Unpacked: sexual health in 2024, a year in review

By Oli McAuslan, updated 2 months ago in Health / Sexual health


Welcome to another year of hot sexual health tips and tricks.

What a year we had at Emen8 HQ; between mpox outbreaks, meme dumps, PrEP shortages and new STI prevention methods, it’s been a busy one!

So, we thought we’d unpack what happened over 2024 in sexual health and how you as a community showed up for yourselves and each other by managing some tricky circumstances.

If you prefer to listen than read, check out our ‘2024 Year End Review with Emen8’ on the Well, Well, Well podcast.

Mpox came back, but not for long!

It was the comeback no one asked for. Since April 2024, there’s been a second outbreak of mpox cases in Australia. Although new mpox cases have slowed since November, we’re not out of the woods yet!

The good news is we think you’ve all had something to do with this decline since you’ve been getting vaccinated and tested. It’s clearly working – so keep it up. This couldn’t have been possible without the local clinics and sex-on-premises venues that had pop-up mpox vaccination clinics, with the assistance of local LGBTQ health organisations. Thank you!

Although cases are decreasing, if you haven’t received both doses of your mpox vaccination, it’s not too late. With Midsumma and Mardi Gras festival starting in late January, make sure you have maximum protection.

In November, we launched a national mpox campaign. The videos star exceptional community talent who teach us key facts about mpox. Ahead of 2025’s party season, there’s still time to protect your play by getting two doses of the vaccine (especially before travelling) and knowing the symptoms of mpox. Check out some of the content below, and feel free to give it a like or share if you come across it in the wild!


PrEP supply ran low, and the community stepped up

In September, a PrEP supply issue left most chemists out of stock. The community responses we saw were fantastic, such as people sharing information about which chemists in their area people might still get PrEP from and that personal importation was a valid option. We also posted a blog to help you stay on top of your PrEP regimen during a supply issue.

Need a refill? Lots of people take PrEP differently (such as on-demand) depending on how much sex they are having. If you’re on PrEP or previously on PrEP, we recommend you always have a bottle on standby; you never know when you’ll need it, and it will save any last-minute rushing around.

Our friends at PAN (PrEPaccessNOW) also created a map to check the stock of PrEP at local pharmacies around Australia. These responses show that gay and bi+ guys are proactive about staying protected against HIV, which we love to see!

Emen8’s meme dump mastery

You called for it, and we listened. We upped our social media game this year, and you loved it!

Your favourite memes for 2024:

Plump, sweet and begging for cream

supermarket sign reads beggin for cream

Portable glory-hole

wood carved portable glory hole

Mall marriage proposal

two guys in bathroom stall

Follow us on Instagram for more meme mayhem, down-to-earth health advice and tips for bringing a strong sex and dating game in 2025!

Injectable PrEP could be coming to Australia soon…

New ways of taking PrEP has been one of the buzz topics of 2024. Not only did you love our article on long-acting injectable PrEP, but more than 70% of PrEP users in Australia would prefer using long-acting forms of PrEP instead of daily pills.

Clinical trial results of Lenacapavir — a 6-monthly injectable PrEP option — show remarkable success, and we hope this means it will become available here in the next few years. Keep your eyes on Emen8 as we bring you the latest sexual health developments you’ll want to know about.

Doxy-PEP — could a pill prevent STIs?

Another exciting development for sexual health this year was a lot more talk of Doxy-PEP coming Down Under. Doxy-PEP involves using Doxycycline, an antibiotic that can significantly reduce your risk of acquiring syphilis and chlamydia when taken shortly after sex.

It’s been rolled out in other countries, like the US, and it’s the first time STI cases have dropped among gay and bi+ guys in these areas in the last 20 years.

NSW Health released a Doxy-PEP decision aid to help you and your doctor decide if Doxy-PEP could be right for you.

The advances in prevention and treatment we have seen this year are adding more options to the sexual health toolkit for gay and bi+ guys. Check out our interactive Toolkit for all your sexual health essentials!

HIV self-test kits rolled out across Australia


A new, easy and discreet way of testing for HIV has made its way to you this year. These nifty self-testing kits give you rapid test results in the privacy of your own home.

You can order them online for free or get them at CONNECT vending machines in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and soon to be nationwide. News from the pilot vending machine program in Adelaide revealed that 64% of users had never tested for HIV before.

This is a big win, encouraging frequent HIV testing from every corner of the country!

Don’t get blogged down in it

The Emen8 website has been getting a serious workout with all your views in 2024! We dropped 40 new articles for your pleasure last year. Let’s relive some of your faves:

Turns out you guys love sex and dating – who would have thought!?

We are gooning with excitement to unload more hot, juicy content on you in 2025. Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay on top of your sexual health… and enjoy that delicious, spicy content!