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Did you know?

By starting and staying on HIV treatment, over 90% of people will reach an undetectable viral load within 3 to 6 months, or even sooner!

Discover more in UVL 101: Undetectable = Safe

Let’s talk about sex

Are you curious about threesomes or kink? Maybe you want to know more about cock rings and rimming. Or perhaps you’re looking for fun ways to use condoms and lube. Whatever you’re into, we’re here to help you enjoy sex, in and out of relationships, safely.

So, if you’re looking for non-judgmental guidance on gay or bi sex with guys, here are a few articles to get you started:

Enjoy sex while looking after your health

Looking after your sexual health doesn’t mean you have to compromise on pleasure! Tools such as condoms, PrEP, PEP, and undetectable viral load can help you minimise the risks and still enjoy the sex you want. If you want to compare tools, here’s how modern safe-sex choices measure up.

If we used a term you don’t know, or you’re not sure what these tools are, don’t sweat it — we’ve got you covered in The sexual health terms every gay and bi man should know.

Learn more about Emen8

We recognise that LGBTQ+ men’s lives are diverse, that our experiences are broad, and that wellbeing isn’t just about how we have sex. That’s why we cover news, travel, culture, and much more! Learn more about Emen8 here.

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