
How to get PrEP in Adelaide and South Australia

By Chris Williams, updated 1 month ago in Health / Sexual health

Blue pills PrEP in South Australia

Based in Adelaide or South Australia and want to know how to get PrEP? Here’s everything you need to know about finding a doctor, PrEP on the PBS, buying online and free PrEP for anyone who needs it.

There are new ways to use PrEP in Australia. Whether you want HIV protection for a one-off encounter, full-time coverage or anything in between, there’s a PrEP option to suit you. Use our PrEP Selector tool to find out which option could suit your needs.

PrEP on the PBS and in local pharmacies

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is the list of government-subsidised medicines available to people with Medicare.

Since April 1, 2018, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) has been available on the PBS. You can purchase PrEP with a valid prescription from any local pharmacy in Australia for no more than $31.60 per month. This is the current maximum PBS cost.

For patients with a concession (Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card holders), PrEP costs no more than $7.70 per month.

Further cost savings may be available for anyone with a concession, anyone who buys other PBS medicines, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, people without Medicare, or anyone who can’t afford PrEP. Discover your options in How to buy PrEP – even if you can’t afford it.

While any pharmacy can dispense PrEP, it might not always be in stock. It is best to check with your pharmacy in advance. PrEP can be ordered for you, though this could take a few days. Be sure to top up your supply before you run out.

Finding a doctor

Several doctors in South Australia prescribe PrEP. Although any doctor or sexual health nurse can prescribe PrEP, some might not know about it.

If you are uncertain whether your doctor knows about PrEP, You can show them this letter. The letter provides information to help your doctor prescribe PrEP and manage your healthcare.

Community groups such as PrEP’D For Change and PAN (PrEPaccessNOW) provide interactive maps to locate doctors known to prescribe PrEP near you.

Buying online for personal import

Whether you do or don’t have Medicare you can personally import PrEP from an online pharmacy. Prices start from around $20 per month.

You will still need to see a doctor for sexual health tests and obtain a prescription for ordering PrEP online.

Find our comprehensive guide for importing PrEP in How to buy PrEP online for personal importation.

Free PrEP through financial support

If you cannot afford PrEP for any reason, PAN offers a scheme to provide free PrEP.

PrEP is a program

Using PrEP is just one step in maintaining a sexual health strategy. This involves using PrEP as advised and seeing a doctor or sexual health centre every three months for a sexual health check-up to test for HIV and STIs.

While PrEP protects against HIV, it doesn’t protect against STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis. Testing regularly and receiving treatment, if necessary, is a great way to stay healthy and help curb the spread of STIs. Using a condom every time you have sex helps prevent most STIs.

Where to find help and support

For friendly advice and information, talk to us on Messenger or get in touch through our contact form.

Alternatively, check out Got a PrEP question? Here’s where to find support

How to get PrEP elsewhere in Australia

PrEP is available across Australia now. Click on your state/territory for information on how to get PrEP: