Guys like Wade use condoms to prevent HIV

Across Australia, guys are using different methods to stop the spread of HIV. For Wade, that means choosing condoms when he’s having sex with other guys besides his regular partner.
Condoms stop HIV: this is Wade’s story
Wade runs a successful hairdressing business with his partner of almost 10 years. Being an Aboriginal/Polynesian Australian, he’s passionate about inclusivity and was keen to talk with Emen8 about how he prevents HIV.
Describing his relationship as sometimes open and sometimes not, Wade talks about occasionally having sex with other guys when it’s right for everyone. And when it comes to looking after himself, his regular partner and the guys they have sex with, choosing condoms works for Wade.
“We do have sex with other guys if the situation arises and we want to,”
Besides being cheap, readily available and straightforward to use, Wade likes knowing there’s a physical barrier in place — it’s reassurance that he’s doing his part to avoid HIV and help prevent other STIs.
Of course, Wade understands the importance of regular HIV and STI testing as well. It’s just one of many ways he and his partner show their love and commitment to each other.
“I feel like I’m in control when I use condoms.”
Being honest, using condoms and not being afraid to talk about sexual health with his regular and casual partners are all important factors for Wade to stay safe, happy and in control.
New cases of HIV in Australia are decreasing thanks to the ongoing efforts of guys who are choosing and combining the various different ways to prevent HIV — Guys like Wade. Guys like you. Guys like us.
Real guys making real choices
Guys across Australia are using different methods to stop the spread of HIV. We caught up with other guys around the country to find out how they each make choices, and how that can sometimes change based on the circumstances. Check out their videos here:
- Guys like Jason and Jeff use PrEP to prevent HIV
- Guys like Johann stay undetectable to prevent HIV
- Guys like Tom use PrEP to prevent HIV
- Guys like Gregory and Michael use condoms to prevent HIV
- Guys like Carlos stay undetectable to prevent HIV
Many ways to prevent HIV
From using condoms to highly effective preventative medicines, different methods work for different guys, and that can all change depending on the circumstances. Discover more about this in Using four great options to prevent HIV: a combination for success
So whether you rely on PrEP, an undetectable viral load, condoms, an emergency course of PEP when it’s needed, or even a blend of options, having real conversations about real choices is the foundation for everyone’s safety and enjoyment.
For more information on HIV prevention methods, check out these articles:
- Undetectable viral load : UVL 101: Undetectable = Safe
- PrEP : Introducing PrEP – the little blue pill making a big impact
- PEP : PEP: Protecting you against HIV when you need it
- A guide for comparing options : Wanna compare tools? Here’s how safe sex choices measure up down under
Discover more about sexual health topics by checking out our Knowledge Hub. And if there’s anything you’d like to know or discuss, contact us or start a conversation on Facebook Messenger.
If it’s been more than three months since you last had comprehensive HIV and STIs tests, our interactive map will help you locate testing services nearby and across Australia.
You can also reach out to your local HIV/AIDS or LGBTI health organisation as well as community groups providing support to people living with HIV, and for people considering PrEP. You can find their details in our national network of partners.