riverside Medical Centre Shop 9 Riverside Plaza, 131 Monaro St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6299 6633 http://www.riversidemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Robina Family Medical Centre 6/110 Laver Drive, Robina QLD 4226Get Directions (07) 5689 1212 practicemanager@robinafamilymedical.com.au https://www.robinadoctors.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Robinvale Community Arts Centre 37 Robin Street, Robinvale VIC 3549Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Robinvale Pharmacy 21 Perrin St, Robinvale VIC 3549Get Directions (03) 5026 3253 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/vic/ Mpox vaccination Rochester Medical Practice 40/44 Moore St, Rochester VIC 3561Get Directions (03) 5484 1304 Mpox vaccination Rockhampton Blood Borne Viruses and Sexual Health Service 92 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700Get Directions (07) 4932 5440 92bolsoverrockhampton@health.qld.gov.au https://www.health.qld.gov.au/cq/sexualhealth HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Rohit’s Day & Night Pharmacy 10 Belmore Road, Randwick NSW 2031Get Directions (02) 9398 1777 https://healthengine.com.au/pharmacy/nsw/randwick/rohits-day-and-night-pharmacy/s93333 HIV self test kit stockist Romsey Medical Centre 99 Main St, Romsey VIC 3434Get Directions (03) 5429 5254 doctors@romseymedical.com.au https://www.romseymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Rowville Health 12 St Lawrance Way, Rowville VIC 3178Get Directions (03) 9764 1617 enquiry@rowvillehealth.com https://rowvillehealth.com/ HIV和STI检测 Royal Adelaide Hospital – Infectious Diseases Clinic Level 3, wing E-2, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7074 0000 https://www.rah.sa.gov.au/health-professionals/clinical-services/medical/infectious-diseases HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 RPA Sexual Health Clinic 16 Marsden Street, Camperdown NSW 2050Get Directions (02) 9515 1200 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Rumbalara Medical Clinic 20 Rumbalara Rd, Mooroopna VIC 3629Get Directions (03) 5820 0035 https://rumbalara.org.au/services/directory/ Mpox vaccination Sage Medical West Footscray 571 Barkly Street, West Footscray VIC 3012Get Directions (03) 8606 3206 reception@sagemedical.au https://sagemedical.au/about-us/contact-us/ Mpox vaccination Samford Valley Medical Centre 26 Station St, Samford Village QLD 4520Get Directions (07) 3289 1712 Nurse@samfordmed.com.au https://www.samfordmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sandringham General Practice 1/232 Bluff Road, Sandringham VIC 2192Get Directions (03) 9119 1010 admin@sacc.org.au https://sandringhamgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sandy Bay Clinic 183 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay TAS 7005Get Directions (03) 6210 0500 https://sandybayclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Scullin General Practice Shop 1, Scullin Arcade, Scullin ACT 2614Get Directions (02) 6278 3488 https://scullingeneralpractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Seaport Medical Centre 6-8 Fern Street, Portland VIC 3305Get Directions (03) 5523 2322 https://seaportmedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sebastopol Medical Centre 194 Albert St, Sebastopol VIC 3356Get Directions (03) 5336 3601 https://southerncrossgp.com.au/sebastopol/ Mpox vaccination Serafim’s Pharmacy 389 Bourke Street (Cnr Campbell St), Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 4959 https://www.serafimspharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Services Mackay Community Health Centre 12-14 Nelson Street, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4968 3919 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) Level 1, 28 University Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6247 3077 https://www.shfpact.org.au/index.php/clinic HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Sexual Health Clinic Shoalhaven District Hospital, Shoalhaven Street, Nowra NSW 2541Get Directions (02) 4423 9353 HIV和STI检测 Sexual Health Clinic – Bamaga Northern Peninsula Area Hospital, Sagaukaz Street, Bamaga QLD 4876Get Directions (07) 4090 4219 HIV和STI检测 Sexual Health Clinic – Palm Island Beach Road, Palm Island QLD 4816Get Directions (07) 4752 5100 https://www.qld.gov.au/community/women/support-for-women/find-a-support-service/view?title=Sexual%20Health%20Clinic%20-%20Palm%20Island HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Sexual Health Clinic (Clinic 916) Coffs Harbour Health Campus Coffs Harbour Health Campus, 345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6656 7865 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sexual Health North 3/5 Regent's Park Road, Joondalup WA 6027Get Directions (08) 6119 9140 https://www.sexualhealthnorth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Sexual Health Program Cape York Health Service, Cnr Northern & Central Avenue, Rocky Point, Weipa QLD 4874Get Directions (07) 4090 6262 HIV和STI检测 Sexual Health Service – Burnie 11 Jones Street, Burnie TAS 7320Get Directions (03) 6434 6315 HIV和STI检测 Sexual Health Service – Devonport Level 1, Room 18, 23 Steele Street, Devonport TAS 7310Get Directions (03) 6336 2216 HIV和STI检测 Sexual health services – Nambour General Hospital Nambour General Hospital, 1-3 Mapleton Rd, Nambour QLD 4560Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 https://www.sunshinecoast.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-nambour-general-hospital HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 Shaw Road Medical Centre Shop 5, 216 Shaw Road, Wavell Heights QLD 4012Get Directions (07) 3260 7525 https://www.shawroadmedical.com.au/clinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Shellharbour City General Practice Suite 14, 75 Cygnet Avenue, Shellharbour NSW 2529 Get Directions (02) 4297 0037 https://scgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Shepparton Medical Centre 49 Graham St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5823 3100 reception@shepmed.unimelb.edu.au https://shepmed.mthc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination SHINE SA Hyde Street Practice 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7099 5320 info@shinesa.org.au https://shinesa.org.au/health-services/hyde-street-practice/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 SHINE SA Woodville 64 Woodville Road, Woodville SA 5011Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.shinesa.org.au/find-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Short Street Centre Sexual Health Clinic St George Hospital Campus, 1 Short St, Kogarah NSW 2217Get Directions (02) 9113 2742 https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/directory/short-street-centre/about-short-street-centre-ssc HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters) 70 Roe Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 6177 info@shq.org.au https://shq.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 SHV Box Hill Clinic 901 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128Get Directions (03) 9257 0100 https://shvic.org.au/our-reproductive-and-sexual-health-clinics HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination SHV Melbourne CBD Level 1, 94 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9660 4700 https://shvic.org.au/our-reproductive-and-sexual-health-clinics HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sibuwanay Ngurpay Meta / Thursday Island Primary Health Care Centre 74 Douglas Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875Get Directions (07) 4069 0400 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/thursday-island-primary-health-care-centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Skye Medical Armadale 11 Prospect Road, Armadale WA 6112Get Directions (08) 9399 5322 reception@skyemedicalarmadale.com https://www.skyemedicalarmadale.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 SmartClinics Deception Bay Medical Centre Market Square Shopping Centre, 67 Deception Bay Rd, Deception Bay QLD 4508Get Directions (07) 3204 7140 https://www.smartclinics.com.au/location/deception-bay/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Smith Street Practice 7 Smith Street, Tamworth NSW 2340Get Directions (02) 6766 7755 reception@smithstreetpractice.com.au https://www.smithstreetpractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Sonic HealthPlus – Darwin CBD 22 Smith Street, Darwin NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8981 4233 darwincbd@sonichealthplus.com.au https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/locations/darwin-cbd/gp-services HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Sonic HealthPlus – Mackay Unit 6/32-34 Caterpillar Drive, Paget QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4952 5100 mackay@sonichealthplus.com.au https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/locations/mackay HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination South City Doctors Shop G4.7 148 Logan Rd, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3156 0555 info@southcitydoctors.com.au https://southcitydoctors.com.au Mpox vaccination South Coastal Babbingur Mia 4 Civic Boulevard, Rockingham WA 6168Get Directions (08) 9550 0900 https://www.southcoastal.org.au/women/gp-services/aboriginal-primary-health-care/abh/ HIV和STI检测 South Terrace Clinic – Fremantle Hospital (formerly B2 Clinic) A Block, South Terrace side of Fremantle Hospital, South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160Get Directions (08) 9431 2149 https://www.fhhs.health.wa.gov.au/Our-services/Service-Directory/Sexual-Health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 South Wangaratta Medical Centre 47-51 Joyce Way, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5713 9299 https://www.dsgmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 South Wangaratta Medical Clinic 47-51 Joyce Way, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5713 9299 southwangarattamc@gmail.com https://www.dsgmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination South Yarra Medical 5/102 Toorak Road, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9820 1144 http://southyarramedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Southbank Medical Clinic 151 Sturt St, Southbank VIC 3006Get Directions (03) 9645 7775 https://southbankmedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Spencer Street Family Practice — Dr John Alfolabi 1/130 Spencer St, South Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9791 7220 https://spencerstreetfp.com.au/meet-our-doctors/ HIV和STI检测 Springs Medical 10 Hospital St, Daylesford VIC 3460Get Directions (03) 5348 2227 https://springsmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Springvale South Medical Centre 796-798 Princes Hwy (corner Grace Street), Springvale VIC 3171Get Directions (03) 9547 3511 ssmc.vic@gmail.com https://www.springvalesouthmedical.com.au Mpox vaccination St Kilda Medical Group 81 Grey Street, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5200 https://skmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Stanmore Station Pharmacy 104A Cambridge St, Stanmore NSW 2048Get Directions (02) 9569 4396 contact@stanmorestationpharmacy.com.au https://www.stanmorestationpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist StarHealth – Prahran 240 Malvern Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9525 1300 https://www.starhealth.org.au/locations/prahran/ HIV和STI检测 StarHealth – South Melbourne 341 Coventry Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205Get Directions (03) 9525 1300 https://www.starhealth.org.au/locations/south-melbourne/ HIV和STI检测 Stonewall Medical Centre 52 Newmarket Road, Windsor QLD 4030Get Directions (07) 3857 1222 https://www.stonewall.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Stratford Medical Centre 2 / 1 Kamerunga Road, Stratford QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4058 2264 https://stratfordmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 STRIP Clinic – Turner Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT 2612Get Directions (02) 6257 2855 https://www.meridianact.org.au/strip HIV和STI检测 Summit Medical Group 853 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions (03) 9923 7888 http://www.summitmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Sunnybank Pharmacist Advice Market Square Shopping Centre (next to 7/11), Shop 5/341 Mains Road, Sunnybank QLD 4109Get Directions (07) 3345 3701 sunnybank@pharmacistadvice.com.au https://www.latenightpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Sunraysia Community Health Services 137 Thirteenth Street , Mildura VIC 3500Get Directions (03) 5022 5444 https://schs.com.au/services/sexual-reproductive-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sunshine Coast HIV & Sexual Health Service – Clinic 87 (University Hospital) Level 1, 6 Doherty Street, Birtinya QLD 4575Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 https://www.sunshinecoast.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-sunshine-coast-university-hospital HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Sunshine Health Medical Clinic 25A Devonshire Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9311 1383 http://www.sunshinehealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Super Pharmacy Plus 621 Stafford Road, Stafford QLD 4053Get Directions (07) 3355 3052 https://superpharmacyplus.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Surrey Downs Discount Drug Store Shop 17, 501 Golden Grove Road, Surrey Downs SA 5126Get Directions (08) 8251 4141 surreydowns@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/3652/sa/discount-drug-store-surrey-downs/ HIV self test kit stockist Swan Hill Stadium 15 Gray Street, Swan Hill VIC 3585Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination Swinburne University Health Service The George Swinburne Building, Level 4/34 Wakefield St, Hawthorn VIC 3122Get Directions (03) 9214 8483 https://www.swinburne.edu.au/life-at-swinburne/student-support-services/health-wellbeing/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Sydney Sexual Health Centre Sydney Hospital, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 93827440 sshcmail@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au http://www.sshc.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Tailored Medical Group 53 Bay St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207Get Directions (03) 9645 1367 https://tailoredmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Tanjil Place Medical 46-48 Albert Street, Moe VIC 3825Get Directions (03) 5126 1344 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/vic-moe-tanjil-place-medical/home/ HIV和STI检测 Taree Sexual Health Clinic Manning Base Hospital, 64 Pulteney Street, Taree NSW 2430Get Directions (02) 4016 4536 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/index.php/taree HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Tarneit Family Medical & Dental Centre 939 Sayers Rd, Tarneit VIC 3029Get Directions (03) 8742 4676 http://www.tfmdc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 TasCAHRD 319 Liverpool Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6234 1242 https://tascahrd.org.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Taylor Square Private Clinic 393 Bourke Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9331 6151 https://www.tspc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 TerryWhite Chemist Dulwich Hill 493 Marrickville Road, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203Get Directions (02) 9569 1215 https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-dulwich-hill HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Bendigo 130 Arnold Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5442 5055 bendigo@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-bendigo HIV self test kit stockist Terrywhite Chemmart Camberwell 793 Burke Road , Camberwell VIC 3124Get Directions camberwell@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/health-services/monkeypox Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Compounding Ainslie 17 Edgar Street, Ainslie ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7708 ainslie@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-compounding-ainslie HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Dandenong Central Shop 23-24, 15-23 Langhorne Street, Dandenong VIC 3175Get Directions (03) 9791 7777 dandenongcentral@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-dandenong-central Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Gasworks Shop A3 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3252 1952 https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-gasworks HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Glenunga Shop 7/535-561 Portrush Rd, Glenunga SA 5064Get Directions (08) 7123 6141 glenunga@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-glenunga HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Keilor Village 686 Old Calder Highway, Keilor VIC 3036Get Directions (03) 9336 7395 keilorvillage@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-keilor-village Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Keperra Compounding 10 Dallas Parade, Keperra QLD 4054Get Directions (07) 3355 3905 dallasparade@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-keperra-compounding HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Kings Cross Shop 5/111 Darlinghurst Rd, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9358 1822 kingscross@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-kings-cross HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Knox 425 Burwood Highway , Wantirna South VIC 3152Get Directions (03) 9800 5199 knoxcity@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-knox Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Kyneton 107 Mollison St, Kyneton VIC 3444Get Directions (03) 5422 1660 kyneton@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-kyneton Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Mannum Green 86-88 Randell St, Mannum SA 5238Get Directions (08) 8569 1504 mannumgreen@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-mannum-green HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite ChemMart Melbourne Central Shop 152C, 211 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 8850 info@melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au https://www.melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Mooroopna 4 MacIsaac Road, Shop 4, Mooroopna VIC 3629Get Directions (03) 5825 3225 mooroopna@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-mooroopna Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Royal Adelaide Hospital Retail Space 4 Port Road, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8212 3296 royaladelaide@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-royal-adelaide-hospital HIV self test kit stockist TerryWhite Chemmart Surrey Hills South 926 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills VIC 3127Get Directions (03) 9830 4910 surreyhillssouth@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-surrey-hills-south Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Wandin North Shop 4, 362 Warburton Highway, Wandin North VIC 3139Get Directions (03) 5964 2274 wandinnorth@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-wandin-north Mpox vaccination TerryWhite Chemmart Werribee Shop 2/242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8742 1044 werribee@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-werribee Mpox vaccination The Albion Centre 150-154 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9332 9600 http://thealbioncentre.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 S100 HIV治疗 The Alfred 55 Commerical Rd, Prahran VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9076 2000 https://www.alfredhealth.org.au/contact Mpox vaccination The Bendigo Clinic 83 Sternberg St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5443 4888 http://www.thebendigoclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination The Bridge Youth Service (ages 25 and under) 127 Welsford Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5831 2390 https://www.thebridge.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 The Bush Chemist Batlow 39 Pioneer Street, Batlow NSW 2730Get Directions (02) 6949 1153 admin@batlowpharmacy.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/batlow-2730-nsw/the-bush-chemist-batlow/pharmacy/64256a88-3085-93f7-2bfd-7d04edf9081c HIV self test kit stockist The Centre Clinic – Thorne Harbour Health Level 3, Suite 3A, Victorian Pride Centre, 79-81 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5866 https://thorneharbour.org/services/centre-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 The Courtyard Family Medical Centre 7/2060 Moggill Road, Kenmore QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3378 6789 courtyardfamilymedical@gmail.com https://yourfamilymedical.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination The Crane General Practice 35 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9088 3258 https://www.thecranegp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 The Gap Village Doctors Shop 44-46, 1000 Waterworks Rd, The Gap QLD 4061Get Directions (07) 3708 4501 info@thegapdoctors.com.au https://www.thegapdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination The Health Centre – Federation Uni Australia Churchill Northways Rd, Churchill VIC 3842Get Directions (03) 5327 9470 https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/health/health-services-gippsland Mpox vaccination The Health Hub Family GP 4 Waterloo Street, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 8376 2957 https://www.healthhubgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 The Health Spot 275 Koroit Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 5562 4528 Practicemanager@Thehealthspot.Com.Au https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/warrnambool/the-health-spot/s27467 HIV和STI检测 The Junction Youth Health Service (ages 25 and under) 30 Scotts Crossing, Canberra ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6232-2423 https://www.anglicare.com.au/services/youth-family/health/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 The Lakes Clinic Forster Community Health Centre, 16 Breese Parade, Forster NSW 2428Get Directions (02) 6555 1800 HIV和STI检测 The Medical Clinic Hawthorn 585 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122Get Directions (03) 9818 1146 http://tmchawthorn.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 The Meryula Clinic 121 – 135 Corio Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions 1800 222 582 https://www.gvhealth.org.au/our-services/community-health/sexual-health-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination The Neighbourhood Clinic 329 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9043 6568 https://www.theneighbourhood.clinic/ HIV和STI检测 The Pharmacy Common Richmond 521 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 5888 https://thepharmacycommon.com/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination The Pharmacy on Bunda 126 Bunda Street, Canberra City ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6248 5250 https://www.thepharmacynetwork.com.au/our-pharmacies/bunda/ HIV self test kit stockist The Practice at Clem Jones Centre Suite 3103, 56 Zahel Street, Carina QLD 4152Get Directions (07) 3522 1868 admin@tpcjc.com.au https://tpcjc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination The Royal Melbourne Hospital – Victorian Infectious Diseases Service (VIDS) 300 Grattan Street, Parkville VIC 3052Get Directions (03) 9342 7393 https://www.thermh.org.au/services/victorian-infectious-diseases-service/vids-services/infectious-diseases HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 The Valley Discount Drug Store 421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3257 7761 https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store-locator/discount-drug-stores-the-valley HIV self test kit stockist The Western Medical Centre 168 Somerville Rd, Yarraville VIC 3013Get Directions (03) 9351 7699 http://www.thewesternmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 The Zone – Kwinana Youth Sexual Health Clinic (ages 25 and under) Cnr Gilmore Avenue and Darius Drive, Kwinana WA 6167Get Directions (08) 9236 4550 zone@kwinana.wa.gov.au https://www.kwinana.wa.gov.au/our-facilities/zone-youth-space/Pages/default.aspx HIV和STI检测 Thompson Road Clinic 2 Woodbine Road (Cnr Thompson Rd), Cranbourne North VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5996 9000 https://familydoctor.com.au/thompsonroadclinic/ Mpox vaccination Thorne Harbour Health 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9525 5866 enquiries@thorneharbour.org https://thorneharbour.org/sexual-health/mpox/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination Thrive Medical 170 Crystal Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880Get Directions (08) 8087 9383 https://www.thrivemed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Tobwabba Aboriginal Medical Service 68A MacIntosh St, Forster NSW 2428Get Directions (02) 6555 6271 clinic@tobwabba.org.au https://tobwabba.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Toowoomba Sexual Health Service – Kobi Place Browne House, Baillie Henderson Hospital, Cnr Hogg and Tor Streets, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4699 7000 kobiplace@health.qld.gov.au https://www.darlingdowns.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-baillie-henderson-hospital HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Level 6, William McCormack Building, 5b Sheridan St, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4226 5970 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Total Health Medical Centre Shop 11, Cedar Park Shopping Centre, 1 Swordfish Avenue, Yeppoon QLD 4703Get Directions (07) 4939 1888 nurses@thmc.com.au https://totalhealthmedical.com.au Mpox vaccination Total Wellbeing Medical & Counselling Centre 522 Middleborough Road, Blackburn North VIC 3130Get Directions (03) 9855 9555 medical@totalwellbeing.com.au https://totalwellbeing.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Total Wellness Health 113 Military Road, Avondale Heights VIC 3034Get Directions (03) 9378 2723 https://totalwellnesshealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Townsville Sexual Health Service 35 Gregory Street, North Ward QLD 4810Get Directions (07) 4433 9600 TSV-SHS-Triage@health.qld.gov.au https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 trans[TEST] Kings Cross Clinic 180, 180 Victoria Street, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 transtest@acon.org.au https://endinghiv.org.au/test-often/transtest/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 Traralgon Doctors 124 Princes Highway, Traralgon VIC 3844Get Directions (03) 5174 6766 reception@traralgondoctors.