Dating and relationships When can I stop using condoms or PrEP with my boyfriend? The good news is that you’ve got plenty of choices to look after your sexual health and have the sex you want in your relationship.
LGBT people and culture Guys like Vincent work to stop the spread of HIV Across Australia, guys are using different methods to stop the spread of HIV with help from sexual health specialists like Dr Vincent.
LGBT people and culture Guys like Carlos stay undetectable to prevent HIV Carlos lives with HIV and uses treatment to stay healthy and eliminate the possibility of transmitting the virus.
LGBT people and culture Guys like Gregory and Michael use condoms to prevent HIV Gregory and Michael use condoms to keep themselves, each other and other guys safe.
LGBT people and culture Guys like Tom use PrEP to prevent HIV Across Australia, guys are using different methods to stop the spread of HIV. Tom uses PrEP combined with condoms for helping prevent STIs too.
LGBT people and culture Guys like Wade use condoms to prevent HIV Wade chooses condoms when he’s having sex with other guys besides his regular partner.
Sexual health Using four great options to prevent HIV: a combination for success From condoms to preventative medicines, different methods work for different guys, and that can all change depending on the circumstances.
Did you know? PrEP has helped achieve the lowest volume of new HIV transmissions reported in NSW since 1985 Discover more in Wanna compare tools? Here’s how safe sex choices measure up down under
Sex Condoms and KonMari – tidying up the little drawer that really sparks joy Draw the curtains, order that skip bin and join us for seven steps to decluttering your toy box.
Sexual health HIV 101: 2025 edition In the last few years, there have been some remarkable leaps and bounds. Welcome to HIV in the 21st century.
Sex Without condoms I don’t feel he’s safe… from me Can Theo and Guy negotiate a way to both stay safe and happy?
Sexual health What’s happening with STIs? It's no secret that STI rates have been increasing in Australia. But what can we do about it?
Sex Getting stuck in with some lube connoisseurs Are all lubes created equal and what's important to know about the different kinds, especially when condoms or toys are in the mix?
Sexual health Wanna compare tools? Here’s how safe sex choices measure up down under We look at the increasingly broad selection of sexual health strategies available without losing sight of traditional methods.
Sex How to get the perfect sized condom online, custom-made to fit you Why not order some custom-made condoms to suit your schlong's exact measurements?
Sex Why can’t everyone just use a condom? Like it or not, some people can't or don't want to use condoms. We investigate some of the reasons and alternative options.
Sex He told me he’s on PrEP and wanted raw sex. Here’s what I said. He leans in and whispers "I really wanna fuck you raw", pauses, then adds "I'm on PrEP".