Travel and party

Did you know?

In 2008 scientists first realised HIV positive undetectable people cannot sexually transmit the virus

To find out more, check out our article about it here.

Travel and party safely as a guy into other guys

Planning your next trip? Emen8 covers a range of topics related to travel in Australia and overseas. We provide advice tailored to travelling as a guy into other guys.

Discover Australia’s gay side

There’s a lot to discover on a trip Down Under! Whether you’re a local or visiting from overseas, we’ve got the information you need to enjoy a gaycation in Australia.

Check out our essential guides for gay-friendly travel around Australia:

Explore the international gay scene

A big, wide, gay world is out there waiting for you. Explore the international gay scene from Southeast Asia to Europe with our overseas travel tips created for guys into other guys. We answer a range of questions to help make your trip as smooth as possible:

Learn more about Emen8

We recognise that LGBTQ+ men’s lives are diverse, that our experiences are broad, and that wellbeing isn’t just about how we have sex. That’s why we cover news, travel, culture, wellbeing and so much more! Learn more about Emen8 here.