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/traralgon-3844-vic/traralgon-doctors/gp-general-practice/65224065-a4dc-8d81-e9c7-df3fc2cbf844 Mpox vaccination Trentham Pharmacy 43a High St, Trentham VIC 3458Get Directions (03) 5424 1000 trenthampharmacy@gmail.com Mpox vaccination True Relationships and Reproductive Health – Toowoomba Level 1, 661 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4632 8166 twbadmin@true.org.au https://www.true.org.au/clinic/find-a-clinic/toowoomba HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Tucker Road Pharmacy 73A Tucker Road, Bentleigh VIC 3204Get Directions (03) 9557 3320 Tuckerrdpharmacy@yahoo.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/bentleigh-3204-vic/tucker-road-pharmacy/pharmacy/590ccdb1-2c07-edca-52cf-55e6903b5f76 Mpox vaccination Turn The Corner Medical Clinic – Brunswick 301 Albert Street, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions 1300 557 502 reception@turnthecorner.com.au https://www.turnthecorner.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Turn The Corner Medical Clinic – Northcote 409 High Street, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions 1300 557 502 reception@turnthecorner.com.au https://www.turnthecorner.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 U Pharmacy Prahran Prahran Central, Shop G.11, 325 Chapel Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9525 0888 prahran@wholelife.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/prahran-3181-vic/u-pharmacy-prahran/pharmacy/bc2b3366-c546-0f25-767b-b944a3d3dd03 HIV self test kit stockist Union Pharmacy – University of Sydney Level 3, Wentworth Building, Cnr Butlin Ave, Darlington NSW 2008Get Directions (02) 9660 3338 theunionpharmacy@gmail.com https://usu.edu.au/health-services/union-pharmacy HIV self test kit stockist United Chemists North Lakes Shop 2A, Hilltop Village Shopping Centre, 71 Astley Parade, North Lakes QLD 4509Get Directions (07) 3491 8322 http://www.unitedchemists.net.au/ HIV self test kit stockist United Chemists Packenham Shop 1 Pakenham Central Marketplace, Corner Henry & John Streets, Pakenham VIC 3810Get Directions (03) 5940 4295 pakenham@udc.net.au https://www.unitedchemists.net.au/home.html HIV self test kit stockist United Medical Centre Waverley 837 – 839 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170Get Directions (03) 9132 5111 https://www.unitedmedicalcentre.com.au/waverley/ Mpox vaccination University of Canberra Medical and Counselling Centre Building 1, Level B / 1 Kirinari St, Bruce ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6201 2351 http://www.canberra.edu.au/on-campus/health-and-childcare-services/medical-counselling HIV和STI检测 University of Melbourne Health Service 138–146 Cardigan St, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 8344 6904 https://services.unimelb.edu.au/health HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Utopia Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health 5 Alexandra Avenue, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029Get Directions (03) 8001 3049 https://www.utopiarefugeehealth.com/ Mpox vaccination UWA Health and Medical Services Second Floor, Guild Village (South Wing), 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009Get Directions (08) 6488 2118 reception-medcentre@uwa.edu.au https://www.uwa.edu.au/students/Support-services/medical-centre HIV和STI检测 Victoria Harbour Medical Centre entrance via 850 Collins St, Merchant St, Docklands VIC 3008Get Directions (03) 9629 1414 https://www.victoriaharbourmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Victoria Point Surgery Corner Bunker and Cleveland Redland Bay Road, Victoria Point QLD 4165Get Directions (07) 3207 8222 https://www.victoriapointsurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Victoria Street Medical Group 318 Victoria Street, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions (03) 8560 3040 https://www.victoriastreetmedicalgroup.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) – Fitzroy 186 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9419 3000 https://www.vahs.org.au/ Mpox vaccination View Street Medical 14-16 View Street, North Perth WA 6006Get Directions (08) 9227 0170 https://viewstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Vineyard Medical Centre 2-6 Sussex Court, Sunbury VIC 3429Get Directions (03) 9216 5600 https://www.vineyardmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Vita Medical Centre 375 King Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003Get Directions (03) 9193 6221 https://www.vitamedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Vitalis Family Medical Practice 550 Princes Highway, Kirrawee NSW 2232Get Directions (02) 8123 1133 reception@vfmp.com.au https://www.vfmp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 WAAC 664 Murray St, West Perth WA 6005Get Directions (08) 9482 0000 hello@waac.com.au https://www.waac.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Wagga Wagga Sexual Health Service Health Services Hub, 260-280 Edward Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650Get Directions (02) 5943 2830 MLHD-WaggaSexualHealthService@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/mlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Wallace Street Pharmacy 7 Wallace Street, Macksville NSW 2447Get Directions (02) 6568 1040 wallacestpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/WallaceStPharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist Waratah Clinic – St George Hospital 2 South St, Kogarah NSW 2217Get Directions (02) 9113 2957 Sharon.Robinson1@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/st-george-hospital/services-clinics/directory/waratah-clinic HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Warmun Aboriginal Remote Area Health Service Ord Street, Warmun WA 6743Get Directions (08) 9166 3800 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080171/warmun-remote-area-health-service/services/warmun-6743-ord#30190798 HIV和STI检测 Warrandyte Road Clinic 44 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood VIC 3134Get Directions (03) 9870 9000 info@wrclinic.com.au https://wrclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Warren District Family Practice — Dr. James Bowie Warren District Family Practice, 28 Graphite Rd, Manjimup WA 6258Get Directions (08) 9771 1683 HIV和STI检测 Weipa Integrated Health Service 407 John Evans Drive, Weipa QLD 4874Get Directions (07) 4082 3900 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/weipa-integrated-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Wellcare Medical Centre Shop 6 – Kingston Palms Shopping Centre, 2-4 Juers St, Kingston QLD 4114Get Directions (07) 3133 4483 info@wmc.org.au https://wellcaremedicalcentre.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Wellington Medical Centre — Dr. Lee Ming Yap Wellington Medical Centre, 115 Uduc Road, Harvey WA 6220Get Directions (08) 9729 1064 https://healthengine.com.au/doctor/wa/harvey/dr-lee-yap/p3283 HIV和STI检测 Wentworth/Balranald Sexual Health Service Dareton Primary Health Centre, 42-44 Tapio Street, Dareton SA 2717Get Directions (03) 5021 7200 HIV和STI检测 West Brunswick Clinic 9 Melville Rd, Brunswick West VIC 3055Get Directions (03) 9387 9088 https://wbc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre — Parramatta Health Service Jeffrey House, 162 Marsden Street, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 9843 3124 https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre/home/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗 Westgroup Medical 14 Victoria Square, St Albans VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9356 9511 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/st-albans-3021-vic/westgroup-medical/gp-general-practice/9d4681a2-a9b0-1e86-3819-c32b4e4da2d2 Mpox vaccination Westwood Medical Centre 3/40-44 Trafford St, Angle Park SA 5010Get Directions (08) 8300 7200 https://westwoodmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Wilcannia Multi-Purpose Service (Outreach service) 1-4 Ross Street, Wilcannia NSW 2836Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/fwlhd/facilities/wilcannia-multipurpose-service HIV和STI检测 Wilks Street Medical Practice 17 Wilks St, Caulfield North VIC 3161Get Directions (03) 9077 9997 info@wilkstreetmedical.com.au https://wilkstreetmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service 63 Boolimba Cres, Narrabundah ACT 2604Get Directions (02) 6284 6222 https://winnunga.org.au/clinical/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗 Wollongong Community Health Centre Piccadilly Centre Unit 28/29, 341 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500Get Directions (02) 4253 0300 https://www.islhd.health.nsw.gov.au/community-health-centres HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Wooloomooloo Pharmacy 9/162 Cathedral Street, (Corner of Bourke Street, next to Police Station), Woolloomooloo NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9357 2710 https://www.wpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service 25 Third St, Katherine NT 0851Get Directions (08) 8972 9100 wurli@wurli.org.au https://www.wurli.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Wyndham Aboriginal Community Health Service Minderoo Road, Wyndham WA 6740Get Directions (08) 9161 0262 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080169/wyndham-community-health-service/services/wyndham-6740-minderoo#nurse-led-clinic/s HIV和STI检测 Yarra Medical The Hive Shopping Centre, 25/313 Victoria St, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9027 6262 https://yarramedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre G2 657 Chapel Street, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9826 9111 info@ymcc.au https://ymcc.au/ Mpox vaccination Yarra Ranges Medical Clinic 411 Clegg Road, Wandin North VIC 3139Get Directions (03) 5964 2700 https://www.facebook.com/YarraRangesMedicalClinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Yarram Medical Centre 85-91 Commercial Road, Yarram VIC 3971Get Directions (03) 5182 0222 https://www.ydhs.com.au/medical-services/ymc/sexual-health-in-practice/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination Yeppoon Family Practice 48 Normanby Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703Get Directions (07) 4913 9300 https://www.yfp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination You Yangs Medical Clinic 45 Walkers Road, Lara VIC 3212Get Directions (03) 5282 2999 https://youyangsmedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Young People’s Health Service Basement Level, 19 King Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9453 8590 young.people@rch.org.au https://www.rch.org.au/adolescent-medicine/young-peoples-health-service/ Mpox vaccination Your Community Health (wulempuri dhumba – Northcote) 42 Separation Street, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 8609 6009 https://www.yourch.org.au/services/mpox/ Mpox vaccination YourGP@Crace 1/5 Baratta Street, Crace ACT 2911Get Directions (02) 6109 0000 https://www.yourgpcrace.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 YourGP@Denman 1B Felstead Vista, Denman Prospect ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6109 0000 https://www.yourgpdenman.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗 Yura Yungi Aboriginal Health Service 342 Terone Street, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 6266 HIV和STI检测 使用你的工具包 本网站使用Cookies 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76 Prince Medical 76 Prince Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6362 5055 https://www.76prince.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
a[TEST] Newtown 404 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 https://endinghiv.org.au/test-often/book-a-test/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测
a[TEST] Oxford Street 167 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 atest@acon.org.au http://www.atest.org.au HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
a[TEST] Surry Hills ACON, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 atest@acon.org.au http://www.atest.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
Aboriginal Health Service 56 Patrick Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6234 0777 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Access Health – The Salvation Army St Kilda 31 Grey St, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9536 7780 https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/locations/victoria/v237/access-health/ Mpox vaccination
Access Health and Community 238 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9810 3000 https://accesshc.org.au/contact/richmond/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Ace Pharmacy Kedron Shop 2/232 Gympie Road, Kedron QLD 4031Get Directions (07) 3857 0200 contact@acepharmacy.com.au https://acepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
ACON Hunter Office 129 Maitland Rd, Islington NSW 2296Get Directions (02) 4962 7700 hunter@acon.org.au HIV和STI检测
ACU Medical Centre Melbourne 8-14 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9953 3762 https://www.acu.edu.au/student-life/student-services/medical-centres/acu-medical-centre-melbourne Mpox vaccination
Adelaide Sexual Health Centre 260 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7117 2800 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/primary+and+specialised+services/sexual+health+services/adelaide+sexual+health+centre/adelaide+sexual+health+centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Advantage Pharmacy Bedford 11/215 Grand Promenade, Bedford WA 6052Get Directions (08) 9271 2725 info@bedfordpharmacy.com.au https://www.bedfordpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Advantage Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 1037, Westfield Bondi Junction, 500 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9369 1350 https://www.westfield.com.au/bondijunction/store/4L6pAogyJLOGNFimV5h48z/advantagepharmacy HIV self test kit stockist
AIM Health Melbourne Student Medical Centre Level 1, 253 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9005 2118 https://www.aimhealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Ainslie House – Royal Perth Hospital Sexual Health Level 4, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9224 2178 https://rph.health.wa.gov.au/Services/Sexual-Health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Albert Park Medical Centre 51-55 Dundas Pl, Albert Park VIC 3206Get Directions (03) 9699 8044 https://qualitashealth.com.au/our-practices/albert-park-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Albury Sexual Health Service – Clinic 72 596 Smollett Street, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6058 1831 https://www.awh.org.au/services-departments/community-health-allied-health-dental-rehabilitation/community-health/albury-sexual-health-service-clinic-72 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Alexander Heights Family Practice 44 Greenpark Rd, Alexander Heights WA 6064Get Directions (08) 9247 2533 https://www.alexanderheightsfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Alexander Street Medical Clinic – Goloub Boris 322 Inkerman Street, St Kilda East 3183Get Directions (03) 9527 9545 Mpox vaccination
ALFA Medical and Skin Clinic 330 Sheridan St, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4243 6868 http://www.alfamedical.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Alfred Hospital – Victorian HIV Service & I.D. Clinic The Alfred Hospital, 55 Commercial Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9276 6081 specailistimmunisationservice@alfred.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Ali Medical Centre Shop 15, 276-278 Maude Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5895 0170 manager@alimedical.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/shepparton-3630-vic/ali-medical-centre/gp-general-practice/c6c974b6-7ec3-f4e2-30c2-9b357288b304 Mpox vaccination
Alice Springs Pharmacy Shop 46, Yeperenye Shopping Centre, 36-38 Hartley Street, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8952 1554 alicesp@unitedps.net.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/alice-springs-0870-nt/alice-springs-pharmacy/pharmacy/4fb9bded-ebbf-5b3f-be90-d8d6f70488b4 HIV self test kit stockist
Alpha Medical Centre – Cobram 30 William St, Cobram VIC 3644Get Directions (03) 5871 2366 reception@alphamcc.com.au https://www.alphamcc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Altona North Medical Group 6/230 Blackshaws Rd, Altona North VIC 3025Get Directions (03) 9393 3900 admin@anmg.com.au https://www.anmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Amcal Burwood Highway Pharmacy 140 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125Get Directions (03) 8319 5745 contact@burwoodpharmacy.com https://www.burwoodpharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Amcal Pharmacity 717 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9322 6921 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/wa/amcal-pharmacy-perth-pharmacity HIV self test kit stockist
Amcal+ Compounding Pharmacy – Balmain 298 Darling Street, Balmain NSW 2041Get Directions (02) 9818 5822 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/amcal-compounding-pharmacy-balmain HIV self test kit stockist
Andrew Place Clinic Bundoora 1 Andrew Place, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9467 1444 https://www.andrewplaceclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Andrew Place Clinic Mill Park 30A Oleander Drive , Mill Park VIC 3082Get Directions (03) 9466 7211 https://www.andrewplaceclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Anglesea Medical 3 McMillan Street, Anglesea VIC 3230Get Directions (03) 4215 6700 reception@angleseamedical.com.au http://angleseamedical.com.au HIV和STI检测
ANU Medical Centre The Australian National University, Building 18, North Road, Acton ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6125 3598 http://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/health-service HIV和STI检测
Anyinginyi Aboriginal Corporation – Health Centre 71 Schmidt St, Tennant Creek NT 0860Get Directions (08) 8962 2385 https://www.anyinginyi.org.au/services1#HealthServices HIV和STI检测
Arch Medical Centre 1607A Sturt St, Alfredton VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5334 1919 https://southerncrossgp.com.au/alfredton/ Mpox vaccination
Armadale Family Clinic Ground Floor, 1002-1004 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143Get Directions (03) 9509 1811 https://familyclinics.net/location/armadale/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Armidale Community Health Centre Clair House, Corner Butler and Rusden Streets, Armidale NSW 2350Get Directions (02) 6776 9600 HIV和STI检测
Ascot Family Practice 153a Racecourse Road, Ascot QLD 4007Get Directions (07) 3268 2318 reception@ascotfamilypractice.com.au https://ascotfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Ascot Vale Pharmacy 67-69 Union Rd, Ascot Vale VIC 3032Get Directions (03) 9370 4146 scripts@ascotvalepharmacy.com.au https://www.ascotvalepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Ashford Avenue Family Practice 3/126 Ashford Ave, Milperra NSW 2214Get Directions (02) 9774 3388 https://www.ashfordavenue.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Aspire Medical Centre 53B Watson Street, Bundaberg South QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4151 2255 http://aspiremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Austin Health — Infectious Diseases Clinic Level 7, Harold Stokes Building, 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, Heidelberg VIC 3084Get Directions (03) 9496 6676 Mpox vaccination
Bagga’s Pharmacy 178 Hunter St Mall, Newcastle NSW 2300Get Directions (02) 4929 1758 info@baggas.com.au https://www.baggas.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Balance! Edmonton Family Practice 5 Walker Rd, Edmonton QLD 4869Get Directions (07) 4055 4400 https://balancehealthclinic.com.au/edmonton/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Balga Plaza Pharmacy 108 Princess Road, Balga WA 6061Get Directions (08) 9349 6334 dainguyen@westnet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/balga-6061-wa/balga-plaza-pharmacy/pharmacy/d45483e1-ea19-a67c-a004-55c6bd9681f7 HIV self test kit stockist
Balgo Aboriginal Health Centre 1 Tanami Road, Balgo via Halls Creek WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9168 8953 https://kams.org.au/remote/balgo-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Ballarat Community Health Centre – Lucas 12 Lilburne Street, Lucas VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5338 4541 https://bchc.org.au/locations/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Ballarat Community Health Centre – Sebastopol 260 Vickers Street, Sebastopol VIC 3356Get Directions (03) 5338 4500 https://bchc.org.au/locations/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ballarat Health Services – Base Hospital 1 Drummond Street , North Ballarat VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5320 4000 https://www.bhs.org.au/ Mpox vaccination
Balwyn Central Medical 427 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn VIC 3103Get Directions (03) 9830 2300 https://icohealth.com.au/balwyn/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Banora Shopping Village Medical Centre Cnr Darlington and Leisure Drives, Banora Point NSW 2486Get Directions (07) 5590 5875 https://banorashoppingvillagemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Barrier Reef Medical Centre 356 McLeod Street, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4051 6299 http://www.brmc.com.au HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Barwon Health StaffCare University 288-299 Ryrie St, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 4215 3220 staffcare@barwonhealth.org.au https://www.barwonhealth.org.au/services-departments/item/staffcare Mpox vaccination
Barwon Health Vaccination Centre Reynolds Road, Belmont VIC 3216Get Directions https://bswphu.org.au/public-health-priorities/mpox/#vaccination-in-the-barwon-south-west Mpox vaccination
Barwon Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinic – Geelong Clinic 4, Bellarine Centre, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 5226 7802 https://www.barwonhealth.org.au/services-departments/item/sexual-health-information-screening HIV和STI检测
Batemans Bay Sexual Health Service 7 Pacific Drive, Batemans Bay NSW 2536Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Bauhinia Health 36 First Street, Katherine NT 0850Get Directions (08) 7903 2100 admin@bauhinia.com.au https://bauhinia.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Baxter Medical Centre 57 Baxter-Tooradin Rd, Baxter VIC 3911Get Directions (03) 5971 1110 baxtermedicalanddental@gmail.com https://baxtermedicalanddental.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Beagle Bay Aboriginal Health Centre Lot 53 Beagle Bay Road, Beagle Bay WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4914 http://kams.org.au/remote/beagle-bay-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Beenleigh Mall Medical Centre Shop 24A, Level 1, 40-68 Main St, Beenleigh QLD 4207Get Directions (07) 3287 2224 http://www.bmmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Bega Sexual Health Service South East Regional Hospital, Virginia Drive, Bega NSW 2550Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Belconnen Mall Medical Centre Shop 168, Level 3, Westfield Belconnen, Belconnen ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6253 3123 http://belconnenmmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Bendigo Community Health Services – Eaglehawk 75 Mitchell Street, Bendigo VIC 3552Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 bchs@bchs.com.au https://www.bchs.com.au/contact/eaglehawk Mpox vaccination
Bendigo Community Health Services – Kangaroo Flat 19 Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 bchs@bchs.com.au https://www.bchs.com.au/contact/kangaroo-flat Mpox vaccination
Bendigo Health 100 Barnard St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/GettingHere/Maps/ Mpox vaccination
Bendigo Primary Care Centre 123 Arnold Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5441 8622 https://bendigoprimarycarecentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Bendigo Salvation Army 65-71 Mundy Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Bendigo Sexual Health Clinic 165-171 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 https://www.bchs.com.au/sexual-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Bendigo UFS Pharmacies – Hargreaves Street 379 Hargreaves St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5443 6430 hargreaves@bendigoufs.com.au https://www.bendigoufs.com.au/locate-us-hargreaves-street/ Mpox vaccination
Berwick Healthcare 76 Clyde Road, Berwick VIC 3806Get Directions (03) 9796 1500 reception@berwickhealthcare.com.au https://www.berwickhealthcare.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Better Access Medical Clinic 1 Hamilton Place, Bowen Hills QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3620 8111 medical@quihn.org https://betteraccessmedical.org/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Better Value Pharmacy Box Hill 1 Main St, Box Hill VIC 3128Get Directions (03) 9890 3182 bvpboxhill@gmail.com https://www.bettervaluepharmacyboxhill.com/ Mpox vaccination
Bidyadanga Aboriginal Health Clinic Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community, Lot 86, Wankaja Road, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4952 http://kams.org.au/remote/bidyadanga-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Bill Warner Chemist 334 Victoria St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9331 4766 billwarnerchemist@gmail.com https://www.billwarnerchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Billiluna Aboriginal Health Centre Tanami Road, Kirurrungka (Billiluna) Community WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 8144 https://kams.org.au/remote/billiluna-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Blackbutt Doctors Surgery Level 1, 58 Orchardtown Road, New Lambton NSW 2305Get Directions (02) 4950 9733 https://www.blackbuttdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Blakes Pharmacy 18 Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point 2011 NSWGet Directions (02) 9358 6712 info@blakespharmacy.com.au http://www.blakespharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Blood Borne Virus & Sexual Health 92 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700Get Directions (07) 4932 5440 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Bloomfield Medical Group Level 2, 1521 Forest Road, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 5335 6666 https://bloomfieldmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Blooms The Chemist Baldivis Shop 43, Stockland Centre, 26 Safety Bay Road, Baldivis WA 6171Get Directions (08) 9523 0006 baldivis@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-baldivis HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Baldivis Stockland Shop 17, Stockland Centre, 20 Settler Avenue, Baldivis WA 6171Get Directions (08) 9524 3803 baldivisstockland@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-baldivis-stockland HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Bathurst Chase Shop 25B, Bathurst Chase Shopping Centre, 39-41 William Street, Bathurst NSW 2795Get Directions (02) 6331 2599 bathurstchase@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bathurst-chase HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Belmont Citi Shop 25 Belmont Citi Centre, Macquarie Street, Belmont NSW 2280Get Directions (02) 4945 8878 belmontciti@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-belmont-citi HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Bull Creek Shop 7, Stockland Bull Creek Shopping Centre, South Street, Bull Creek WA 6149Get Directions (08) 9332 3777 bullcreek@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bull-creek HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Bundaberg Shop 406, Sugarland Plaza, 115 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4152 5088 bundaberg@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-bundaberg HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Burwood Shop 46-47 Burwood Plaza, 46 Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 2134Get Directions (02) 9744 9508 burwood@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-burwood HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Casey Central Shop 132-134 Casey Central Shopping Centre,, 400 Narre Warren Cranbourne Road, Narre Warren South VIC 3805Get Directions (03) 9704 8166 casey@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-casey-central HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Castle Plaza Shop 4-7 Castle Plaza Shopping Centre, 992 South Road, Edwardstown SA 5039Get Directions (08) 8277 1511 castleplaza@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-castle-plaza HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Cranbourne Shop 123 Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre, High Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5996 2254 cranbourne@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-cranbourne HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Crows Nest 99 Willoughby Road, Crows Nest NSW 2065Get Directions (02) 9439 1504 crowsnest@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-crows-nest HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Dubbo Shop 15-16a, Dubbo Square, 177 Macquarie Street, Dubbo NSW 2830Get Directions (02) 6882 4853 dubbo@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-dubbo HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Essendon 1049 Mt Alexander Rd, Essendon VIC 3040Get Directions (03) 9379 2158 essendon@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/essendon HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Geraldton Fountains 114 Marine Terrace, Geraldton WA 6530Get Directions (08) 9921 1755 geraldton@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-geraldton-fountains HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Glenelg 95 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 82957466 glenelg@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-glenelg HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Glenorchy Shop 14 & 15, Glenorchy Shopping Centre, Eady St, Glenorchy TAS 7010Get Directions (03) 6272 4313 glenorchy@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-glenorchy HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Gordon 765 Pacific Hwy, Gordon NSW 2072Get Directions (02) 9498 2587 gordon@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-gordon HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Hobart 71 Bathurst Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions 1800 252 436 hobart@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-hobart HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Kenmore Shop 9-10, Kenmore Plaza Shopping Centre, 841 Moggill Rd, Kenmore QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3378 5769 kenmore@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-kenmore HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Miller Shops 46-48 Miller Central, 90 Cartwright Ave, Miller NSW 2168Get Directions (02) 9607 7204 miller@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-miller HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Mount Ommaney Shop 1, Mt Ommaney Centre, 171 Dandenong Road, Mt Ommaney QLD 4074Get Directions (07) 3376 8788 mtommaney@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-mt-ommaney HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist North Perth 372 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth WA 6006Get Directions (08) 9328 5762 northperth@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-north-perth HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Northbridge Shop 13, Northbridge Plaza, 79/113 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063Get Directions (02) 9958 8646 northbridge@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-northbridge HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Orange Shop 19, Orange Metro Plaza Centre, 227 Summer Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6362 1267 orange@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-orange HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Padstow 57-59 Padstow Parade, Padstow NSW 2211Get Directions (02) 9773 9427 padstow@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-padstow HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Penrith High Street Shop 3, 535 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750Get Directions (02) 4724 2050 penrith@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-penrith-high-street HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Rochedale Shop 5B, Rochedale Village, 329 Gardner Road, Rochedale QLD 4123Get Directions (07) 3423 2953 rochedale@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-rochedale HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Stud Park Stud Park Shopping Centre, Corner Stud & Fulham Rd, Rowville VIC 3178Get Directions (03) 9764 2933 studpark@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-stud-park HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist The Pines The Pines Shopping Centre, 22 K P McGrath Dr & Guineas Creek Rd, Elanora QLD 4221Get Directions (07) 5598 1415 thepines@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-the-pines HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Toorak Floor G, Tok H Centre, 459 Toorak Rd, Toorak VIC 3142Get Directions (03) 9826 1524 toorak@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-toorak HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Tweed City Central Shop 115, Tweed City Shopping Centre (opposite Woolworths), 54 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486Get Directions (07) 5524 4974 tweedcitycentral@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-tweed-city-central HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Wareemba 278 Great North Road, Wareemba NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9713 8629 wareemba@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-wareemba HIV self test kit stockist
Blooms The Chemist Wyong 74 Pacific Hwy, Wyong NSW 2259Get Directions (02) 4352 1025 wyong@blooms.net.au https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/store-wyong HIV self test kit stockist
Blue Mountains Sexual Health/HIV Clinic Blue Mountains Hospital, Great Western Highway, Katoomba NSW 2780Get Directions (02) 4784 6560 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Bluff Road Medical 328 Bluff Road, Sandringham VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9598 6244 https://www.bluffroadmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Bondi Beach Chemist 14 Campbell Parade, Bondi Beach NSW 2026Get Directions (02) 9130 5270 bondibeach.chemist@nunet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/bondi-beach-2026-nsw/bondi-beach-chemist/pharmacy/89d671c5-de1b-a529-f62d-25a948776a3d HIV self test kit stockist
Bondi Road Doctors 27 Bondi Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 5811 reception@bondiroaddoctors.com.au https://www.bondiroaddoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Boondall Family Practice Shop 6, 2281 Sandgate Road, Boondall QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3265 7740 reception.boondallfamily@gmail.com https://www.boondallfamilypractice.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Border General Practice 425 David Street, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6062 3166 https://www.bordergeneralpractice.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Bourke Sexual Health Service Community Health Centre, 26 Tarcoon Street, Bourke NSW 2840Get Directions (02) 6870 2701 HIV和STI检测
Brecken Health 12-16 Vasse St, South Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9791 8133 https://breckenbunbury.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Brendale Medical Centre 249B Leitchs Road, Brendale QLD 4500Get Directions (07) 3881 0365 https://www.brenmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Bridging Healthcare Capital Chemist, 12 Sangster Place, Wanniassa ACT 2903Get Directions 0407 472 472 https://www.bridginghealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Brighton Medical Clinic 24-26 Carpenter Street, Brighton VIC 3186Get Directions (03) 9592 0222 https://www.brightonmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Brighton Regional Doctors 174 Brighton Road, Brighton TAS 7030Get Directions (03) 6144 6550 https://www.brightonregionaldoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Brisbane ATSICHS Youth Service (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service) 55 Annerley Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3240 8900 https://atsichsbrisbane.org.au/contact-us/locations/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Brisbane Harm Reduction Centre Biala Community Health Centre - Ground Floor, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3837 5600 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Brisbane Metro South Sexual Health Service – Logan Hospital Loganlea Rd, Meadowbrook QLD 4131Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/sexual-health HIV和STI检测
Brisbane Metro South Sexual Health Service – Princess Alexandra Hospital 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Brisbane North Sexual Health Service – COH Pine Rivers Community Health Centre, 568 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500Get Directions (07) 3492 1800 BNSHS@Health.qld.gov.au https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/community/healthcare-services/brisbane-north-sexual-health HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Brisbane Sexual Health and HIV Service Level 1, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3837 5611 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Broome Community Health Service 67 Dakas Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9194 2340 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080163/broome-community-health-service/services/broome-6725-67-dakas-street HIV和STI检测
Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS) Corner of Dora and Anne Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 1338 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20055363/broome-regional-aboriginal-medical-service-brams/services/broome-6725--corner-dora-and-anne-street HIV和STI检测
Buckley Street Pharmacy 357 Buckley Street, Aberfeldie VIC 3040Get Directions (03) 9331 0000 contact@buckleystreetpharmacy.com https://www.buckleystreetpharmacy.com/ Mpox vaccination
Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation – Grafton Clinic 131 Bacon St, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions 1800 571 117 info@bnmac.com.au https://bnmac.com.au/clinics/grafton-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Bulleen Plaza Medical Centre 103 Manningham Road, Bulleen VIC 3105Get Directions (03) 9852 2234 bulleenplazamedical@gmail.com https://bulleenpmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Bungendore Medical Centre 36 Ellendon Street, Bungendore NSW 2621Get Directions (02) 6238 1417 https://bungendoremedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Burleigh Heads Medical Centre 45-47 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220Get Directions (07) 5535 1844 info@bhmc.net.au https://www.bhmc.net.au/ Mpox vaccination
Buronga Health One (Outreach service) 3 Pitman Avenue, Buronga NSW 2739Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 (option 0 for clinic 9) https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/fwlhd/facilities/buronga-healthone HIV和STI检测
Byron Bay Outreach Clinic Byron District Hospital (enter through ED), 10 Shirley Street, Byron Bay NSW 2481Get Directions (02) 6620 2980 HIV和STI检测
Caboolture Sexual Health & HIV Service King Street Community Health Centre, Caboolture Square, Level 5, 60-78 King Street, Caboolture QLD 4510Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Cairns Doctors 192 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4041 7099 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Cairns Hospital Emergency Department 165-171 Esplanade, Cairns North QLD 4870Get Directions HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Cairns Sexual Health Service Cairns North Community Health, Facility 1st Floor, 381 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4226 4769 cairnsshs@health.qld.gov.au https://cairns-hinterland.health.qld.gov.au/healthcare-services/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Camden Day & Night Pharmacy 148 Argyle St, Camden NSW 2570Get Directions (02) 4655 9370 camden@daynightpharmacies.com.au https://www.daynightpharmacies.com.au/stores/camden-previously-blooms/ HIV self test kit stockist
Campaspe Family Practice Kyneton Hospital, 7-25 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton VIC 3444Get Directions (03) 5422 9900 https://www.campaspefp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Campbelltown Mall Medical Centre L08 Campbelltown Mall, Queen Street, Campbelltown NSW 2560Get Directions (02) 4605 9999 http://www.nexushealthcare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Campbelltown Sexual Health Clinic Rosemeadow Community Health Centre, 5 Thomas Rose Dr, Rosemeadow NSW 2560Get Directions (02) 4633 4100 HIV和STI检测
Canberra Sexual Health Centre (CSHC) Building 8, Level 4, Canberra Hospital, Hospital Rd, Garran ACT 2605Get Directions (02) 5124 2184 https://www.canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au/services-and-clinics/services/canberra-sexual-health-centre-cshc HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Caneland Medical Centre Shop 2126, 2 Mangrove Rd, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4953 4333 https://canelandmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Capital Chemist Dickson 2/6 Dickson Place, Dickson ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7684 https://capitalchemist.com.au/dickson HIV self test kit stockist
Capital Chemist O’Connor 9 Sargood Street, O'Connor ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7050 https://www.capitalchemistoconnor.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Capital Chemist Wanniassa Wanniassa Shopping Centre, 12 Sangster Place, Wanniassa ACT 2903Get Directions (02) 6231 6446 https://www.capitalchemist.com.au/wanniassa HIV self test kit stockist
Capsule Pharmacy 747 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008Get Directions (03) 9614 5745 https://www.capsulepharmacy.online/ Mpox vaccination
Carbal Medical Services – Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) 125 Russell Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions 1300 379 558 admin@carbal.com.au https://carbal.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Cardinia Casey Community Health Service – Cranbourne 140-154 Sladen Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5990 6789 HIV和STI检测
Caremore Bain & Co Pharmacy 77 Fitzroy St, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5757 https://caremore.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Carina Medical and Specialist Centre 396 Stanley Road, Carina QLD 4152Get Directions (07) 3398 8188 reception@carinamedical.com.au https://carinamedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Carlton Family Medical 88 Rathdowne Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 8330 3900 https://carltonfamilymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Carnegie & Malvern Medical Centre 1036 Dandenong Rd, Carnegie VIC 3163Get Directions (03) 9572 2211 https://www.cmmc1036.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Carseldine Family Clinic Shop ST6A/735 Beams Rd, Carseldine QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3263 4500 https://www.carseldinefamilyclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Casey Medical Centre Cranbourne 197 High Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5991 1222 https://www.caseymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Casey Superclinic 50 Kangan Drive, Berwick VIC 3806Get Directions (03) 9707 4777 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/vic-berwick-casey-superclinic/home/ HIV和STI检测
CBD Doctors Melbourne Level 10/53 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9077 9912 https://www.cbddoctorsmelbourne.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Central City Medical Centre Shop 14, 378 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9225 1188 https://www.ccmc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Services Cnr Buckley and Collins Street, Morwell VIC 3840Get Directions (03) 5136 5128 https://www.ramahyuck.org/clinic/clinic-morwell/ HIV和STI检测
Chapel Hill Family Doctors 2 Kirkdale Road, Chapel Hill QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3172 9910 https://www.chapelhillfamilydoctors.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Chapman Family Medical Practice Chapman Shopping Centre, 10/58 Perry Drive, Chapman ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6288 5000 https://www.chapmansurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Charleville Health Clinic 67 Edward Street, Charleville QLD 4470Get Directions (07) 4621 2100 https://www.southwest.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/charleville-health-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Charters Towers Health Service 137 - 139 Gill Street, Charters Towers QLD 4820Get Directions (07) 4787 0333 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/charters-towers/charters-towers-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Chelsea Arcade Medical Shop 10 & 11, 426 Nepean Hwy, Chelsea VIC 3196Get Directions (03) 9772 9878 https://icohealth.com.au/chelsea/ HIV和STI检测
Chemist Discount Centre Glenroy 796G Pascoe Vale Rd, Glenroy VIC 3046Get Directions 1300 901 903 info@cdcpharmacy.com.au https://www.chemistdiscountcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Hub Panania Pharmacy 72 Anderson Ave, Panania NSW 2213Get Directions (02) 9773 9801 pananiapharmacy@chemisthub.au https://www.chemisthub.au/store-locator/panania-pharmacy HIV self test kit stockist
Chemist Warehouse Balwyn 252 to 254 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn VIC 3103Get Directions (03) 9830 1254 balwyn@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Brandon Park Shopping Centre MM100 Brandon Park Shopping Centre, 580 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill VIC 3150Get Directions (03) 9561 8855 brandonpark@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Chirnside Park Shop L01 Chirnside Park Shopping Centre, 239 to 241 Maroondah Highway, Chirnside Park VIC 3116Get Directions (03) 9726 4188 chirnsidepark@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Corio Central Shop G021 Corio Central , Corio VIC 3214Get Directions (03) 5275 2121 coriocentral@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/aboutus/store-locator Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Craigieburn Junction Building F Craigieburn Junction, 420 to 440 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn VIC 3064Get Directions (03) 8527 1771 craigieburnjunction@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Eltham Village SC Shop 10 11 12 and part 13 in Eltham Village SC, Eltham VIC 3095Get Directions (03) 9439 6085 elthamvillage@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Forest Hill Brentford Square 502 to 504 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill VIC 3131Get Directions (03) 9874 3288 brentfordsquare@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Kalkallo Shop 20 Kallo Town Centre, 44 Toyon Road, Kalkallo VIC 3064Get Directions (03) 8527 1749 kalkallo@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Lilydale Shops 7 8 & 9 Lilydale Marketplace, 33 to 45 Hutchinson Street, Lilydale VIC 3140Get Directions (03) 9735 2511 lilydale@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Mornington Central Shop SP010 Mornington Central, 78 Barkly Street, Mornington VIC 3931Get Directions (03) 8527 1766 morningtoncentral@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Mount Waverley 33 Hamilton Place, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03) 9807 1663 mountwaverley@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Newmarket Shop 3 5 & 6 338 to 390 Racecourse Rd, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9376 7228 newmarket@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Northcote 381 - 385 High St, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 9482 3099 northcote@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Preston 475 High St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9470 6626 preston@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Preston – Home Co. DC Tenancy T08 85 Chifley Drive, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9470 2656 prestonhomeco@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Templestowe 21A to 23 Anderson Street, Templestowe VIC 3106Get Directions (03) 9113 4429 templestowe@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemist Warehouse Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre SP041 Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre, 620 Victoria Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 3600 victoriagardenssc@chemistwarehouse.com.au https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Chemistworks Broadway Shop G20A, 1 Bay Street, Broadway NSW 2007Get Directions (02) 9212 4377 dispensarybw@chemistworks.com.au https://www.chemistworks.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Chermside Medical Centre 2/956 Gympie Rd, Chermside QLD 4032Get Directions (07) 3917 4200 http://partneredhealthmedicalcentres.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Chisholm Medical Centre 26 Benham St, Chisholm ACT 2905Get Directions (02) 5112 2248 reception@chisholmmedicalcentre.com.au https://chisholmmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Church Street Medical Centre 300 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 4888 reception@churchmedical.com.au http://churchmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Cincotta Discount Chemist Blacktown (Compounding Chemist) 67 Main Street, Blacktown NSW 2148Get Directions (02) 9622 1937 d.blacktown@cincottadc.com.au https://www.cincottachemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
City Medical Ground level, 200 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9098 7480 https://www.citymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Clarendon Medical Centre 4 Neill St, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5461 0100 https://www.clarendonmed.com/ Mpox vaccination
Clarity Medical 338 Dandenong Road, St Kilda East VIC 3183Get Directions (03) 9828 7570 https://claritymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Cleveland Family Practice 76C/90 Middle St, Cleveland QLD 4163Get Directions (07) 3488 2862 nurse@clevelandfp.com.au https://www.clevelandfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Clifford Gardens Medical Centre Shop 86, Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre, 100-124 Anzac Avenue, Newtown QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4589 0027 info@cliffordgardensmedical.com.au https://cliffordgardensmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Clifton Hill Medical Group 248 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9489 8355 https://chmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 145 — Tweed Valley Sexual Health Service Level 1, 145 Wharf Street, Tweed Heads NSW 2485Get Directions (02) 5506 6850 https://nnswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services/HIV-and-related-programs/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 16 – Royal North Shore Hospital Level 5, 2C Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065Get Directions (02) 9462 9500 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 229 Grafton Base Hospital, Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions (02) 6640 2229 HIV和STI检测
Clinic 23 – Devonport (Outreach service) 23 Steele Street, Devonport TASGet Directions (03) 6777 1371 https://www.health.tas.gov.au/service-finder/clinic-23 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 33 — Coffs Harbour Health Campus 345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6656 7865 https://mnclhd.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/sexual-health-hiv-and-hepatitis/hiv-services/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 33 — Grafton Base Hospital 174 Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460Get Directions (02) 6641 8712 https://mnclhd.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/sexual-health-hiv-and-hepatitis/sexual-health-services/ HIV和STI检测
Clinic 33 — Kempsey Community Health 119 River Street, West Kempsey NSW 2440Get Directions (02) 6561 2790 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/west-kempsey-2440-nsw/clinic-33-kempsey/sexual-health-clinic/bba048a7-6029-ae19-e7b7-83df3292d22a HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 33 — Port Macquarie Community Health Centre Morton Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions (02) 6589 2145 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/port-macquarie-2444-nsw/clinic-33-port-macquarie/sexual-health-clinic/9661d8f2-109f-b769-b918-cb40cb114633 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 – Launceston 34 Howick Street, Launceston TAS 7250Get Directions (03) 6777 1371 mail@tascahrd.org.au https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/sexual-and-reproductive-health/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 — Alice Springs Ground floor, Eurilpa House, 25 Todd st, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8951 7549 https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 — Darwin Nightingale Road Red Wing, Building 4, Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) campus, Tiwi NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8999 2678 https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/sexual-health-services/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 — Katherine Katherine Hospital, Gorge Road, Katherine NT 850Get Directions (08) 8973 9049 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 — Nhulunbuy Corner Mathew Flinders Way and Chesterfield Court, Nhulunbuy NT 880Get Directions (08) 8987 0357 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 34 — Tennant Creek Tennant Creek Hospital, Corner Windly and Schmidt Streets, Tennant Creek NT 860Get Directions (08) 8962 4259 https://www.ntahc.org.au/clinic-34 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 35 – Wangaratta 45-47 Mackay Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5723 2000 https://www.gatewayhealth.org.au/services/gp-clinics/sexual-and-reproductive-health-clinic-35/ HIV和STI检测
Clinic 35 – Wodonga (Gateway Health) 155 High Street, Wodonga VIC 3690Get Directions (02) 6022 8888 https://www.gatewayhealth.org.au/services/gp-clinics/sexual-and-reproductive-health-clinic-35/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 468 468 Peel Street, Tamworth NSW 2340Get Directions (02) 6764 8080 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/tamworth HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 60 – Hobart 60 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6166 2672 mail@tascahrd.org.au https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/sexual-and-reproductive-health/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 66 31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067Get Directions (02) 9411 3411 info@clinic66.com.au https://www.clinic66.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Clinic 9 — Broken Hill Sexual Health Clinic 2-4 Sulphide Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Cobar Health Service (Outreach service) 33 Woodiwiss Avenue, Cobar NSW 2835Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/cobar-health-service HIV和STI检测
Coburg Family Medical Centre 497 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058Get Directions (03) 9354 4042 voicemail.cfmc@gmail.com https://coburgfmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Coffs Central Medical Centre 113 West High Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 8699 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/nsw-coffs-harbour-coffs-central-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
cohealth Fitzroy 75 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9448 5531 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/fitzroy/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
cohealth Footscray (Paisley Street) 78 Paisley Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9448 5502 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/footscray/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
cohealth Kensington 12 Gower Street, Kensington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9448 5537 https://www.cohealth.org.au/location/kensington/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Collie River Valley Medical Centre — Dr Peter Wutchak 24 Harvey Street, Collie WA 6225Get Directions (08) 9734 4111 http://crvmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Collingwood Medical 51 Langridge Street, Collingwood VIC 3066Get Directions (03) 9069 5840 https://collingwoodmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Collins Street Medical Centre (Dr Forgan-Smith) Level 7, 267 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 8575 6900 https://collinsstmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Commercial Road Pharmacy Shop 1, 212 Commercial Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9510 5074 info@commercialroadpharmacy.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/prahran-3181-vic/commercial-road-pharmacy/pharmacy/595df55b-40c1-0c2e-870d-ded9e5f9a812 HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Community Health @ GV Health 121-135 Corio St , Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions https://www.gvhealth.org.au/our-services/community-health/sexual-health-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Community Health Centre 96 Kite Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6392 8600 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Concept Medical SA Office 3, 6-14 Metro Parade, Mawson Lakes SA 5095Get Directions (08) 7123 6424 http://www.conceptmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Congress Gap Clinic 25 Gap Road, The Gap NT 0870Get Directions 1800 142 900 https://www.caac.org.au/clinic/gap-clinic/ HIV和STI检测
Cooktown Multipurpose Health Service 48 Hope Street, Cooktown QLD 4895Get Directions (07) 4043 0100 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/cooktown-multipurpose-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Coolangatta Medical Centre 91 Griffith Street, Coolangatta QLD 4225Get Directions (07) 5599 1400 office@coolmedical.com.au https://www.coolangattamedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Cooleman Court Pharmacy Shop 15 Cooleman Crt, Brierly Street, Weston Creek ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6288 1867 https://lifepharmacygroup.com.au/cooleman-court-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist
Coonabarabran Health Service (Outreach service) 98/92 Cassilis Street, Coonabarabran NSW 2357Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/coonabarabran-health-service HIV和STI检测
Corangamite Clinic 12 - 14 Miller Street, Colac VIC 3250Get Directions (03) 5231 5866 https://www.corangamiteclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Corryong Medical Clinic 20 Kiell St, Corryong VIC 3707Get Directions (02) 6076 3200 https://www.corryonghealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Cowra Health Service (Outreach service) 64 Liverpool Street, Cowra NSW 2794Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/cowra-health-service HIV和STI检测
Cranbourne West Medical Centre Cranbourne West Shopping Centre Shop S15, 19 Strathlea Drive, Cranbourne West VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 7017 5932 https://www.cranbournewestmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Craven’s Pharmacy 2/553 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9325 4375 pharmacycravens@gmail.com https://perthpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Crown St Medical Centre 351 Crown St, Lower Ground, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 3338 https://crownstmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Croydon Hills Pharmacy 6-10 McAdam Square , Croydon Hills VIC 3136Get Directions (03) 9725 6653 croydonhillsretailpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.croydonhillspharmacy.com.au Mpox vaccination
Cue Health Centre 7 Victoria Street, Cue WA 6640Get Directions (08) 9963 0100 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/cue-6640-wa/cue-health-centre/gp-general-practice/9191fbf7-dc7b-48b0-ab0f-69d86be43e5e HIV和STI检测
Curtin University Health Service Level 1, Building 109, Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102Get Directions (08) 9266 7345 https://www.curtin.edu.au/students/personal-support/health/medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测
CutPrice Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 4&6, 175-181 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions info@cutpricepharmacy.com.au https://www.cutpricepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Danila Dilba – Bagot Clinic 133 Bagot Road, Ludmilla NT 0820Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/bagot-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Darwin City 32-34 Knuckey St, Darwin City NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/darwin-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Humpty Doo Clinic Shop 2, 3 Skewes Street, Humpty Doo NT 0836Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/humpty-doo-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Malak Clinic Shop 3, 1 Malak Place, Malak NT 0812Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/malak-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Mens Clinic Suite 3, 9 Keith Lane, Fannie Bay NT 0820Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/mens-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Palmerston Clinic Unit 1/7 Rolyat St, Palmerston NT 0831Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/palmerston-clinic HIV和STI检测
Danila Dilba – Rapid Creek Clinic Rapid Creek Business Village, Shop 35, 48 Trower Rd, Millner NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8942 5400 info@ddhs.org.au https://ddhs.org.au/clinics/rapid-creek-clinic HIV和STI检测
Darebin Immunisation Service 270 Gower St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 8470 8562 https://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/immunisation Mpox vaccination
Darlinghurst Chemist 213-219 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9357 6950 https://darlinghurstchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Darlinghurst Medical Centre 213-219 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 8302 1111 https://www.darlinghurstmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Davoren Park (Pending closure February 2019) 43 Peachey Road, Davoren Park SA 5113Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.shinesa.org.au/find-clinic/ HIV和STI检测
Day & Night Chemist Ashfield 1 Hercules St (Opposite Ashfield train station), Ashfield NSW 2131Get Directions (02) 9797 8589 dnca1@bigpond.com https://www.dayandnightchemistashfield.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Deakin Medical Centre – Burwood 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC 3125Get Directions (03) 9244 5577 askanurse@deakin.edu.au https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/student-life-and-services/health-wellbeing-and-safety/hwb/dmc Mpox vaccination
Deakin University Medical Centre 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216Get Directions (03) 5227 2333 https://www.deakin.edu.au/about-deakin/locations/campuses/geelong-waurn-ponds Mpox vaccination
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service East Perth 156-172 Wittenoom Street, East Perth WA 6004Get Directions (08) 9421 3888 http://www.dyhs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Maddington Binley Place, Maddington WA 6109Get Directions 1300 420 272 https://www.dyhs.org.au/clinics/maddington/ HIV和STI检测
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Mirrabooka 22 Chesterfield Rd, Mirrabooka WA 6061Get Directions 1300 420 272 https://www.dyhs.org.au/clinics/mirrabooka/ HIV和STI检测
Derby Aboriginal Health Service (DAHS) 1 Stanley Street, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9158 4200 http://www.derbyaboriginalhealthservice.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Derby Community Health Service Corner of Neville and Clarendon Street, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9193 3263 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080166/derby-community-health-service/services/derby-6728-corner-loch-and-hardman#outpatients HIV和STI检测
Dhelkaya Health (Castlemaine campus) 142 Cornish Street, Castlemaine VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Dingee Memorial Hall (the supper room) 26 Mack Street, Dingee VIC 3571Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Brimbank (Deer Park) 28/72 Neale St, Deer Park VIC 3023Get Directions (03) 8372 6774 brimbank@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/brimbank/ Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Cobblebank Shop 6, Cobblebank Village, 201 Ferris Road, Cobblebank VIC 3338Get Directions (03) 8000 3600 cobblebank@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/cobblebank/ Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Lalor 338-340 Station Street, Lalor VIC 3075Get Directions (03) 9465 3749 lalor@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/lalor/ Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Maffra 110 Johnson Street, Maffra VIC 3860Get Directions (03) 5147 1504 maffra@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/maffra/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Northcote Shop Gx06&07, 25 Separation St, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 9489 8991 northcote@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/northcote/ Mpox vaccination
Direct Chemist Outlet Oakleigh South 1146-1148 North Road, Oakleigh South VIC 3167Get Directions (03) 9570 6278 Oakleigh@directchemistoutlet.com.au https://www.directchemistoutlet.com.au/storelocator/south%20oakleigh/ Mpox vaccination
Doc’s Megasave Chemist Shop G-09 Marketown Shopping Centre, 23 Steel Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302Get Directions (02) 4926 3300 office@docspharmacy.net https://www.docsmegasavechemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Doctor Foster & Associates — Dr Justin Marshall Usher Medical Centre, 124 Parade Road, Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9795 2555 https://fostersmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Doctors @ Teneriffe 3/29 Florence St, Teneriffe QLD 4005Get Directions (07) 3257 0841 admin@doctorsteneriffe.com.au https://www.doctorsteneriffe.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Doctors at Newmarket 76 Enoggera Road, Newmarket QLD 4051Get Directions (07) 3356 3300 https://doctorsatnewmarket.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Doctors of South Melbourne 145 Cecil Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205Get Directions (03) 8579 6838 manager@dosm.com.au https://www.doctorsofsouthmelbourne.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Don Medical Clinic Shop 7 / 48-54 Oldaker Street, Devonport TAS 7310Get Directions (03) 6441 5299 S100 HIV治疗
Dove Medical Centre 309 High Street, Echuca VIC 3564Get Directions (03) 4411 7855 admin@dovemedicalcentre.com.au https://www.dovemedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Doveton Street UFS Medical 1/202 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5364 9100 phu@bhs.org.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination
DPV Health Broadmeadows Medical Centre 42/48 Coleraine St, Broadmeadows VIC 3047Get Directions 1300 234 263 https://www.dpvhealth.org.au/coronavirus-vaccination/vaccination-services/ Mpox vaccination
DPV Health Mill Park Medical Centre 20 Civic Centre Drive, Mill Park VIC 3082Get Directions 1300 234 263 https://www.dpvhealth.org.au/coronavirus-vaccination/vaccination-services/ Mpox vaccination
Dr Reddy’s Surgery 587 Robinson Road, Aspley QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3263 1177 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/aspley-4034-qld/dr-reddy-s-surgery/gp-general-practice/dd8beb91-62b1-8b4e-aa8d-5e269bf7f46c HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Dubbo Sexual Health 203 Brisbane Street, Dubbo NSW 2830Get Directions (02) 6809 7300 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测
Dunsborough Medical Centre Suite 4, 54 Dunn Bay Road, Dunsborough WA 6281Get Directions (08) 9746 3300 https://dunsboroughmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Eaglehawk sexual health clinic 3 Seymoure Street, Eaglehawk VIC 3556Get Directions (03) 5406 1200 https://www.bchs.com.au/sexual-health-clinic HIV和STI检测
East Canberra General Practice 25-31 Mustang Avenue, Majura Park ACT 2609Get Directions (02) 6248 2600 info@ecgp.com.au https://www.eastcanberragp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
East Grampians Health Service 5 Girdlestone St, Ararat VIC 3377Get Directions (03) 5352 9300 phu@bhs.org.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination
East Sydney Doctors 102 Burton Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9332 2531 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Eastwood Medical Centre Shop 21A, Level 1, Eastwood Village Square, 1 Lakeside Road, Eastwood NSW 2122Get Directions (02) 9858 5833 http://www.eastwoodmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Eaton Medical Centre — Dr. Hein Gildenhuys Eaton Medical Centre, 13 Albatross Crescent, Eaton WA 6232Get Directions (08) 9724 3311 https://www.eatonmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Eden Sexual Health Service Bass Street, Eden NSW 2552Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测
Eleanor Clinic 20 Eleanor Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9318 4666 https://eleanorclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Envisage Pharmacy Townsville Shop 1, Clinical Practice Building, 1 James Cook Drive, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Get Directions (07) 4775 4741 townsville@envisagepharmacy.com.au https://www.envisagepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Epping Plaza Medical & Dental Centre Shop 216 Epping Plaza Regional Centre, 571-583 High Street, Epping VIC 3076Get Directions (03) 9422 2222 https://www.eppingplazamedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Epworth Men’s Health Clinic Grey Street Building, Level 1, 124 Grey Street, East Melbourne 3002Get Directions (03) 9418 8162 https://www.epworth.org.au/who-we-are/our-services/mens-health-clinic HIV和STI检测
Equinox Gender Diverse Health Service 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9865 6700 https://thorneharbour.org/lgbti-health/trans-and-gender-diverse-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
ERA Health Level 9, 460 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9944 6200 https://www.erahealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Evandale Practice Suite 2, Level 1, 142 Bundall Road, Bundall QLD 4217Get Directions (07) 5510 3122 https://www.evandalepracticegc.com/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Evatt Pharmacy Shop 1, 21 Heydon Place, Evatt ACT 2617Get Directions 02 6259 9200 evatt.pharmacy@nunet.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/evatt-2617-act/evatt-pharmacy/pharmacy/cc2996ef-8eef-1529-8aec-ac03bf8fd93f HIV self test kit stockist
Evercare Clayfield 256 Junction Road, Clayfield, QLD 4011Get Directions (07) 3608 1400 https://evercare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Fairfield Family Clinic Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, 180 Fairfield Road, Fairfield QLD 4103Get Directions (07) 3844 1100 practice.manager@fairfieldfamilyclinic.com.au https://www.fairfieldfamilyclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Family Clinics Caulfield South 478 Kooyong Rd, Caulfield South VIC 3162Get Directions (03) 9967 2662 https://familyclinics.com.au/location/caulfield-south/ Mpox vaccination
Family Medical Centre – Shepparton 174 Nixon St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5821 2533 Mpox vaccination
Family Planning NT Unit 2 The Clock Tower, Coconut Grove NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8948 0144 http://www.fpwnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Family Planning Tasmania – Burnie 1 Pine Avenue, Upper Burnie TAS 7320Get Directions (03) 6431 7692 HIV和STI检测
Family Planning Tasmania – Hobart (Glenorchy) 421 Main Road, Glenorchy TAS 7010Get Directions (03) 6273 9117 HIV和STI检测
Family Planning Tasmania – Launceston 269 Wellington St, South Launceston TAS 7249Get Directions (03) 6343 4566 HIV和STI检测
Family Plus Medical Practice Shop 16/815 Zillmere Rd, Aspley QLD 4034Get Directions (07) 3622 6486 admin@familyplusmedical.com.au https://familyplusmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Family Practice Plus Dakabin Dakabin Shopping Centre Shop T09, 1 Alma Rd, Dakabin QLD 4503Get Directions (07) 3060 1800 https://www.familypracticemedicalcentres.com.au/dakabin-doctors Mpox vaccination
Federation Uni Australia – Mount Helen Chancellor Dr, Mount Helen VIC 3350Get Directions (03) 5327 9470 https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/health/mt-helen-student-health Mpox vaccination
First Light Healthcare – Byron Bay Level 1, 6 Marvell Street, Byron Bay 2481 NSWGet Directions (02) 6685 6326 https://www.flhealthcare.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
First Peoples Health And Wellbeing – Frankston 7A Station Street, Frankston VIC 3199Get Directions (03) 9070 8181 info@fphw.org.au https://www.firstpeopleshealthandwellbeing.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测
First Peoples Health And Wellbeing – Thomastown 258 Settlement Road, Thomastown VIC 3074Get Directions (03) 9070 8181 info@fphw.org.au https://www.firstpeopleshealthandwellbeing.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测
Fitzroy Crossing Community Health Fallon Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765Get Directions (08) 9166 1727 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080167/fitzroy-crossing-community-health/services/fitzroy-crossing-6765-fallon#sexual-health HIV和STI检测
Flagstaff Hill Medical Centre 1 Ridgway Dr, Flagstaff Hill SA 5159Get Directions (08) 8270 1194 https://flagstaffhillmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Flemington Medical Centre 9 Princes Street, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9376 6884 admin@fmac.com.au https://fmac.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Flinders Medical Centre – Infectious Disease Clinic Level 2 (Clinic M), Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA 5042Get Directions (08) 8204 8953 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/hospitals/flinders+medical+centre/services+and+clinics+at+flinders+medical+centre/outpatient+clinics+at+flinders+medical+centre/infectious+disease+clinic+at+flinders+medical+centre HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Forbes Community Health Centre 5 Elgin Street, Forbes NSW 2871Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/wnswlhd/service-directory/forbes-lachlan-health-service HIV和STI检测
Ford’s Pharmacy 247 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042Get Directions (02) 9557 1712 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/newtown-2042-nsw/fords-pharmacy-newtown/pharmacy/17e750d2-3db5-a2fb-d1d5-5ba84569e545 HIV self test kit stockist
Forest Lake Local Doctors 2 Rawle Street, Camira QLD 4300Get Directions (07) 2111 9111 https://forestlakelocaldoctors.com.au Mpox vaccination
Fountain Street General Practice L1, 21 Fountain Street, Alexandria NSW 2015Get Directions (02) 8303 2900 https://fountaingp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Fresh Therapeutics Broadway M102 Broadway Shopping Centre, 1 Bay Street, Broadway NSW 2007Get Directions (02) 9281 6816 https://www.freshtherapeutics.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service 7-11 Central Avenue, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4194 5554 info@primaryhealth.org.au https://primaryhealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Gannawarra Shire Council 47 Victoria St, Kerang VIC 3579Get Directions (03) 5450 9333 council@gsc.vic.gov.au https://www.gannawarra.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Community-Health/Immunisation Mpox vaccination
Garden City Family Doctors Shop 1108, Westfield Garden City Shopping Centre, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122Get Directions (07) 3343 9966 https://gardencityfamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Gardens Medical Group 3/470 Wodonga Place, Albury NSW 2640Get Directions (02) 6021 3555 https://www.thegardensmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Garozzo TerryWhite Chemmart Mitchelton Blackwood Street 34, Mitchelton QLD 4053Get Directions (07) 3355 2828 garozzomitchelton@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/garozzo-terrywhite-chemmart-mitchelton HIV self test kit stockist
Gasworks Medical Practice Gasworks Plaza a3, 76 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3852 4299 admin@gasworksmedical.com.au https://gasworksmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Gateway Health Wodonga 155 High Street , Wodonga VIC 3690Get Directions (02) 6022 8888 info@gatewayhealth.org.au https://gatewayhealth.org.au/contact-us/wodonga/ Mpox vaccination
Geelong City Medical Clinic 255 Ryrie Street, Geelong VIC 3220Get Directions (03) 5222 1666 geelongcitymedical@gmail.com https://www.geelongcitymedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
George Street Medical Centre Lower Ground 333, George Street, (Access is on Wynyard Lane via the escalators to the lower ground level), Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9231 3211 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/nsw-sydney-george-street-medical-centre/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Geraldton Community Health Centre 51-85 Shenton St, Geraldton WA 6530Get Directions (08) 9956 1958 HIV和STI检测
Gidgee Healing – Normanton 32 Brown Street, Normanton QLD 4890Get Directions 1800 443 433 https://www.gidgeehealing.com/normanton/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ginninderra Medical & Dental Centre Cnr Nettlefold Street & Coulter Drive, Belconnen ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6112 7111 http://www.ginninderramedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health – Clinic 281 281 Main Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875Get Directions (03) 5168 9639 clinic281@glch.org.au https://glch.org.au/medical-and-nursing/clinic-281/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health – Lakes Entrance 18/28 Jemmeson St, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909Get Directions (03) 5155 8300 hello@glch.org.au https://glch.org.au/contact-us/lake-entrance-location/ Mpox vaccination
Gladstone Road Medical Centre 38 Gladstone Road, Highgate Hill QLD 4101Get Directions (07) 3844 9599 https://www.grmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Glen Iris Medical Group 177 Burke Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146Get Directions (03) 9509 7633 reception@glenirismg.com.au https://glenirismg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Glenelg 7 Day Pharmacy 92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 8295 4171 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/glenelg-5045-sa/glenelg-7-day-pharmacy/pharmacy/3e112df0-1025-c4fd-77e1-9ca4aa315011 HIV self test kit stockist
Glover Chemist RG31 The Galleries (Entrance opposite 250 Pitt St), 500 George Street, Syndey NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9267 0233 glovchem@bigpond.net.au https://www.gloverchemist.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Gold Coast Sexual Health Service 16-30 High St, Southport QLD 4215Get Directions (07) 5687 9200 SexualhealthGC@health.qld.gov.au https://www.goldcoast.health.qld.gov.au/our-services/sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Gold Cross Medical Centre 1A Grose Street, North Parramatta NSW 2151Get Directions (02) 9683 3111 info@goldcrossmedicalcentre.com.au https://goldcrossmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Golden City Medical Clinic 41 Eaglehawk Road, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5441 4554 https://www.goldencitymedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Goldfields Population Health Sexual Health Clinic 36-42 Ware Street, Kalgoorlie WA 6432Get Directions (08) 9080 8200 https://waamh.org.au/Organisation/Details/26?IsExternal=true HIV和STI检测
Goodprice Pharmacy Armidale Armidale Plaza Shop 33-34, Corner Beardy and Dangar Street, Armidale NSW 2350Get Directions (02) 6772 3331 https://www.goodpricepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Goulburn Community Health Centre Sexual Health Service 130 Goldsmith Street, Goulburn NSW 2580Get Directions 0427 893 247 SNSWLHD-SexualHealthService@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
GP on Beaufort 691 Beaufort Street, Mt. Lawley WA 6050Get Directions (08) 9262 8600 http://www.gponbeaufort.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
GPs on Bayview 20 Bayview Terrace, Claremont WA 6010Get Directions (08) 9217 6000 https://gpsonbayview.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
GPs On Curzon Medici Medical Centre, Suite 7, Ground Floor, 15 Scott Street, East Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions https://gpsoncurzon.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Grand Health Medical Centre 156a Grand Junction Road, Rosewater SA 5013Get Directions (08) 8241 2121 admin@grandhealthcentre.com.au https://grandhealthcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Grandview Family Clinic 3 Grandview Grove, Cowes VIC 3922Get Directions (03) 5951 1860 https://familydoctor.com.au/grandviewfamilyclinic/ Mpox vaccination
Grange Road Medical 92 Grange Road, Eastern Heights QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3281 9133 https://grmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Great Southern Population Health – Albany Public Health Clinic 61 Serpentine Road, Albany WA 6332Get Directions (08) 9842 7525 HIV和STI检测
Green Square Health 4/965 Bourke Street, Waterloo NSW 2017Get Directions (02) 9699 8111 https://gshealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Green Square Medical Practice Unit 2/3 Defries Ave, Zetland NSW 2017Get Directions (02) 8310 2004 https://greensquaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Greenslopes Family Practice 7 Plimsoll St, Greenslopes QLD 4120Get Directions (07) 3397 1875 https://www.gfpgreenslopes.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Griffith Community Health Centre 39 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680Get Directions (02) 6966 9900 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/mlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Growlife Medical Fairfield Shop 33/180 Fairfield Rd, Fairfield QLD 4103Get Directions (07) 3844 1100 fairfield@growmedical.com.au https://www.growmedical.com.au/doctors-in-fairfield HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Guardian Medical Centre Flemington Shop 1, Showgrounds Village Shopping Centre, 320 Epsom Rd, Flemington VIC 3031Get Directions (03) 9372 3600 https://www.guardianmedical.com.au/flemington/ HIV和STI检测
Gympie Hospital Clinic (Outreach Clinic) Specialist Outpatient Services, level 1 Dunstan Building, Gympie Hospital, 12 Henry Street, Gympie QLD 4570Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 HIV和STI检测
Halls Creek Community Health Service 70 Roberta Avenue, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 9210 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091074/halls-creek-community-health-service/services/halls-creek-6770-roberta#further-description---community-health-care HIV和STI检测
Hamilton Family Practice 130 Lonsdale St,, Hamilton VIC 3300Get Directions (03) 5571 9277 https://www.hamiltonfamilypractice.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Hampshire Pharmacy 314 Hampshire Road, Sunshine VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9311 1417 hampshire_pchy@bigpond.com https://www.hampshirepharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Headspace Albany (ages 25 and under) St Emilie Way, Albany WA 6330Get Directions (08) 9842 9871 info@headspacealbany.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/albany/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Alice Springs (ages 25 and under) 5/74 Todd St, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8958 4544 headspace.reception@caac.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/alice-springs/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Armadale (ages 25 and under) 40 Fourth Road, Armadale WA 6112Get Directions (08) 9393 0300 reception@headspacearmadale.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/armadale/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Broome (ages 25 and under) Shop A, 38 Frederick Street, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9194 4500 https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/broome/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Dandenong 211 Thomas Street, Dandenong VIC 3175Get Directions 1800 367 968 enquiries@headspacedandenong.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/dandenong/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Katherine (ages 25 and under) Randazzo Centre, 1/16 Katherine Terrace, Katherine NT 0850Get Directions (08) 8912 4000 headspace.katherine@anglicare-nt.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/katherine/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Narre Warren (ages 25 and under) Suite 1, 66 Victor Crescent, Narre Warren VIC 3805Get Directions 1800 367 968 headspaceDNWenquiries@each.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/narre-warren/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Palmerston (ages 25 and under) 11 Palmerston Circuit, Palmerston City NT 0830Get Directions (08) 8931 5900 headspacePalmerston@anglicare-nt.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/palmerston/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Rockingham (ages 25 and under) Unit 3, 18 Goddard Street, Rockingham WA 6168Get Directions (08) 6595 8888 hello@headspacerock.com.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/rockingham/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Shepparton (ages 25 and under) 129 High Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5823 8800 https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/shepparton/ HIV和STI检测
Headspace Warrnambool (ages 25 and under) Level 1 - 210 Timor Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions 1300 276 749 hswarrnambool@brophy.org.au https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/warrnambool/ HIV和STI检测
Health HQ Queen Street Village, 127 Queen Street, Southport QLD 4215Get Directions (07) 5526 4444 Nickym@healthhq.com.au https://www.healthhq.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Health on Central 26 Central Drive, Andergrove QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4955 0555 practice@healthoncentral.com.au https://healthoncentral.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Healthcare on Collins 4/250 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 4284 https://healthcareoncollins.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Healthline Pharmacy Coburg 63 Waterfield St, Coburg VIC 3058Get Directions (03) 9354 1966 Mpox vaccination
Healthline Pharmacy Oak Park 126 Snell Grove, Oak Park VIC 3046Get Directions (03) 9306 8047 hpoakpark@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/oak-park-3046-vic/healthline-pharmacy-oak-park/electronic-prescribing/5659ee4d-af66-1eb9-b4ea-6669572778e4 Mpox vaccination
Healthlink Family Medical Centre 533 Ross River Road, Cranbrook QLD 4814Get Directions (07) 4773 3933 https://healthlink.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
healthSAVE Old Toongabbie Pharmacy Shop 2, 58-62 Fitzwilliam Road, Old Toongabbie NSW 2146Get Directions (02) 9631 3177 oldtoongabbie@healthsave.com.au https://www.healthsave.com.au/stores/healthsave-old-toongabbie-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist
healthSAVE Penrith 24 Hour Pharmacy 438 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750Get Directions (02) 4721 5527 mail@penrith24hourpharmacy.com.au http://www.healthsave.com.au/stores/healthsave-penrith-24-hour-pharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist
HealthSmart Pharmacy – University of Melbourne University of Melbourne DM-1 Building, 168 Grattan Street, Parkville VIC 3052Get Directions (03) 8317 1040 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/healthsmart-pharmacy-university-of-melbourne/ HIV self test kit stockist
HealthSmart Pharmacy Alfred Shop 1, The Alfred, Commercial Road, Melbourne VIC 3004Get Directions (03) 9521 2233 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/healthsmart-pharmacy-alfred HIV self test kit stockist
HealthSmart Pharmacy VCCC 311 Grattan Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9045 9777 https://www.livehealthsmart.com.au/vccc HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Hedland Health Campus Sexual Health Service Hedland Health Campus, Colebatch Way, South Hedland WA 6722Get Directions (08) 9174 1660 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20094975/pilbara-public-health-unit/services/south-hedland-6722-colebatch HIV和STI检测
HepatitisWA – The Deen Clinic 134 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 9805 https://www.hepatitiswa.com.au/the-deen-clinic HIV和STI检测
Hervey Bay Doctors 13/200 Boat Harbour Drive, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4125 2422 https://www.herveybaydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre 22 Charles St, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 https://quac.org.au/sexual-health/sti-testing/#where-to-test HIV和STI检测
Heyfield Medical Centre 19 Tyson Rd, Heyfield VIC 3858Get Directions (03) 5148 2201 https://www.heyfieldmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Heywood Rural Health 21 Barclay St, Heywood VIC 3304Get Directions (03) 5527 0555 info@heywoodruralhealth.vic.gov.au HIV和STI检测
High Street Medical Clinic – Prahran 139 High Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9510 5500 reception@hsmc.com.au https://hsmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Hobsons Bay Medical and Skin Centre 51-53 Point Cook Road, Seabrook VIC 3028Get Directions (03) 8595 0966 https://hobsonsbaymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Holden Street Clinic 69 Holden Street, Gosford NSW 2250Get Directions (02) 4320 2114 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Holdsworth House Medical Brisbane 116 Robertson Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3894 0794 https://www.holdsworthhouse.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Holdsworth House Medical Practice Level 3, 26 College Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9331 7228 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Holland Park Family Medical Practice 1000 Logan Road, Holland Park QLD 4121Get Directions (07) 3324 1677 https://hollandparkmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Honeysuckle Medicine Unit B9, 161 Strickland Cres, Deakin ACT 2600Get Directions 0409 937 038 office@honeysucklemedicine.com.au https://honeysucklemedicine.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Hope Island Medical Centre Marina Shopping Centre, 10 Santa Barbara Road, Hope Island QLD 4212Get Directions (07) 5510 8199 https://www.himc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Hoppers Lane General Practice 242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8731 6500 nurse@hopperslanegp.com.au https://hopperslanegp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Hume City Pharmacy 510 Barry Road, Coolaroo VIC 3048Get Directions (03) 9302 3344 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/coolaroo-3048-vic/hume-city-pharmacy/pharmacy/28cd5a4a-75b4-b55f-7ad2-1d4f55d74bbb Mpox vaccination
Hunt Club Discount Drug Store Shop 17, 1a Linsell Blvd, Cranbourne East VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5915 9400 huntclub@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/2/vic/discount-drug-store-hunt-club/ Mpox vaccination
Hunter Connect Compounding Pharmacy Shop 2, 109 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 0406 hunterconnect1@gmail.com https://www.huntercompounding.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Huntly Memorial Hall 633 Midland Highway, Huntly VIC 3551Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Hyperdome Medical Centre G-076 Hyperdome Shopping Centre (near the Post Office), Anketell St and Reed St, Tuggeranong ACT 2900Get Directions (02) 6293 3233 http://hyperdomemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Illawarra Family Medical Centre Level 1, 338-340 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500Get Directions (02) 4252 5200 https://www.ifmc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Illawarra Sexual Health Service (Port Kembla) Cowper St, Warrawong NSW 2502Get Directions (02) 4223 8457 https://www.islhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/sexual-health-port-kembla HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Immunology and Ambulatory Care Clinic (IBAC) — St Vincents Hospital Level 4, Xavier Building, 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 8382 2090 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Inala Primary Care 64 Wirraway Parade, Inala QLD 4077Get Directions (07) 3275 5444 reception@inalapc.org.au https://inalaprimarycare.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Inclusive Health and Wellness Hub Shop 2/15 Hope Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101Get Directions (07) 3013 6050 admin@inclusivehealth.org.au https://inclusivehealth.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Infinity Pharmacy Torquay 418 Charlton Esplanade, Torquay QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4125 2733 torquay@theinfinitygroup.net.au https://www.infinitypharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Ingham Family Medical Practice 22 Heard Street, Ingham QLD 4850Get Directions (07) 4776 2101 officemanager@inghammedical.com.au https://www.inghammedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Ingham Health Service 2-16 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD 4850Get Directions (07) 4720 3000 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/ingham-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ingleburn Village Medical Centre Shop 23/24, 100 Macquarie Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2565Get Directions (02) 9114 6655 https://www.ingleburnvillagemc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Inner North Medical Clinic 260 Lygon St, Brunswick East VIC 3057Get Directions (03) 9988 2015 clinic@innernorthmedical.com.au https://www.innernorthmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
InnerCare Family Health Clinic Level 1, 3/28 Adelphi Bvd, Point Cook VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8323 6900 https://www.innercare.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Interchange Health Co-operative Suite 5, Level 1, 210-230 Anketell Street (Southpoint Shopping Centre), Greenway ACT 2900Get Directions (02) 6247 5742 https://www.ihco.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
IPC Health Wyndham Vale GP Super Clinic 510 Ballan Road, Wyndham Vale VIC 3024Get Directions 1300 472 432 https://www.ipchealth.com.au/locations/wyndham-vale/ Mpox vaccination
Ipswich Health Plaza 21 Bell Street, Ipswich QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3817 2444 https://www.westmoreton.health.qld.gov.au/location/ipswich-health-plaza HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ipswich Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (BBV) Service Ground Floor, Ipswich Health Plaza, 21 Bell Street, Ipswich QLD 4305Get Directions (07) 3817 2428 IPSH@health.qld.gov.au https://www.westmoreton.health.qld.gov.au/services-and-care/ipswich-sexual-health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Irymple Pharmacy 2109/2111 Fifteenth St, Irymple VIC 3498Get Directions (03) 5024 6000 Mpox vaccination
Ivanhoe Family Doctors Unit 2s/120 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe VIC 3079Get Directions (03) 8327 2283 reception@ivanhoefamilydoctors.com.au https://ivanhoefamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
JCU Health General Practice Cpb Building - James Cook Building Level 1, 1 James Cook Dr, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Get Directions (07) 4781 4495 https://www.jcuhealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Jetty Village Pharmacy Jetty Village Shopping Centre, 24/361 Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 3087 https://jettyvillagepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
John Silverii’s Pharmacy 333 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9481 0671 https://www.johnsilveriispharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
John Street Medical Centre 5 John Street, Kingston TAS 7050Get Directions (03) 6229 1987 https://johnstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Junction Place Medical Centre 58 Harold Street, Hawthorn East VIC 3123Get Directions (03) 9813 1088 http://www.junctionplacemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Kalumburu Aboriginal Health Clinic 138 Kalumburu Boulevard, Kalumburu WA 6740Get Directions (08) 9161 4335 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080219/kalumburu-remote-area-health-service-reporting-to-kimberley-remote-area-health-east/services/kalumburu-6740-kalumburu HIV和STI检测
Karama Medical Centre Suite 21 / Kalymnos Drive, Karama NT 0812Get Directions (08) 8945 9554 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/nt/karama/karama-medical-centre/s6198 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Kardinia Health 2-18 Colac Road, Belmont VIC 3216Get Directions (03) 5202 9333 https://kardiniahealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Karratha Sexual Health Service Dampier Highway (next to Nickol Bay Hospital), Karratha WA 6714Get Directions (08) 9143 2221 HIV和STI检测
Kelso Community Hub (Outreach service) 24 Bonner Street, Kelso NSW 2795Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://www.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/community/facilities/kelso-community-hub.html HIV和STI检测
Kensington Hill Medical Centre 2 Kensington Road, Leopold VIC 3224Get Directions (03) 5250 1208 https://khmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Kialla Medical Clinic 8025 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla VIC 363Get Directions (03) 5823 5446 https://kiallamedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Kildare Road Medical Centre 36 Kildare Road, Blacktown NSW 2148Get Directions (02) 8822 3000 admin@kildaremedical.com.au https://www.kildaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Kings Medical Center 149 Kings Road, Kings Park VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9078 1558 admin@kingsmedicalcenter.com https://www.kingsmedicalcenter.com/ Mpox vaccination
Kings Park Medical Centre – Hillside 40 Gourlay Road, Hillside VIC 3037Get Directions (03) 9217 9400 https://kingsparkmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Kippax Medical Centre 41 Hardwick Crescent, Holt ACT 2615Get Directions (02) 5114 2676 https://www.kippaxmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Kirketon Road Centre Above Darlinghurst Fire Station, Victoria Street, Kings Cross NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 2766 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Kirketon Road Centre – Kellett Street 12 Kellett St, Potts Point NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 2766 https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/directory/kirketon-road-centre-a-health-care-service-provides-free-and-anonymous-care-to-people-who-experience-barriers-to-accessing-health-care HIV和STI检测
Kununurra Aboriginal Community Health Service 96 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra WA 6743Get Directions (08) 9166 4321 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080303/kununurra-community-health-service/services/kununurra-6743-coolibah#health-information/referral HIV和STI检测
Kyabram Community & Learning Centre 21-25 Lake Road, Kyabram VIC 3620Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
La Trobe Street Medical Shop 152, Level 1, 211 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 0023 https://www.melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au/doctor-appointments.html Mpox vaccination
La Trobe University Medical Centre Carpark 1, Level 1, Health Sciences 1 Building, La Trobe University, 1 Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9473 8885 https://www.latrobe.edu.au/melbourne/about/facilities/medical-centre Mpox vaccination
Latrobe Community Health Service – Morwell 81-87 Buckley Street, Morwell VIC 3840Get Directions 1800 242 696 https://www.lchs.com.au/locations/morwell/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Latrobe Community Health Service – Traralgon Corner Princes Highway and Seymour Street, Traralgon VIC 3844Get Directions (03) 5171 1400 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Leeton Medical Centre 11 Wade Avenue, Leeton NSW 2705Get Directions (02) 6953 2699 http://www.leetonmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Leichhardt Chemist 30-38 Short Street (Inside Leichhardt Medical & Dental Centre), Leichhardt NSW 2040Get Directions (02) 9560 3636 info@leichhardtchemist.com.au https://leichhardtchemist.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Leichhardt GP 210 Norton Street, Leichhardt NSW 2040Get Directions (02) 9561 0300 https://www.leichhardtgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Leschenault Medical Centre 7/12 Leisure Dr, Australind WA 6233Get Directions (08) 9725 8471 https://leschenaultmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Li’s Pharmacy 37 Carrington Road, Box Hill VIC 3128 Get Directions (03) 9898 3632 pharmacyboxhill@gmail.com https://www.pharmacyboxhill.com/about-us Mpox vaccination
Lightning Ridge Sexual Health Service 25 Pandora Street, Lightning Ridge NSW 2834Get Directions (02) 6820 5700 HIV和STI检测
Lismore Sexual Health Service Tara House, 4 Shepherd Lane, Lismore NSW 2480Get Directions (02) 6620 2980 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Lister House Medical Clinic 146 Baillie St, Horsham VIC 3400Get Directions (03) 5382 0011 reception@listerhouseclinic.com.au https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/grampians-public-health-unit/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination
LiveLife Pharmacy Port Douglas 21 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas QLD 4877Get Directions (07) 4099 5651 portdouglas@livelifepharmacy.com https://livelifepharmacy.com/pharmacies/chemcoast-pharmacy-port-douglas/ HIV self test kit stockist
Liverpool Hospital – Department of Immunology, Allergy and HIV Burnside Dr, Liverpool NSW 2170Get Directions (02) 8738 8271 https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/liverpool/immunology/default.html HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Liverpool Sexual Health Clinic 13 Elizabeth Street, Liverpool NSW 2170Get Directions (02) 9827 8022 https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/communityhealth/sexualhealth/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Lockington and District Bush Nursing Centre 31 Pannoo Road, Lockington VIC 3563Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Lockridge Medical Centre Level 1, 64 Aussat Drive, Kiara WA 6054Get Directions (08) 6278 2555 https://www.lockridgegp.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Lombadina Aboriginal Community Health Service Lot 404, Lombadina Road, Dampier Peninsula WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4935 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091082/lombadina-community-health-service/services/dampier-peninsula-6725-lombadina#aboriginal-health-clinic HIV和STI检测
LongWarry Medical Centre 6 Flinders Rd, Longwarry VIC 3816Get Directions (03) 5629 9200 reception@longwarrymedicalcentre.com.au https://longwarrymedicalcentre.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Looma Aboriginal Community Health Centre Looma Community Via Derby, Derby WA 6728Get Directions (08) 9191 4764 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091084/looma-aboriginal-community/services/derby-6728-looma-community-via-derby#aboriginal-health-clinic HIV和STI检测
Lutwyche Family Practice Shop 4, Level 1, Market Central, 543 Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche QLD 4030Get Directions (07) 3857 5060 https://lutwychefamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Lygon Everyday Chemist 473-475 Lygon Street, Brunswick East VIC 3057Get Directions (03) 5821 2596 https://www.lygoneverydaychemist.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
M Clinic 20 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005Get Directions (08) 9482 0000 mclinic@waac.com.au https://www.mclinic.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
M Clinic’s Sauna Clinic at Perth Steam Works Perth Steamworks (entrance Forbes Road), 369 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 0734 https://www.mclinic.org.au/services/sauna HIV和STI检测
Mackay Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Service 12 – 14 Nelson Street, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4968 3919 https://www.mackay.health.qld.gov.au/your-hospitals/mackay-base-hospital/sexual-health-assault-service/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Mackie Road Clinic 82 Mackie Road, Bentleigh East VIC 3165Get Directions (03) 9579 3866 https://www.mrclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Macleay Street Medical Practice 48 Macleay Street, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9358 5511 reception@macleaystmedical.com.au http://www.macleaystmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Magenta Sex Worker Support Project 170 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9328 1387 https://magenta.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Magill Family Practice 537 Magill Road, Magill SA 5072Get Directions (08) 8331 9061 https://www.magillfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Magnetic Island Health Service Centre 76 Sooning Street, Nelly Bay QLD 4819Get Directions (07) 4778 5107 https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/facilities/magnetic-island-health-service/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Maiden Gully Medical Practice 745 Calder Highway , Maiden Gully VIC 3551Get Directions reception@maidengullymedicalpractice.com.au https://www.maidengullymedicalpractice.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Main Street Medical Centre 71 Main St, Pialba QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 4128 3644 https://www.mainstreetmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Maldon Community Centre 6 Francis Street, Maldon VIC 3463Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Mall Medical Centre 1/73 Hartley Street, Alice Springs NT 0870Get Directions (08) 8952 2744 https://www.mallmedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测
Mallee District Aboriginal Services – Mildura 120 Madden Ave, Mildura VIC 3500Get Directions (03) 5018 4100 https://mdas.org.au/ Mpox vaccination
Margaret River Surgery — Dr. John Collis Margaret River Surgery, 1 Station Road, Margaret River WA 6285Get Directions (08) 9757 2766 https://margaretriversurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Maria Clinic 143 Canterbury St, Casino NSW 2470Get Directions (02) 6662 1811 https://www.mariaclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Marketplace Medical Centre Gungahlin Shop 53, Marketplace Shopping Centre, 33 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912Get Directions (02) 5100 8788 https://www.marketplacemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Maryborough District Health Service 75-87 Clarendon Street, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5461 0333 https://mdhs.vic.gov.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Maylands Medical Centre Suite 1, 50-54 Eighth Ave, Maylands WA 6051Get Directions (08) 9473 5888 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/wa-maylands-maylands-medical-centre/our-services/ HIV和STI检测
McIntyre Medical Centre 33 McIntyre Road, Para Hills West SA 5096Get Directions (08) 8465 1700 https://mcintyremedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
McKenzie Davey Pharmacy 195 Barker St, Castlemaine VIC 3450Get Directions (03) 5472 1019 mckenziedavey@amcal.net.au https://www.amcal.com.au/store/3671/vic/amcal-pharmacy-castlemaine-mckenzie-davey/ Mpox vaccination
Med1 Clinic Unit 1/10 Macedon Rd, Templestowe Lower VIC 3107Get Directions (03) 9191 6454 admin@med1clinic.com.au https://med1clinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Medclinic – Pitt Street 92 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 0099 https://medclinic.net.au/pitt-street/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Medical Centre 291 291 Princes Highway, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 9742 7988 reception@medicalcentre291.com.au https://www.medicalcentre291.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Medical HQ Maitland 69 Robert St, Maitland SA 5573Get Directions (08) 8832 2185 maitlandreception@medicalhq.com.au https://medicalhq.com.au/locations/maitland HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Medical Hub @ RMIT RMIT University Building 8, Level 3, 368-374 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9999 2778 https://www.medicalhubrmit.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Medical One – Elwood 61 Brighton Road, Elwood VIC 3184Get Directions 03 9531 9811 https://www.medicalone.com.au/centre/medical-one-elwood HIV和STI检测
Medical One – QV Level 3, 23 QV Terrace, 292 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 8663 7000 https://www.medicalone.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Medical One – Sydney 31 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9235 4444 https://www.medicalone.com.au/medical-one-sydney-cbd HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Medical One – Victoria Gardens Richmond Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre, Level 1, 620 Victoria Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9427 4000 https://www.medicalone.com.au/centre/medical-one-victoria-gardens-richmond HIV和STI检测
Mediclinic Clayton Unit 25, 14-16 Audsley Street, Clayton South VIC 3168Get Directions (03) 9544 1555 https://www.mediclinicclayton.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Medicross Hendra 1 Zillman Road, Hendra QLD 4011Get Directions (07) 2111 9103 hendrapm@medicross.com.au https://medicross.com.au/hendra/ HIV和STI检测
Medsafe Pharmacy 104-106 Miller St, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9484 1576 info@medsafepharmacy.com.au http://medsafepharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Medsana Medical Clinic Ground Floor, Suite 103, Building 10, Freeway Office Park, 2728 Logan Rd, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113Get Directions (07) 3852 4878 https://www.medsana.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre 580 Swanston Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 9341 6200 https://www.mshc.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Meridian Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Ave, Turner ACT 2612Get Directions (02) 6257 2855 https://www.meridianact.org.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Merri-bek Family Doctors 223 Melville Rd, Brunswick West VIC 3055Get Directions (03) 9383 2493 reception@mwmedicalcentre.com.au https://merri-bekfamilydoctors.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Merthyr Medical Centre 900 Brunswick Street, New Farm QLD 4005Get Directions (07) 3254 1400 admin@merthyrmedical.com https://www.merthyrmedical.com/ Mpox vaccination
Metro North Sexual Health & HIV Service 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4001Get Directions (07) 3837 5611 shhs@health.qld.gov.au https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Metropolitan Youth Health – Angle Park Parks Community Centre, Building 5 Trafford Street, Angle Park SA 5010Get Directions (08) 8243 5637 HIV和STI检测
Metropolitan Youth Health – Christies Beach 50A Beach Rd, Christies Beach SA 5165Get Directions (08) 8326 6053 HIV和STI检测
Metropolitan Youth Health – Elizabeth 6 Gillingham Rd, Elizabeth SA 5112Get Directions (08) 8255 3477 HIV和STI检测
Middle Island Medical Clinic 43 Fairy Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 4504 4800 admin@middleislandmedical.com.au https://www.middleislandmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Miller Medical & Dental Centre 1 & 1A Miller Central, 90 Cartwright Avenue, Miller NSW 2168Get Directions (02) 9933 5300 https://mmadc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Mittagong Day & Night Pharmacy Shop 9/130 Main St, Mittagong NSW 2575Get Directions (02) 4871 1818 mittagong@daynightpharmacies.com.au https://www.daynightpharmacies.com.au/stores/mittagong-previously-blooms/ HIV self test kit stockist
Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation – Nhulunbuy Lot 1424 Arnhem Rd, Nhulunbuy NT 0880Get Directions (08) 8939 1999 https://www.miwatj.com.au/project/nhulunbuy/ HIV和STI检测
Modern Medical Caroline Springs Suite C3A, 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs VIC 3023Get Directions (03) 8358 0100 https://qualitashealth.com.au/our-practices/modern-medical-caroline-springs/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Monaghan’s Pharmacy 140 Fairy Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 5562 9555 https://www.facebook.com/MonaghansPharmacy/ Mpox vaccination
Monash Health Immunisation Suite 1, Jessie Macpherson, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton VIC 3168Get Directions (03) 9594 6320 immunisation@monashhealth.org https://sephu.org/monkeypox/ Mpox vaccination
Monash University Health Services Room G65 (Located in Campus Centre), 21 Chancellors Walk, Clayton VIC 3168Get Directions https://sephu.org/monkeypox/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Monash University Health Services – Peninsula 39 Bloom Street, Frankston VIC 3199Get Directions (03) 9904 4615 https://www.monash.edu/students/support/health/medical/appointments Mpox vaccination
Monash University Health Services – Caulfield Building B, Level 1, Room 146A, 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East VIC 3145Get Directions (03) 9903 1177 https://www.monash.edu/students/support/health/medical/appointments Mpox vaccination
Montrose Medical Practice 20 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037Get Directions (02) 9660 6788 https://www.montrosemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Moonee Ponds Pharmacy & Lotto 22 Pratt Street, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039Get Directions (03) 9375 1000 mooneeponds.pharmacy@nunet.com.au https://www.mooneepondspharmacy.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Morningside General Practice Clinic Shop 7-10, 38 Junction Road, Morningside QLD 4170Get Directions (07) 3399 4685 https://www.mgpc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Moruya Sexual Health Service 2 River Street, Moruya NSW 2537Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Mossman Medical Centre Shop 9, 63 Front Street, Mossman QLD 4873Get Directions (07) 4098 1248 https://www.portdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Mount Druitt Sexual Health Clinic Mt Druitt Community Health Centre, Kelly Close, Mt. Druitt NSW 2770Get Directions (02) 9881 1206 https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre/home/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Mount Isa – Doreen Street Clinic Mount Isa Base Hospital, Doreen Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4744 4805 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080005/mount-isa-sexual-health-clinic/services/mount-isa-4825-doreen#66a6017b-996f-cf03-8e2f-f0ee6e9c01ad HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Mount Isa Sexual Health Service 1 Barkly Highway, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4764 0200 https://www.northwest.health.qld.gov.au/community-services/sexual-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Mount Martha Village Clinic 205 Dunns Road, Mornington VIC 3931Get Directions (03) 5975 6211 https://www.mmvc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Mount Waverley Medical Centre 262 Stephensons Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03)9238 1710 https://www.mtwaverleymedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Mt Isa Emergency Department Mount Isa Hospital, 30 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825Get Directions (07) 4744 4444 快速HIV检测
Mudgee Medical Centre 145 Church Street, Mudgee NSW 2850Get Directions (02) 6372 8100 https://www.mudgeemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Mulan Clinic Mulan Community, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 8133 http://kams.org.au/remote/mulan-health-centre/ HIV和STI检测
Munjuwa Queanbeyan Aboriginal Corporation 28 Rutledge St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6297 3578 HIV和STI检测
My Family Doctors 52-54 Great North Road, Five Dock NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9051 2885 info@myfamilydoctors.com.au https://myfamilydoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
My GP Gungahlin Opposite Main Entrance, Coles Gungahlin Village Complex, Shop 113, 43 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912Get Directions (02) 6255 6000 https://mygpgungahlin.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
My HealthCity – Hope Island 4/8 Halcyon Way,, Hope Island QLD 4212Get Directions (07) 5514 1616 admin@myhealthcity.com.au https://myhealthcity.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
My HealthCity – Pimpama 5/5 Attenborough Boulevard, Pimpama QLD 4209Get Directions (07) 5514 1616 admin@myhealthcity.com.au https://myhealthcity.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
My Medical Practice Charnwood 7/7 Charnwood Place, Charnwood ACT 2615Get Directions (02) 6258 0006 https://mymedicalpracticecharnwood.weebly.com/ HIV和STI检测
MyClinic Balaclava 161-163 Carlisle St, (inside Priceline Pharmacy), Balaclava VIC 3183Get Directions (03) 9531 8383 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-balaclava/ HIV和STI检测
MyClinic Melbourne 91 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9620 5299 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-melbourne/ HIV和STI检测
MyClinic Prahran 191-193 Commercial Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9826 2699 https://www.myclinicgroup.com.au/myclinic-prahran/ HIV和STI检测
MyHealth Benowa Village Shop 10, 1 Ross St, Benowa QLD 4217Get Directions (07) 5618 8616 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/benowa-village-skin-and-medical/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Myhealth Carlton Level 1, Lygon Court Shopping Centre, 380 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 9347 7711 https://myhealth.net.au/carlton/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Myhealth Doncaster Suite 1001 Westfield Doncaster, 619 Doncaster Road, Doncaster VIC 3108Get Directions (03) 8080 1208 https://myhealth.net.au/doncaster/ Mpox vaccination
Myhealth Fortitude Valley Shop T20, Valley Metro, 230 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3852 2030 https://myhealth.net.au/fortitude-valley/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Myhealth Kable Street Medical Centre 2 Kable Street, Windsor NSW 2756Get Directions (02) 4577 5622 https://myhealth.net.au/kable-street/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
MyHealth Medical Centre Chermside Westfield Chermside, Shop 2658, Level 2, 395 Hamilton Rd, Chermside QLD 4032Get Directions (07) 3668 0770 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/chermside/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Myhealth Medical Centre Parramatta Shop 1110, Level 1 Westfield Parramatta, 159-175 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 8624 6977 https://www.myhealthmedical.com.au/locations/parramatta-westfield-lvl1/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
MyHealth Treetops Shop 2, Treetops Plaza Shopping Centre, 2/7 Classic Way, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220Get Directions (07) 5593 7955 https://www.myhealth.net.au/clinics/treetops/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Narooma Sexual Health Service Corner Field and Graham St, Narooma NSW 2546Get Directions 0427 219 874 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Neal Street Medical Clinic – Woodend 5 Neal St, Gisborne VIC 3437Get Directions (03) 5483 3333 reception@nealstmc.com.au https://www.nealstmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Nepean Sexual Health & HIV Clinic The Court Building, Nepean Hospital, Derby Street Entrance, Kingswood NSW 2747Get Directions (02) 4734 2507 https://www.nbmlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
New Town Health Hub 127C New Town Road, New Town TAS 7008Get Directions (03) 6146 0490 reception1@newtownhealthhub.com.au https://newtownhealthhub.com/ HIV和STI检测
Newdegate Street Health Centre 107 Newdegate Street, West Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6231 4109 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/tas/west-hobart/newdegate-street-health-centre/s15189 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Newman Sexual Health Service Newman Population Health, 54 Mindarra Drive, Newman WA 6753Get Directions (08) 9175 8380 http://www.eastpilbara.wa.gov.au/Our-Community/Town-facilities/Hospital-and-medical-facilities HIV和STI检测
Next Practice Deakin – Medical Centre 4 Makin Place, Deakin ACT 2600Get Directions (02) 6185 5555 deakin@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/act-deakin HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Next Practice Prahran – Medical Centre 100 Greville St, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9067 7400 prahran@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/vic-prahran HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Next Practice Sydney CBD – Medical Centre 20 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 8311 3580 sydney@nextpracticehealth.com https://nextpracticehealth.com/locations/nsw-sydney HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ngangganawili Aboriginal Health Service (NAHS) 44 Scotia St, Wiluna WA 6646Get Directions (08) 9981 8600 http://www.nahs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Night Owl Pharmacy 743a Gilbert Road, Reservoir VIC 3073Get Directions (03) 9478 4722 https://medadvisor.com.au/network/nightowlpharmacy Mpox vaccination
Nightingale Clinic 6 Neill St, Maryborough VIC 3465Get Directions (03) 5460 4466 https://nightingaleclinic.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Nindilingarri Cultural Health Service 52 Fallon Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765Get Directions 08 9193 0093 https://www.nindilingarri.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Nintirri Centre Central Rd, Tom Price WA 6751Get Directions 0447 151 031 officemanager@nintirri.org.au https://www.nintirri.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic GP Plus Super Clinic Noarlunga, Level 1, 20 Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre SA 5168Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/primary+and+specialised+services/gp+plus+health+care+services+and+centres/noarlunga+gp+plus+super+clinic HIV和STI检测
Noosa Community Centre Clinic (Outreach Clinic) 14-16 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa QLD 4567Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
North Clinic 34 Howick Street, Launceston TAS 7250Get Directions (03) 6777 1371 https://www.redthread.org.au/clinic/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
North Melbourne Pharmacy 344 Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051Get Directions (03) 9326 5318 northmelbournepharmacy@hotmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/north-melbourne-3051-vic/north-melbourne-pharmacy/pharmacy/6b7768c2-02f8-7ffa-09c8-c564eeab9b05 HIV self test kit stockist
North Richmond Community Health 23 Lennox Street, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9418 9800 https://nrch.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Northern Beaches Hospital 105 Frenchs Forest Road West, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086Get Directions (02) 9105 5000 https://northernbeacheshospital.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Northside Clinic 370 St Georges Road, North Fitzroy VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9485 7700 http://northsideclinic.net.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Northside Health Suite 3, 14 Edgar Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6652 5322 https://familydoctor.com.au/northsidehealth/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Northside Health NT The Clock Tower, 4/1 Caryota Court (corner of Dick Ward Drive), Coconut Grove NT 0810Get Directions (08) 7999 7448 admin@northsidehealthnt.com.au https://www.northsidehealthnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Nunawading Station Medical Centre 193-195 Springvale Road, Nunawading VIC 3131Get Directions (03) 9989 0606 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/nunawading/nunawading-station-medical-centre/s81498 Mpox vaccination
Nundah Village Family Practice 1270 Sandgate Rd, Nundah QLD 4012Get Directions (07) 3266 6622 manager@nvfp.com.au https://www.nvfp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
O’Brien Street General Practice 17 O'Brien Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8231 4026 http://www.obrienstreetpractice.com.au/index.php/services/hiv-services HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Oakhill Clinic 43 Edwardes St, Reservoir VIC 3073Get Directions (03) 9460 2288 http://www.oakhillclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Ocean Health Clinic (Palm Cove Doctor) Unit 1/123 Williams Esplanade,, Palm Cove QLD 4879Get Directions 0457 200 476 https://oceanhealthclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Ochre Medical Centre Bruce Building 28, University of Canberra, Allawoona St & Ginninderra Dr, Bruce ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6180 8500 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-bruce/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Ochre Medical Centre Creswick 58 Albert St , Creswick VIC 3363Get Directions (03) 5345 8090 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-creswick/ Mpox vaccination
Ochre Medical Centre Hobart Level 1, 242 Liverpool Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6223 1055 https://ochrehealth.com.au/medical-centre-hobart/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Omnicare Medical Clinic 157 Clarendon St, Southbank VIC 3006Get Directions (03) 9699 9121 info@omnicaremedical.com.au https://omnicaremedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
On Point Family Practice – Buddina 1/1 Burns St, Buddina QLD 4575Get Directions (07) 5211 0206 https://www.onpointfamilypractice.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
On Point Family Practice – Buderim 139 King St, Buderim QLD 4556Get Directions (07) 5211 0206 nurse@onpointfamilypractice.com.au https://www.onpointfamilypractice.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
One Arm Point Aboriginal Community Health One Arm Point Community, Broome WA 6725Get Directions (08) 9192 4929 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20091132/one-arm-point-community-health/services/broome-6725-one-arm-point-community#nurse-led-clinic/s HIV和STI检测
One Care Medical Centre 1 Addison Road, Pennington SA 5013Get Directions (08) 8341 1011 reception@onecaremc.com.au https://www.onecaremc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
One Family Clinic / Dr Doong’s Surgery 26 King St, Enfield NSW 2136Get Directions (02) 9745 5800 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/enfield-2136-nsw/dr-doong-s-surgery/covid-19-vaccine-clinic/aa7d885b-44ce-4d61-937e-b7034d877db8 HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
One Point Medical 3/328 Malvern Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9533 2800 https://www.onepointmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Orange Sexual Health Clinic Kite Street Community Health Centre, 96 Kite Street, Orange NSW 2800Get Directions (02) 6393 4800 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测
Orbit Medical Norlane 29 Princes Highway , Norlane VIC 3214Get Directions (03) 5248 6700 pm@orbitmedical.com.au https://orbitmedical.com.au/norlane-/ Mpox vaccination
Orbit Medical Torquay 69 Geelong Road , Torquay VIC 3228Get Directions (03) 5222 4899 pm@orbitmedical.com.au https://orbitmedical.com.au/torquay-home/ Mpox vaccination
Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service 1125 Ironwood Drive, Kununurra WA 6743Get Directions 1800 839 697 adminreception@ovahs.org.au https://www.ovahs.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Our Medical Williams Landing 111 Overton Rd, Williams Landing VIC 3027Get Directions (03) 9008 4222 https://www.ourmedicalhome.com.au/medical-centres/williams-landing Mpox vaccination
Outreach Clinic at Caboolture Community Health Centre McKean Street, Caboolture QLD 4510Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Oxford Street Medical Centre Level 1, 200 Oxford Street, Bulimba QLD 4171Get Directions (07) 3902 0099 https://www.oxfordstmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Pacific Clinic — Newcastle Sexual Health Level 2, 670 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW 2300Get Directions (02) 4016 4536 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/index.php/newcastle HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Palm Springs Medical Centre 3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro WA 6169Get Directions (08) 9523 7300 https://palmspringsmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Pambula Sexual Health Service 1 Merimbola Street, Pambula NSW 2549Get Directions 0477 337 585 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测
Pandanus Medical NT T21 Jape Homemaker Village, 356-366 Bagot Road, Millner NT 0810Get Directions (08) 8945 2488 reception@pandanusmedicalnt.com.au https://www.pandanusmedicalnt.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Park Family Practice – Bondi Junction Shop 188, 2A Hollywood Avenue, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 5988 https://www.parkfamilypractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Peel Youth Medical Service (PYMS) (ages 25 and under) Peel Health Hub, 91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah WA 6210Get Directions (08) 9583 5435 office@peelyouthmedicalservice.com.au https://gpdownsouth.com.au/peel-youth-medical-service-pyms HIV和STI检测
Peer Based Harm Reduction WA Suite 21 & 22, 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9325 8387 info@harmreductionwa.org http://harmreductionwa.org/ HIV和STI检测
Pemberton Medical Centre — Dr. Lukas Vesely 27 Brockman St, Pemberton WA 6260Get Directions (08) 9776 1101 HIV和STI检测
Pepin’s Pharmacy – West Footscray 575 Barkly Street, West Footscray VIC 3012Get Directions (03) 9687 3239 epharmacy3012@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/west-footscray-3012-vic/pepins-pharmacy-west-footscray/pharmacy/cdae79bc-e778-0445-0fb7-4e986e46c758 Mpox vaccination
Peregian Springs Doctors Shop 1 Ridgeview Drive, Peregian Springs QLD 4573Get Directions (07) 5471 2600 psd@lookingafteryourhealth.com.au https://www.lookingafteryourhealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Perth Medical Centre 713 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9481 4342 http://www.perthmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Pharmaceutical Support Service – Fortitude Valley 1/257 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3257 0255 https://pharmaceutical-support-service-fortitude-valley.business.site/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 4 Less Ashfield Shop 5, Level 3 Ashfield Mall, 260A Liverpool Road, Ashfield NSW 2131Get Directions (02) 9716 0066 https://pharmacy4less.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 4 Less Five Dock Parramatta Rd 213-235 Parramatta Rd, Five Dock NSW 2046Get Directions (02) 9745 6375 https://pharmacy4less.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Applecross 777 Canning Hwy, Applecross WA 6153Get Directions (08) 9364 8777 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/applecross HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Bridgetown 127 Hampton St, Bridgetown WA 6255Get Directions (08) 9761 1004 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/bridgetown HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 East Victoria Park 968B Albany Highway, East Victoria Park WA 6101Get Directions (08) 6110 0579 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/East-Victoria-Park HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Glengarry 1/57 Arnisdale Road, Duncraig WA 6023Get Directions (08) 9447 4482 glengarry@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/glengarry HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Mandurah Unit 4, 10 Dower St, Mandurah WA 6210Get Directions (08) 9534 9000 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/Mandurah HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Midland Shop 17, Centrepoint Shopping Centre, Great Eastern Hwy, Midland WA 6056Get Directions (08) 9274 7767 midland@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/midland HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Nollamara Nollamara Shopping Centre, 84 Hillsborough Drv, Nollamara WA 6061Get Directions (08) 9349 1570 nollamara@pharmacy777.com.au https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/nollamara HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Perth City Lot 3, Gledden Building, 731 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA 6000Get Directions (08) 9321 6411 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/perth-city HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Port Hedland Shop 9, Port Hedland Boulevard Shopping Centre, 150 Anderson St, Port Hedland WA 6721Get Directions (08) 9173 1350 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/port-hedland HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Shoalwater Shop 13, Shoalwater Shopping Centre, 117 Safety Bay Road, Shoalwater WA 6169Get Directions (08) 9528 7755 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/shoalwater HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy 777 Yanchep Shops T16/18, Yanchep Central Shopping Centre, 1 & 2 Peony Blvd, Yanchep WA 6035Get Directions (08) 6244 8517 https://www.pharmacy777.com.au/our-pharmacies/yanchep HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy Junction Parramatta shop 5020/159-175 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 9633 2238 sales@pharmacyjunction.com.au https://pharmacyjunction.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy Online Alexandria (Warehouse) Unit 3/33, Maddox St, Alexandria NSW 2015Get Directions (02) 9550 1555 https://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy Online Bondi Junction 99 Spring St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9389 0202 https://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Pharmacy@UNSW Quadrangle Building (E15), UNSW, Shop/G039 College Rd, Kensington NSW 2052Get Directions (02) 9663 0883 phcyunsw@gmail.com https://www.estate.unsw.edu.au/food-retail/explore/pharmacyunsw HIV self test kit stockist
Pioneer Health Albany 2 Pioneer Road, Albany WA 6330Get Directions (08) 9842 2822 http://www.pioneerhealth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Plaza Medical Centre Shop 60, Park Beach Plaza, 253 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions https://plazamc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Plenty Rd Medical Centre 105 Plenty Road, Bundoora VIC 3083Get Directions (03) 9467 5433 https://www.plentyrdmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Port GPs 38 Clifton Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions (02) 6584 4544 https://www.portgps.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Port Macquarie Medical & Dental Centre 1 Park St, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Get Directions https://www.portmacquariemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Port Melbourne Medical 1/405 Bay Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207Get Directions (03) 8686 0500 https://portmelbournemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Pound Road Medical Centre 370 - 372 Pound Road, Narre Warren South VIC 3805Get Directions (03) 8796 6300 https://www.poundroadmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Prahran Central Pharmacy 229 Commercial Road, (Corner Chapel St & Commercial Rd), South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9827 7942 prahrancentralpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.prahrancentralpharmacy.com/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Prahran Family Clinic 138 Wiliams Road, Prahran VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9509 1811 nurses@familyclinics.net https://familyclinics.net/location/prahran/ Mpox vaccination
Prahran Market Clinic Pran Central - Mezzanine Level, 325 Chapel Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9514 0888 hello@prahranmarketclinic.com https://www.prahranmarketclinic.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Prahran Wholelife Pharmacy & Healthfoods Shop 26-31 Pran Central Shopping Centre, 325 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9069 0338 https://wholelife.com.au/locations/prahran/ HIV self test kit stockist
Premium Care Medical Centre – Sunshine North 12 Northumberland Road, Sunshine North VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9352 4337 https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/sunshine-north/premium-care-medical-centre-sunshine-north/s89974 Mpox vaccination
Premium Care Medical Centre – St Albans 161 Main Road, St Albans VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9364 6946 premiumcaremc@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/st-albans-3021-vic/premium-care-medical-centre/gp-general-practice/d24e57da-612b-61c5-43a6-faa515797b2d Mpox vaccination
PrEP Me Clinic (Specialist Medicare Ineligible Clinic) The Alfred Hospital, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004Get Directions (03) 9076 2940 https://www.alfredhealth.org.au/services/victorian-prep-service HIV和STI检测
Preston Family Medical 232 Plenty Road, Preston VIC 3072Get Directions (03) 9480 0844 https://www.prestonfamilymedical.com/ HIV和STI检测
Priceline Pharmacy Arkaba Shop 7, Arkaba Shopping Centre, 150 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063Get Directions (08) 8379 5115 arkabapharm@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0564 HIV self test kit stockist
Priceline Pharmacy Bondi Junction Shop 1, 183 - 193 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022Get Directions (02) 9387 7663 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0800 HIV self test kit stockist
Priceline Pharmacy Bourke Street Mall Centrepoint Building, Shop 108-125, 283 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9654 2034 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/melbourne-3000-vic/priceline-pharmacy-bourke-street-mall/pharmacy/f2f072a2-00a0-11c1-f299-c72cc93d9a81 Mpox vaccination
Priceline Pharmacy Bourke Street West 376 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9642 7998 bourkestpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/melbourne-3000-vic/priceline-pharmacy-bourke-street-west/pharmacy/450be626-07ad-4311-a3e8-7f4003a4dfb9 Mpox vaccination
Priceline Pharmacy Footscray Plaza Shop 1, Footscray Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr Albert & Paisley Street, Footscray VIC 3011Get Directions (03) 9687 1601 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0748 HIV self test kit stockist
Priceline Pharmacy Knox 425 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South VIC 3152Get Directions (03) 9801 5560 pricelinepharmacist.knox@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0118 Mpox vaccination
Priceline Pharmacy Moree Armidale Plaza, Shop 33-34, 2/215 Balo St, Moree NSW 2400Get Directions (02) 6751 1425 https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0915 HIV self test kit stockist
Priceline Pharmacy Pinewood Shop 49-51, 439 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley VIC 3149Get Directions (03) 9887 9044 priceline@pinewoodpharmacy.com.au https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0729 Mpox vaccination
Priceline Pharmacy Richmond Traders Shop T2, 271 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 6953 richmondpriceline@gmail.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0952 Mpox vaccination
Priceline Pharmacy The Glen Shop 102, The Glen Shopping Centre, 235 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150Get Directions (03) 9803 2003 plglen@yahoo.com https://www.priceline.com.au/store-finder/country/AU/0730 Mpox vaccination
Princess Alexandra Sexual Health (Meadowbrook) Logan Hospital, Corner Loganlea and Armstrong Roads, Meadowbrook QLD 4131Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Princess Alexandra Sexual Health (PASH) Princess Alexandra Hospital, 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3176 5881 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Princess Park Clinic 172 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5821 9655 reception@ppclinic.com.au https://www.princessparkclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Pro Health Care Walkerville 3/70 Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville SA 5081Get Directions (08) 8269 2622 walkerville@prohealthcare.com.au https://prohealthcare.com.au/medical/doctors-in-walkerville/ HIV和STI检测
PRONTO! 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9416 2889 https://thorneharbour.org/services/pronto/ HIV self test kit stockist HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
Pulse Medical Algester 8/168 Algester Road, Algester QLD 4115Get Directions (07) 3272 8543 https://www.pulsemedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall 30-32 Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill VIC 3575Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Q Clinic Wide Bay Sexual Health Service 312 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg West QLD 4670Get Directions (07) 4150 2754 BBH-QClinic@health.qld.gov.au https://www.health.qld.gov.au/widebay/our-services-and-facilities/q-clinic HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
QCGP+ 2 Winn St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 https://www.qc.org.au/qcgp HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
QuAC Clinic Hervey Bay 22 Charles Street, Hervey Bay QLD 4655Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Quay Pharmacy Shop E2-E3 Alfred Street Sydney, Circular Quay NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 9241 3566 quaypharmacy@hotmail.com https://www.quaypharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Queanbeyan Community Health Centre Sexual Health Service Cnr Collett & Erin Streets, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions 0427 893 247 https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/snswlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Queanbeyan GP Super Clinic 150 Crawford St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6297 3311 http://www.qgpsc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Queen Street Medical Centre Level 6, 141 Queen St, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3229 9355 admin@queenstmed.com.au https://queenstreetmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Queen Street Medical Centre 49 Queen Street, Moruya NSW 2537Get Directions (02) 4474 2222 https://queenstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Queensland Council for LGBTI Health Central Brunswick, 421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3017 1777 qcgp@qc.org.au https://www.qc.org.au/qcgp HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
QUT Medical Centre – Gardens Point Level 4, X Block, 2 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000Get Directions (07) 3138 3161 healthservices@qut.edu.au https://www.medical-centre.qut.edu.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
QUT Medical Centre – Kelvin Grove Level 2, 44 Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3138 3161 healthservices@qut.edu.au https://www.medical-centre.qut.edu.au/ Mpox vaccination
QV Medical Centre Level 7, 1 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9662 2256 info@qvmedical.com.au https://www.qvmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Rainbow Care Clinic 71 Bathurst Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions 1800 252 436 https://www.rainbowcareclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ramsay Pharmacy Melbourne CBD Shop 2-G07 Southern Cross Building, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 4265 https://www.ramsaypharmacy.com.au/Store-Finder/10017/Ramsay-Pharmacy-Melbourne-CBD Mpox vaccination
RAPID – Brisbane 2 Winn Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/locations HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
RAPID at Number 29 29 McLachlan Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/clubs-and-saunas HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
RAPID at Wet Spa & Sauna 22 Jeays Street, Bowen Hills QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3013 5566 info@rapid.org.au https://www.rapid.org.au/clubs-and-saunas HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
Rapido! SAMESH, 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7099 5300 https://www.samesh.org.au/rapido-rapid-hiv-testing.html HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
ReCreation Medical Centre 1232 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143Get Directions (03) 9509 5922 info@recmedical.com https://www.recmedical.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Red Hill Day & Night Pharmacy 152 Musgrave Road, Red Hill QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3369 4344 redhill_dispensary@pinnaclepharmacy.com.au https://www.redhillpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Red Hill Doctors Surgery 11 Windsor Road, Red Hill QLD 4059Get Directions (07) 3369 2444 reception@redhilldoctors.com.au https://redhilldoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Redcliffe Sexual Health Redcliffe Community Health Centre, 181 Anzac Ave, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021Get Directions (07) 3897 6300 https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/sexual-health-hiv-service HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Refugee Health Service 21 Market Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8237 3900 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/health+services+for/refugee+health+service/refugee+health+service HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Resolve Medical Centre Melton 35a Unitt St , Melton VIC 3337Get Directions (03) 8560 4999 https://automedsystems.com.au/ams/clinics/5577/resolve-medical-melton-melton-3337/doctors/ Mpox vaccination
Reynella Family Care 216 Old South Rd, Old Reynella SA 5161Get Directions (08) 8321 9099 https://reynellafamilycare.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Richmond Hill Medical Centre 2 Royal Place, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9428 4148 https://richmondhillmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Richmond Medical 9/53 Coppin St, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9429 8822 https://richmondmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Riga Medical Bluebird House, 2/137 Russell Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4602 0118 https://rigamedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Ripley Discount Drug Store 20 Main St, Ripley QLD 4306Get Directions (07) 3472 2969 ripley@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/4517/qld/discount-drug-stores-ripley/ HIV self test kit stockist
Riverside Medical Centre Shop 9 Riverside Plaza, 131 Monaro St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620Get Directions (02) 6299 6633 http://www.riversidemedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Robina Family Medical Centre 6/110 Laver Drive, Robina QLD 4226Get Directions (07) 5689 1212 practicemanager@robinafamilymedical.com.au https://www.robinadoctors.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Robinvale Community Arts Centre 37 Robin Street, Robinvale VIC 3549Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Robinvale Pharmacy 21 Perrin St, Robinvale VIC 3549Get Directions (03) 5026 3253 https://www.amcal.com.au/store-locator/vic/ Mpox vaccination
Rochester Medical Practice 40/44 Moore St, Rochester VIC 3561Get Directions (03) 5484 1304 Mpox vaccination
Rockhampton Blood Borne Viruses and Sexual Health Service 92 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700Get Directions (07) 4932 5440 92bolsoverrockhampton@health.qld.gov.au https://www.health.qld.gov.au/cq/sexualhealth HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Rohit’s Day & Night Pharmacy 10 Belmore Road, Randwick NSW 2031Get Directions (02) 9398 1777 https://healthengine.com.au/pharmacy/nsw/randwick/rohits-day-and-night-pharmacy/s93333 HIV self test kit stockist
Romsey Medical Centre 99 Main St, Romsey VIC 3434Get Directions (03) 5429 5254 doctors@romseymedical.com.au https://www.romseymedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Rowville Health 12 St Lawrance Way, Rowville VIC 3178Get Directions (03) 9764 1617 enquiry@rowvillehealth.com https://rowvillehealth.com/ HIV和STI检测
Royal Adelaide Hospital – Infectious Diseases Clinic Level 3, wing E-2, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7074 0000 https://www.rah.sa.gov.au/health-professionals/clinical-services/medical/infectious-diseases HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
RPA Sexual Health Clinic 16 Marsden Street, Camperdown NSW 2050Get Directions (02) 9515 1200 HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Rumbalara Medical Clinic 20 Rumbalara Rd, Mooroopna VIC 3629Get Directions (03) 5820 0035 https://rumbalara.org.au/services/directory/ Mpox vaccination
Sage Medical West Footscray 571 Barkly Street, West Footscray VIC 3012Get Directions (03) 8606 3206 reception@sagemedical.au https://sagemedical.au/about-us/contact-us/ Mpox vaccination
Samford Valley Medical Centre 26 Station St, Samford Village QLD 4520Get Directions (07) 3289 1712 Nurse@samfordmed.com.au https://www.samfordmed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sandringham General Practice 1/232 Bluff Road, Sandringham VIC 2192Get Directions (03) 9119 1010 admin@sacc.org.au https://sandringhamgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sandy Bay Clinic 183 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay TAS 7005Get Directions (03) 6210 0500 https://sandybayclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Scullin General Practice Shop 1, Scullin Arcade, Scullin ACT 2614Get Directions (02) 6278 3488 https://scullingeneralpractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Seaport Medical Centre 6-8 Fern Street, Portland VIC 3305Get Directions (03) 5523 2322 https://seaportmedicalcentre.com/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sebastopol Medical Centre 194 Albert St, Sebastopol VIC 3356Get Directions (03) 5336 3601 https://southerncrossgp.com.au/sebastopol/ Mpox vaccination
Serafim’s Pharmacy 389 Bourke Street (Cnr Campbell St), Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9360 4959 https://www.serafimspharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Services Mackay Community Health Centre 12-14 Nelson Street, Mackay QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4968 3919 HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) Level 1, 28 University Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6247 3077 https://www.shfpact.org.au/index.php/clinic HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Sexual Health Clinic Shoalhaven District Hospital, Shoalhaven Street, Nowra NSW 2541Get Directions (02) 4423 9353 HIV和STI检测
Sexual Health Clinic – Bamaga Northern Peninsula Area Hospital, Sagaukaz Street, Bamaga QLD 4876Get Directions (07) 4090 4219 HIV和STI检测
Sexual Health Clinic – Palm Island Beach Road, Palm Island QLD 4816Get Directions (07) 4752 5100 https://www.qld.gov.au/community/women/support-for-women/find-a-support-service/view?title=Sexual%20Health%20Clinic%20-%20Palm%20Island HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Sexual Health Clinic (Clinic 916) Coffs Harbour Health Campus Coffs Harbour Health Campus, 345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Get Directions (02) 6656 7865 https://nswhealthvam.health.nsw.gov.au/mpxv HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sexual Health North 3/5 Regent's Park Road, Joondalup WA 6027Get Directions (08) 6119 9140 https://www.sexualhealthnorth.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Sexual Health Program Cape York Health Service, Cnr Northern & Central Avenue, Rocky Point, Weipa QLD 4874Get Directions (07) 4090 6262 HIV和STI检测
Sexual Health Service – Burnie 11 Jones Street, Burnie TAS 7320Get Directions (03) 6434 6315 HIV和STI检测
Sexual Health Service – Devonport Level 1, Room 18, 23 Steele Street, Devonport TAS 7310Get Directions (03) 6336 2216 HIV和STI检测
Sexual health services – Nambour General Hospital Nambour General Hospital, 1-3 Mapleton Rd, Nambour QLD 4560Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 https://www.sunshinecoast.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-nambour-general-hospital HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测
Shaw Road Medical Centre Shop 5, 216 Shaw Road, Wavell Heights QLD 4012Get Directions (07) 3260 7525 https://www.shawroadmedical.com.au/clinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Shellharbour City General Practice Suite 14, 75 Cygnet Avenue, Shellharbour NSW 2529 Get Directions (02) 4297 0037 https://scgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Shepparton Medical Centre 49 Graham St, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5823 3100 reception@shepmed.unimelb.edu.au https://shepmed.mthc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
SHINE SA Hyde Street Practice 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 7099 5320 info@shinesa.org.au https://shinesa.org.au/health-services/hyde-street-practice/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
SHINE SA Woodville 64 Woodville Road, Woodville SA 5011Get Directions 1300 794 584 https://www.shinesa.org.au/find-clinic/ HIV和STI检测
Short Street Centre Sexual Health Clinic St George Hospital Campus, 1 Short St, Kogarah NSW 2217Get Directions (02) 9113 2742 https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/directory/short-street-centre/about-short-street-centre-ssc HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters) 70 Roe Street, Northbridge WA 6003Get Directions (08) 9227 6177 info@shq.org.au https://shq.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
SHV Box Hill Clinic 901 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128Get Directions (03) 9257 0100 https://shvic.org.au/our-reproductive-and-sexual-health-clinics HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
SHV Melbourne CBD Level 1, 94 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9660 4700 https://shvic.org.au/our-reproductive-and-sexual-health-clinics HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sibuwanay Ngurpay Meta / Thursday Island Primary Health Care Centre 74 Douglas Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875Get Directions (07) 4069 0400 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/thursday-island-primary-health-care-centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Skye Medical Armadale 11 Prospect Road, Armadale WA 6112Get Directions (08) 9399 5322 reception@skyemedicalarmadale.com https://www.skyemedicalarmadale.com/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
SmartClinics Deception Bay Medical Centre Market Square Shopping Centre, 67 Deception Bay Rd, Deception Bay QLD 4508Get Directions (07) 3204 7140 https://www.smartclinics.com.au/location/deception-bay/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Smith Street Practice 7 Smith Street, Tamworth NSW 2340Get Directions (02) 6766 7755 reception@smithstreetpractice.com.au https://www.smithstreetpractice.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Sonic HealthPlus – Darwin CBD 22 Smith Street, Darwin NT 0800Get Directions (08) 8981 4233 darwincbd@sonichealthplus.com.au https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/locations/darwin-cbd/gp-services HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Sonic HealthPlus – Mackay Unit 6/32-34 Caterpillar Drive, Paget QLD 4740Get Directions (07) 4952 5100 mackay@sonichealthplus.com.au https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/locations/mackay HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
South City Doctors Shop G4.7 148 Logan Rd, Woolloongabba QLD 4102Get Directions (07) 3156 0555 info@southcitydoctors.com.au https://southcitydoctors.com.au Mpox vaccination
South Coastal Babbingur Mia 4 Civic Boulevard, Rockingham WA 6168Get Directions (08) 9550 0900 https://www.southcoastal.org.au/women/gp-services/aboriginal-primary-health-care/abh/ HIV和STI检测
South Terrace Clinic – Fremantle Hospital (formerly B2 Clinic) A Block, South Terrace side of Fremantle Hospital, South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160Get Directions (08) 9431 2149 https://www.fhhs.health.wa.gov.au/Our-services/Service-Directory/Sexual-Health HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
South Wangaratta Medical Centre 47-51 Joyce Way, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5713 9299 https://www.dsgmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
South Wangaratta Medical Clinic 47-51 Joyce Way, Wangaratta VIC 3677Get Directions (03) 5713 9299 southwangarattamc@gmail.com https://www.dsgmc.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
South Yarra Medical 5/102 Toorak Road, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9820 1144 http://southyarramedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Southbank Medical Clinic 151 Sturt St, Southbank VIC 3006Get Directions (03) 9645 7775 https://southbankmedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Spencer Street Family Practice — Dr John Alfolabi 1/130 Spencer St, South Bunbury WA 6230Get Directions (08) 9791 7220 https://spencerstreetfp.com.au/meet-our-doctors/ HIV和STI检测
Springs Medical 10 Hospital St, Daylesford VIC 3460Get Directions (03) 5348 2227 https://springsmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Springvale South Medical Centre 796-798 Princes Hwy (corner Grace Street), Springvale VIC 3171Get Directions (03) 9547 3511 ssmc.vic@gmail.com https://www.springvalesouthmedical.com.au Mpox vaccination
St Kilda Medical Group 81 Grey Street, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5200 https://skmg.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Stanmore Station Pharmacy 104A Cambridge St, Stanmore NSW 2048Get Directions (02) 9569 4396 contact@stanmorestationpharmacy.com.au https://www.stanmorestationpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
StarHealth – Prahran 240 Malvern Road, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9525 1300 https://www.starhealth.org.au/locations/prahran/ HIV和STI检测
StarHealth – South Melbourne 341 Coventry Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205Get Directions (03) 9525 1300 https://www.starhealth.org.au/locations/south-melbourne/ HIV和STI检测
Stonewall Medical Centre 52 Newmarket Road, Windsor QLD 4030Get Directions (07) 3857 1222 https://www.stonewall.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Stratford Medical Centre 2 / 1 Kamerunga Road, Stratford QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4058 2264 https://stratfordmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
STRIP Clinic – Turner Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT 2612Get Directions (02) 6257 2855 https://www.meridianact.org.au/strip HIV和STI检测
Summit Medical Group 853 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions (03) 9923 7888 http://www.summitmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Sunnybank Pharmacist Advice Market Square Shopping Centre (next to 7/11), Shop 5/341 Mains Road, Sunnybank QLD 4109Get Directions (07) 3345 3701 sunnybank@pharmacistadvice.com.au https://www.latenightpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Sunraysia Community Health Services 137 Thirteenth Street , Mildura VIC 3500Get Directions (03) 5022 5444 https://schs.com.au/services/sexual-reproductive-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sunshine Coast HIV & Sexual Health Service – Clinic 87 (University Hospital) Level 1, 6 Doherty Street, Birtinya QLD 4575Get Directions (07) 5470 5244 https://www.sunshinecoast.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-sunshine-coast-university-hospital HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Sunshine Health Medical Clinic 25A Devonshire Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020Get Directions (03) 9311 1383 http://www.sunshinehealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Super Pharmacy Plus 621 Stafford Road, Stafford QLD 4053Get Directions (07) 3355 3052 https://superpharmacyplus.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Surrey Downs Discount Drug Store Shop 17, 501 Golden Grove Road, Surrey Downs SA 5126Get Directions (08) 8251 4141 surreydowns@discountdrugstores.com.au https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store/3652/sa/discount-drug-store-surrey-downs/ HIV self test kit stockist
Swan Hill Stadium 15 Gray Street, Swan Hill VIC 3585Get Directions (03) 5454 6000 info@bendigohealth.org.au https://bendigohealth.org.au/outreachvaccination/ Mpox vaccination
Swinburne University Health Service The George Swinburne Building, Level 4/34 Wakefield St, Hawthorn VIC 3122Get Directions (03) 9214 8483 https://www.swinburne.edu.au/life-at-swinburne/student-support-services/health-wellbeing/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Sydney Sexual Health Centre Sydney Hospital, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000Get Directions (02) 93827440 sshcmail@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au http://www.sshc.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Tailored Medical Group 53 Bay St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207Get Directions (03) 9645 1367 https://tailoredmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Tanjil Place Medical 46-48 Albert Street, Moe VIC 3825Get Directions (03) 5126 1344 https://www.ipn.com.au/gp/vic-moe-tanjil-place-medical/home/ HIV和STI检测
Taree Sexual Health Clinic Manning Base Hospital, 64 Pulteney Street, Taree NSW 2430Get Directions (02) 4016 4536 https://hnesexualhealth.org.au/index.php/taree HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Tarneit Family Medical & Dental Centre 939 Sayers Rd, Tarneit VIC 3029Get Directions (03) 8742 4676 http://www.tfmdc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
TasCAHRD 319 Liverpool Street, Hobart TAS 7000Get Directions (03) 6234 1242 https://tascahrd.org.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Taylor Square Private Clinic 393 Bourke Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9331 6151 https://www.tspc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
TerryWhite Chemist Dulwich Hill 493 Marrickville Road, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203Get Directions (02) 9569 1215 https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-dulwich-hill HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Bendigo 130 Arnold Street, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5442 5055 bendigo@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-bendigo HIV self test kit stockist
Terrywhite Chemmart Camberwell 793 Burke Road , Camberwell VIC 3124Get Directions camberwell@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/health-services/monkeypox Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Compounding Ainslie 17 Edgar Street, Ainslie ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6248 7708 ainslie@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-compounding-ainslie HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Dandenong Central Shop 23-24, 15-23 Langhorne Street, Dandenong VIC 3175Get Directions (03) 9791 7777 dandenongcentral@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-dandenong-central Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Gasworks Shop A3 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3252 1952 https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-gasworks HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Glenunga Shop 7/535-561 Portrush Rd, Glenunga SA 5064Get Directions (08) 7123 6141 glenunga@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-glenunga HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Keilor Village 686 Old Calder Highway, Keilor VIC 3036Get Directions (03) 9336 7395 keilorvillage@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-keilor-village Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Keperra Compounding 10 Dallas Parade, Keperra QLD 4054Get Directions (07) 3355 3905 dallasparade@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-keperra-compounding HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Kings Cross Shop 5/111 Darlinghurst Rd, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9358 1822 kingscross@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-kings-cross HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Knox 425 Burwood Highway , Wantirna South VIC 3152Get Directions (03) 9800 5199 knoxcity@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-knox Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Kyneton 107 Mollison St, Kyneton VIC 3444Get Directions (03) 5422 1660 kyneton@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-kyneton Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Mannum Green 86-88 Randell St, Mannum SA 5238Get Directions (08) 8569 1504 mannumgreen@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-mannum-green HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite ChemMart Melbourne Central Shop 152C, 211 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9650 8850 info@melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au https://www.melbournecentralpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Mooroopna 4 MacIsaac Road, Shop 4, Mooroopna VIC 3629Get Directions (03) 5825 3225 mooroopna@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-mooroopna Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Royal Adelaide Hospital Retail Space 4 Port Road, Adelaide SA 5000Get Directions (08) 8212 3296 royaladelaide@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-royal-adelaide-hospital HIV self test kit stockist
TerryWhite Chemmart Surrey Hills South 926 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills VIC 3127Get Directions (03) 9830 4910 surreyhillssouth@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-surrey-hills-south Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Wandin North Shop 4, 362 Warburton Highway, Wandin North VIC 3139Get Directions (03) 5964 2274 wandinnorth@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-wandin-north Mpox vaccination
TerryWhite Chemmart Werribee Shop 2/242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee VIC 3030Get Directions (03) 8742 1044 werribee@terrywhitechemmart.com.au https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/stores/terrywhite-chemmart-werribee Mpox vaccination
The Albion Centre 150-154 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010Get Directions (02) 9332 9600 http://thealbioncentre.org.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 S100 HIV治疗
The Alfred 55 Commerical Rd, Prahran VIC 3191Get Directions (03) 9076 2000 https://www.alfredhealth.org.au/contact Mpox vaccination
The Bendigo Clinic 83 Sternberg St, Bendigo VIC 3550Get Directions (03) 5443 4888 http://www.thebendigoclinic.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
The Bridge Youth Service (ages 25 and under) 127 Welsford Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions (03) 5831 2390 https://www.thebridge.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
The Bush Chemist Batlow 39 Pioneer Street, Batlow NSW 2730Get Directions (02) 6949 1153 admin@batlowpharmacy.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/batlow-2730-nsw/the-bush-chemist-batlow/pharmacy/64256a88-3085-93f7-2bfd-7d04edf9081c HIV self test kit stockist
The Centre Clinic – Thorne Harbour Health Level 3, Suite 3A, Victorian Pride Centre, 79-81 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda VIC 3182Get Directions (03) 9525 5866 https://thorneharbour.org/services/centre-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
The Courtyard Family Medical Centre 7/2060 Moggill Road, Kenmore QLD 4069Get Directions (07) 3378 6789 courtyardfamilymedical@gmail.com https://yourfamilymedical.com.au HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
The Crane General Practice 35 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9088 3258 https://www.thecranegp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
The Gap Village Doctors Shop 44-46, 1000 Waterworks Rd, The Gap QLD 4061Get Directions (07) 3708 4501 info@thegapdoctors.com.au https://www.thegapdoctors.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
The Health Centre – Federation Uni Australia Churchill Northways Rd, Churchill VIC 3842Get Directions (03) 5327 9470 https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/health/health-services-gippsland Mpox vaccination
The Health Hub Family GP 4 Waterloo Street, Glenelg SA 5045Get Directions (08) 8376 2957 https://www.healthhubgp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
The Health Spot 275 Koroit Street, Warrnambool VIC 3280Get Directions (03) 5562 4528 Practicemanager@Thehealthspot.Com.Au https://healthengine.com.au/medical-centre/vic/warrnambool/the-health-spot/s27467 HIV和STI检测
The Junction Youth Health Service (ages 25 and under) 30 Scotts Crossing, Canberra ACT 2602Get Directions (02) 6232-2423 https://www.anglicare.com.au/services/youth-family/health/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
The Lakes Clinic Forster Community Health Centre, 16 Breese Parade, Forster NSW 2428Get Directions (02) 6555 1800 HIV和STI检测
The Medical Clinic Hawthorn 585 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122Get Directions (03) 9818 1146 http://tmchawthorn.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
The Meryula Clinic 121 – 135 Corio Street, Shepparton VIC 3630Get Directions 1800 222 582 https://www.gvhealth.org.au/our-services/community-health/sexual-health-clinic/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
The Neighbourhood Clinic 329 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North VIC 3068Get Directions (03) 9043 6568 https://www.theneighbourhood.clinic/ HIV和STI检测
The Pharmacy Common Richmond 521 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121Get Directions (03) 9421 5888 https://thepharmacycommon.com/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
The Pharmacy on Bunda 126 Bunda Street, Canberra City ACT 2601Get Directions (02) 6248 5250 https://www.thepharmacynetwork.com.au/our-pharmacies/bunda/ HIV self test kit stockist
The Practice at Clem Jones Centre Suite 3103, 56 Zahel Street, Carina QLD 4152Get Directions (07) 3522 1868 admin@tpcjc.com.au https://tpcjc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
The Royal Melbourne Hospital – Victorian Infectious Diseases Service (VIDS) 300 Grattan Street, Parkville VIC 3052Get Directions (03) 9342 7393 https://www.thermh.org.au/services/victorian-infectious-diseases-service/vids-services/infectious-diseases HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
The Valley Discount Drug Store 421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006Get Directions (07) 3257 7761 https://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/store-locator/discount-drug-stores-the-valley HIV self test kit stockist
The Western Medical Centre 168 Somerville Rd, Yarraville VIC 3013Get Directions (03) 9351 7699 http://www.thewesternmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
The Zone – Kwinana Youth Sexual Health Clinic (ages 25 and under) Cnr Gilmore Avenue and Darius Drive, Kwinana WA 6167Get Directions (08) 9236 4550 zone@kwinana.wa.gov.au https://www.kwinana.wa.gov.au/our-facilities/zone-youth-space/Pages/default.aspx HIV和STI检测
Thompson Road Clinic 2 Woodbine Road (Cnr Thompson Rd), Cranbourne North VIC 3977Get Directions (03) 5996 9000 https://familydoctor.com.au/thompsonroadclinic/ Mpox vaccination
Thorne Harbour Health 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9525 5866 enquiries@thorneharbour.org https://thorneharbour.org/sexual-health/mpox/ HIV self test kit stockist Mpox vaccination
Thrive Medical 170 Crystal Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880Get Directions (08) 8087 9383 https://www.thrivemed.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Tobwabba Aboriginal Medical Service 68A MacIntosh St, Forster NSW 2428Get Directions (02) 6555 6271 clinic@tobwabba.org.au https://tobwabba.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Toowoomba Sexual Health Service – Kobi Place Browne House, Baillie Henderson Hospital, Cnr Hogg and Tor Streets, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4699 7000 kobiplace@health.qld.gov.au https://www.darlingdowns.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services/sexual-health-services-baillie-henderson-hospital HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Level 6, William McCormack Building, 5b Sheridan St, Cairns QLD 4870Get Directions (07) 4226 5970 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测
Total Health Medical Centre Shop 11, Cedar Park Shopping Centre, 1 Swordfish Avenue, Yeppoon QLD 4703Get Directions (07) 4939 1888 nurses@thmc.com.au https://totalhealthmedical.com.au Mpox vaccination
Total Wellbeing Medical & Counselling Centre 522 Middleborough Road, Blackburn North VIC 3130Get Directions (03) 9855 9555 medical@totalwellbeing.com.au https://totalwellbeing.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Total Wellness Health 113 Military Road, Avondale Heights VIC 3034Get Directions (03) 9378 2723 https://totalwellnesshealth.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Townsville Sexual Health Service 35 Gregory Street, North Ward QLD 4810Get Directions (07) 4433 9600 TSV-SHS-Triage@health.qld.gov.au https://www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/services/sexual-health/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
trans[TEST] Kings Cross Clinic 180, 180 Victoria Street, Potts Point NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9206 2000 transtest@acon.org.au https://endinghiv.org.au/test-often/transtest/ HIV和STI检测 同伴开展的检测 快速HIV检测
Traralgon Doctors 124 Princes Highway, Traralgon VIC 3844Get Directions (03) 5174 6766 reception@traralgondoctors.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/traralgon-3844-vic/traralgon-doctors/gp-general-practice/65224065-a4dc-8d81-e9c7-df3fc2cbf844 Mpox vaccination
Trentham Pharmacy 43a High St, Trentham VIC 3458Get Directions (03) 5424 1000 trenthampharmacy@gmail.com Mpox vaccination
True Relationships and Reproductive Health – Toowoomba Level 1, 661 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350Get Directions (07) 4632 8166 twbadmin@true.org.au https://www.true.org.au/clinic/find-a-clinic/toowoomba HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Tucker Road Pharmacy 73A Tucker Road, Bentleigh VIC 3204Get Directions (03) 9557 3320 Tuckerrdpharmacy@yahoo.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/bentleigh-3204-vic/tucker-road-pharmacy/pharmacy/590ccdb1-2c07-edca-52cf-55e6903b5f76 Mpox vaccination
Turn The Corner Medical Clinic – Brunswick 301 Albert Street, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions 1300 557 502 reception@turnthecorner.com.au https://www.turnthecorner.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Turn The Corner Medical Clinic – Northcote 409 High Street, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions 1300 557 502 reception@turnthecorner.com.au https://www.turnthecorner.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
U Pharmacy Prahran Prahran Central, Shop G.11, 325 Chapel Street, Prahran VIC 3181Get Directions (03) 9525 0888 prahran@wholelife.com.au https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/prahran-3181-vic/u-pharmacy-prahran/pharmacy/bc2b3366-c546-0f25-767b-b944a3d3dd03 HIV self test kit stockist
Union Pharmacy – University of Sydney Level 3, Wentworth Building, Cnr Butlin Ave, Darlington NSW 2008Get Directions (02) 9660 3338 theunionpharmacy@gmail.com https://usu.edu.au/health-services/union-pharmacy HIV self test kit stockist
United Chemists North Lakes Shop 2A, Hilltop Village Shopping Centre, 71 Astley Parade, North Lakes QLD 4509Get Directions (07) 3491 8322 http://www.unitedchemists.net.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
United Chemists Packenham Shop 1 Pakenham Central Marketplace, Corner Henry & John Streets, Pakenham VIC 3810Get Directions (03) 5940 4295 pakenham@udc.net.au https://www.unitedchemists.net.au/home.html HIV self test kit stockist
United Medical Centre Waverley 837 – 839 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170Get Directions (03) 9132 5111 https://www.unitedmedicalcentre.com.au/waverley/ Mpox vaccination
University of Canberra Medical and Counselling Centre Building 1, Level B / 1 Kirinari St, Bruce ACT 2617Get Directions (02) 6201 2351 http://www.canberra.edu.au/on-campus/health-and-childcare-services/medical-counselling HIV和STI检测
University of Melbourne Health Service 138–146 Cardigan St, Carlton VIC 3053Get Directions (03) 8344 6904 https://services.unimelb.edu.au/health HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Utopia Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health 5 Alexandra Avenue, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029Get Directions (03) 8001 3049 https://www.utopiarefugeehealth.com/ Mpox vaccination
UWA Health and Medical Services Second Floor, Guild Village (South Wing), 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009Get Directions (08) 6488 2118 reception-medcentre@uwa.edu.au https://www.uwa.edu.au/students/Support-services/medical-centre HIV和STI检测
Victoria Harbour Medical Centre entrance via 850 Collins St, Merchant St, Docklands VIC 3008Get Directions (03) 9629 1414 https://www.victoriaharbourmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Victoria Point Surgery Corner Bunker and Cleveland Redland Bay Road, Victoria Point QLD 4165Get Directions (07) 3207 8222 https://www.victoriapointsurgery.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Victoria Street Medical Group 318 Victoria Street, Brunswick VIC 3056Get Directions (03) 8560 3040 https://www.victoriastreetmedicalgroup.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) – Fitzroy 186 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065Get Directions (03) 9419 3000 https://www.vahs.org.au/ Mpox vaccination
View Street Medical 14-16 View Street, North Perth WA 6006Get Directions (08) 9227 0170 https://viewstreetmedical.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Vineyard Medical Centre 2-6 Sussex Court, Sunbury VIC 3429Get Directions (03) 9216 5600 https://www.vineyardmedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Vita Medical Centre 375 King Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003Get Directions (03) 9193 6221 https://www.vitamedicalcentre.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Vitalis Family Medical Practice 550 Princes Highway, Kirrawee NSW 2232Get Directions (02) 8123 1133 reception@vfmp.com.au https://www.vfmp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
WAAC 664 Murray St, West Perth WA 6005Get Directions (08) 9482 0000 hello@waac.com.au https://www.waac.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Wagga Wagga Sexual Health Service Health Services Hub, 260-280 Edward Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650Get Directions (02) 5943 2830 MLHD-WaggaSexualHealthService@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/mlhd/our-services/sexual-health-services HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Wallace Street Pharmacy 7 Wallace Street, Macksville NSW 2447Get Directions (02) 6568 1040 wallacestpharmacy@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/WallaceStPharmacy/ HIV self test kit stockist
Waratah Clinic – St George Hospital 2 South St, Kogarah NSW 2217Get Directions (02) 9113 2957 Sharon.Robinson1@health.nsw.gov.au https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/st-george-hospital/services-clinics/directory/waratah-clinic HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Warmun Aboriginal Remote Area Health Service Ord Street, Warmun WA 6743Get Directions (08) 9166 3800 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080171/warmun-remote-area-health-service/services/warmun-6743-ord#30190798 HIV和STI检测
Warrandyte Road Clinic 44 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood VIC 3134Get Directions (03) 9870 9000 info@wrclinic.com.au https://wrclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Warren District Family Practice — Dr. James Bowie Warren District Family Practice, 28 Graphite Rd, Manjimup WA 6258Get Directions (08) 9771 1683 HIV和STI检测
Weipa Integrated Health Service 407 John Evans Drive, Weipa QLD 4874Get Directions (07) 4082 3900 https://www.torres-cape.health.qld.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres/weipa-integrated-health-service HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Wellcare Medical Centre Shop 6 – Kingston Palms Shopping Centre, 2-4 Juers St, Kingston QLD 4114Get Directions (07) 3133 4483 info@wmc.org.au https://wellcaremedicalcentre.org.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Wellington Medical Centre — Dr. Lee Ming Yap Wellington Medical Centre, 115 Uduc Road, Harvey WA 6220Get Directions (08) 9729 1064 https://healthengine.com.au/doctor/wa/harvey/dr-lee-yap/p3283 HIV和STI检测
Wentworth/Balranald Sexual Health Service Dareton Primary Health Centre, 42-44 Tapio Street, Dareton SA 2717Get Directions (03) 5021 7200 HIV和STI检测
West Brunswick Clinic 9 Melville Rd, Brunswick West VIC 3055Get Directions (03) 9387 9088 https://wbc.net.au/ HIV和STI检测
Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre — Parramatta Health Service Jeffrey House, 162 Marsden Street, Parramatta NSW 2150Get Directions (02) 9843 3124 https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre/home/western-sydney-sexual-health-centre HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination 快速HIV检测 S100 HIV治疗
Westgroup Medical 14 Victoria Square, St Albans VIC 3021Get Directions (03) 9356 9511 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/st-albans-3021-vic/westgroup-medical/gp-general-practice/9d4681a2-a9b0-1e86-3819-c32b4e4da2d2 Mpox vaccination
Westwood Medical Centre 3/40-44 Trafford St, Angle Park SA 5010Get Directions (08) 8300 7200 https://westwoodmc.com.au/ HIV和STI检测
Wilcannia Multi-Purpose Service (Outreach service) 1-4 Ross Street, Wilcannia NSW 2836Get Directions (08) 8080 1100 https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/fwlhd/facilities/wilcannia-multipurpose-service HIV和STI检测
Wilks Street Medical Practice 17 Wilks St, Caulfield North VIC 3161Get Directions (03) 9077 9997 info@wilkstreetmedical.com.au https://wilkstreetmedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service 63 Boolimba Cres, Narrabundah ACT 2604Get Directions (02) 6284 6222 https://winnunga.org.au/clinical/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination S100 HIV治疗
Wollongong Community Health Centre Piccadilly Centre Unit 28/29, 341 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500Get Directions (02) 4253 0300 https://www.islhd.health.nsw.gov.au/community-health-centres HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Wooloomooloo Pharmacy 9/162 Cathedral Street, (Corner of Bourke Street, next to Police Station), Woolloomooloo NSW 2011Get Directions (02) 9357 2710 https://www.wpharmacy.com.au/ HIV self test kit stockist
Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service 25 Third St, Katherine NT 0851Get Directions (08) 8972 9100 wurli@wurli.org.au https://www.wurli.org.au/ HIV和STI检测
Wyndham Aboriginal Community Health Service Minderoo Road, Wyndham WA 6740Get Directions (08) 9161 0262 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/20080169/wyndham-community-health-service/services/wyndham-6740-minderoo#nurse-led-clinic/s HIV和STI检测
Yarra Medical The Hive Shopping Centre, 25/313 Victoria St, Abbotsford VIC 3067Get Directions (03) 9027 6262 https://yarramedical.com.au/ Mpox vaccination
Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre G2 657 Chapel Street, South Yarra VIC 3141Get Directions (03) 9826 9111 info@ymcc.au https://ymcc.au/ Mpox vaccination
Yarra Ranges Medical Clinic 411 Clegg Road, Wandin North VIC 3139Get Directions (03) 5964 2700 https://www.facebook.com/YarraRangesMedicalClinic/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Yarram Medical Centre 85-91 Commercial Road, Yarram VIC 3971Get Directions (03) 5182 0222 https://www.ydhs.com.au/medical-services/ymc/sexual-health-in-practice/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
Yeppoon Family Practice 48 Normanby Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703Get Directions (07) 4913 9300 https://www.yfp.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 Mpox vaccination
You Yangs Medical Clinic 45 Walkers Road, Lara VIC 3212Get Directions (03) 5282 2999 https://youyangsmedicalclinic.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Young People’s Health Service Basement Level, 19 King Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Get Directions (03) 9453 8590 young.people@rch.org.au https://www.rch.org.au/adolescent-medicine/young-peoples-health-service/ Mpox vaccination
Your Community Health (wulempuri dhumba – Northcote) 42 Separation Street, Northcote VIC 3070Get Directions (03) 8609 6009 https://www.yourch.org.au/services/mpox/ Mpox vaccination
YourGP@Crace 1/5 Baratta Street, Crace ACT 2911Get Directions (02) 6109 0000 https://www.yourgpcrace.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
YourGP@Denman 1B Felstead Vista, Denman Prospect ACT 2611Get Directions (02) 6109 0000 https://www.yourgpdenman.com.au/ HIV和STI检测 S100 HIV治疗
Yura Yungi Aboriginal Health Service 342 Terone Street, Halls Creek WA 6770Get Directions (08) 9168 6266 HIV和STI检测